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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Put me in the category of anxiously awaiting what happens for GAF topics.
  2. I too had that reaction. My first thought was: "wait, I thought we were all fast-food-addicted fatties." That's when I realized he's just bloviating to fit the narrative.
  3. I think his point is that it is unfair to judge people based on their physical appearance because physical appearance does not correlate with competency. He just wraps it in the standard woke playbook gobbledegook.
  4. Add it to my list of grievances against my guidance counselor.
  5. So what I hear you say is maybe some of the histrionics over Abbott's lifting of the statewide mask mandate was mere political theater?
  6. Anyone able to access the data that quantifies the spike in cases and deaths since Gov. Abbott lifted the statewide mask mandate?
  7. We've basically lived a normal life since May. Was in Mexico the first day it re-opened last June, did summer vacation in the states, and Spring Break in Chicago this year. Didn't miss a family holiday. To each his own - that's the great thing about freedom. I still enjoy the look on my Northeastern and California co-workers faces when I tell them about our lives.
  8. Same. Part of me is like, we're a football school so WTF not roll the dice knowing you're either going to catch lightening in a bottle or hiring a new coach in two years ... the realist is like make the smart choice and don't risk burning bridges with a proven, great coach. Rationally, Ivey does have the resume to run a multi-million-dollar business, which is a big part of the head guy's job.
  9. I know this will be unpopular, but pornography is a very real issue. I do think there is a psychological distinction between watching an actual "porno," which by definition implies a very real level of fantasy. But watching a "girl next door" on PornHub sharing a double-dildo with her roommate while blowing her boyfriend makes it hard to get up for missionary with a solid 7. The democratization and proliferation of porn is not without consequences.
  10. Stupid aggy should have had Ramjet paint the lipstick on her instead of the freaking freshman intern.
  11. In all seriousness, I think this probably is one of the myriad aspects of life that social media has completely disrupted. Having one's self-image and social value derived from the number of likes and followers one has does not catalyst real human connection either health or unhealthy. Add that to the obvious impossible standards created by the filtered "influencers." Sure Gen X looked at porn and had supermodels, but subconsciously most of us realized they were the airbrushed exception. When you see thousands of physically perfect girls next door online all day, hard to find satisfaction in a non-airbrushed, normal hottie at the local dive bar. Social media has promulgated FOMO an dissatisfaction in all aspects of life, so of course sex would be part of it.
  12. One of my favorite thing about HEB is its private labels often are better than brand names. We stock on on HEB storage bags whenever we're through town.
  13. I was not speaking specifically about this event; my point was more general but in the in context of the discussion around whether this even was or was not being politicized and by whom.
  14. Generally, I do not think it is helpful when we try to nationalize small, local events. Each time something happens in some town does not necessarily speak to our national identity, history, culture, politics, etc. That's exponentially exacerbated by a garbage media that sees no value in checking facts, seeking context, or verifying information.
  15. That's where I think there is a lot of rationale disconnect in the mask question. Of course, properly fitted, medical grade masks will help. But virtually no one is properly fitting, medical-grade masks. Dr. Fauci said a year ago that cloth masks probably do more harm than good for the reasons you noted - people play with them then touch their faces and other items in public as well as the false sense of security risk. Once it became a political football and critical virtue signal, all reasonable discussion went out the door. Now masks basically are political theater. That being said, I still happily wear mine.
  16. I did learn over Christmas break that it's easier for me to get my daughter a penis than a tattoo in Texas and many states.
  17. Good to see aggy going woke and all-in on the men in women's sports thing.
  18. Insufferable Karens + Beta Culture = No Sex.
  19. The Speigel catalog made my pants feel funny.
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