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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Good things they have these rocket scientists controlling the purse strings: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/psaki-pressed-covid-schools-funding
  2. Count me among those that could not have picked him out of a lineup. #noracist #noracist.
  3. Speaking of Q ... maybe he's still processing the 60 Minutes episode on DeSantis.
  4. The closest I have is a Facebook friend who I grew up with. Funny enough he was our elementary class clown. He's always posting crazy stuff on Facebook, but I am not sure if it is Q ... again, really the only thing I know about it is what I hear other people talking about from a CR perspective. As far as I can tell he smokes A LOT of weed ... and his stuff is a mix of pro-weed, Rothschild (SP for Brisket?), etc., stuff. I think his is a mix of Nation of Islam and general conspiracy stuff like Jewish coins show the 9/11 attacks ... Agree 100% on your later post ... there definitely is a type that gets sucked into these kinds of conspiracies ... usually trying to fill a hole somewhere emotionally, etc. <off topic warning> Broadly, as Christianity continues to decline in the West, I think many have made "politics" their religion whether it is Q or TDS.
  5. I get the sense that the Q strawman-bogeyman conspiracy likely has outgrown the actual Q conspiracy thing.
  6. She's preparing to take a sip of water clearly. Q photoshopped it out so you cannot see it.
  7. I regret I have not encountered an actual, legitimate Q person. I genuinely want to interact with someone that believes in Jewish Space Lazers (I think that's part of it but honestly not 100% sure).
  8. And without the courtesy to at least use a Jenny McCartney anti-vaxx meme ...
  9. Karens going to Karen ... at least the usher at the Ranger games acknowledged my hands were full when he admonished me to put my mask back on ... I'm with you as shocking as it will be to many ... adults are capable of processing information and making their own unique risk-assessment and related decisions ... if one is attending a sporting event or performance, I assume one has done the calculation and are will to accept that risk. And LOL at Fauci and water ...
  10. I hope that's all it is ... it's scary people still actually believe what they promote.
  11. Went to the game yesterday ... new ballpark gets a C. Overall, it lacks the character of the Temple and really does not have any interesting features. It's very bland besides being an obvious copy of Enron (sue me). The biggest problem that will be a shit show is the 200 and 300 levels share a single concourse - lines were terribly long for concessions and the john. Baylor's McLane stadium has the same design and similar terrible lines. I do not think they fully thought that through ... no one is going to want to stand in line for an hour for a $10 hot dog. Maybe I'm just grumpy because of whatever that is on the field, but I think it will be a disaster whenever there are big crowds.
  12. He's an all around disaster. The worst was last year's All Star Game when he wore a damn mask to through out the first pitch and then was seen in the stands without it. Not to mention his initial (correct) assessment that masks are not really effective and his silly walkback around "I did not not want to cause a run on PPE."
  13. 100%. However (not you per se), why all the histrionics about the state lifting the mandate? That's why this conversation always feels like starting with a conclusion and picking facts to meet it: 1) California cases spike after it locks down in December ... it's just crazy anti-maskers defying the order; 2) Texas cases fall after the state mandate is lifted ... people are responsible and still wear masks. For me (and I think others) this is partly why it is hard to take many seriously when it comes to so-called "science." When the answer always is the answer regardless of the data one is not discussing facts or science but an agenda.
  14. So much this across the U.S. Most large cities have no discernible middle class. Basically the rich who can hide behind their gates and the poors ... the middle class workers and visitors get to deal with the homeless fun.
  15. "but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles," - I Cor 1:23
  16. Contemporary Americans continually attempt to proscribe current values on the past. The Gospels are not history. Treating them as such will lead to a dissatisfaction.
  17. What's your's on clutching your pearls in isolation for a year? Sorry ... your vag lips.
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