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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Mach 1

  1. 22 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    True enough.  But there are a lot of people out there, to include otherwise intelligent people, that just don't read for pleasure, or even non-required edification/education.  And that includes a mega-shit-ton of people that go into STEM-y or non-ready fields.  And some STEM-y people are so left-brained as to be virtually illiterate.  Reading and writing skill atrophies, I'm pretty sure.

    Reading is incredibly important, IMO, in getting the brain working hard, flexing its muscle so to speak, for whatever you want to do in life.  I'm no expert, but I do know the phase of hard core reading I did as a kid when I wasn't particularly popular, helped offset the hookers and blow I did when I grew into the intellectual stud I am today.  

    Seriously I harp on that with my kids a lot. Read, read, read, find whatever you're interested in, try some fiction, non fiction whatever. You have to use your imagination instead of having it driven into your brain by images.  And the way a sentence reads should be balanced against normal conversation, what flows, what seems stilted and unnecessary.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. I liked it, but thought it was too long and draaaagggged in the middle.  Big fan of The Witch, and you can see some cool mystical similarities, but ... this one didn't work as well IMO.  


    But I really liked the Kidman twist.

    My daughter had an interesting comment: she said the plot was too basic, needed more complexity.  Sorry Penelope, I agree with her, it's a straight up revenge story that 


    took over an hour to play out after he found his uncle.

    It's worth a watch for the stuff that worked, which was quite a bit.

  3. Anything bad happening to Kim would be a seriously traumatic event to Saul/Jimmy. And that doesn’t translate to his character in BB.  He’s too happy go lucky.

    As said earlier she fucks him somehow, thus the “shattering event”.  Which puts him firmly on his BB path.

  4. Where Eagles Dare - 68, Burton, Eastwood.

    Buddy mine insisted I watch it. Pretty good, lots of action and dead Nahzis. Burton had a knack for being two steps ahead of everyone with the most Byzantine plan imaginable.

    He also made out with a hot blonde in a barn about three minutes into the movie, haha, you do you man.

  5. I finished a rewatch of last season over the weekend.  I've been pretty lukewarm about BCS over its lifespn, but goddamn Season 5 kicked all kinds of ass.  I think it's because it's getting more involved with the BB universe.  Season 6 is going to bananas.

    One thing that jumped out to me this time is how good the writers are at making Gus a master of manipulation.  Just like sending Jesse on drop runs to find a sense of purpose, he sends Mike to the little village to heal not only physically, but also mentally.  Home cooked meals, watching school kids play and laugh, doing some chores around the house, and voila, he's righted his ship and back at work.

    And then to create Gus's elaborate, complex, long term plan in support of the simplest of motivations - revenge.

    Fucking brilliant.

  6. Pulled the trigger on this little guy for our next project.



    It's a runner with no rust.  Plan is new wire harness, rebuild the heads for some performance, suspension upgrade, and a repaint in British Green with tan interior.

    Wife loves it, says it will be her "Mrs Robinson car."  I was happy to hear it, because ... wait, what? does she intend to start fucking college drop outs?



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  7. We’re about a year away from starting this process. Based on this thread, and other feedback we’ve received, the premier Cal state schools were scratched from the list. Seemed like a waste of time.

    But just found out my daughter was accepted into a summer immersion program at UCLA as a HS sophomore. They take AP classes and live in a dorm for a month. 

    Anyone have experience with this? Does it help with applications? I looked around and apparently Michigan and Texas have similar programs.

  8. 57 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I am still for appeasement in that appeasement means peace. 

    All I hear from the pro-war crowd is "moar bombs" but what is the fucking end goal? Do we really think we can just end Russia here? Without them hunking a few nukes around? The more we pour into there the likelier this is going to quickly escalate into nuclear war. Some of you believe that Putin wouldn't be able to carry out that order, or that Russia's nukes are decrepit and probably don't work, but I think y'all are a bunch of Anton Chigurhs and it doesn't matter much. Those are not bets I want to be forced to take. 

    Again -- let's get to the peace table and work out a truly neutral Ukraine. Why is that such an offensive concept for y'all to accept?


    I appreciate your desire for peace; I believe most would like that as well.

    Honest negotiations require honesty from both sides. One side has flown the neutrality ballon, the other has tied civilians hands behind their back an murdered them. Kind of like the 1930/40s, which one side seems to want to return to.

    So in an environment where one side plays that card, and the other says, Fuck That, we aren’t appeasing another ruthless dictator again in our backyard, you get what we are seeing. A willingness to die rather than live under the terms of a murderous dictator.


    • Hook 'Em 5
  9. 7 hours ago, RomaVicta said:


    I go on about this at too much length because the event is very troubling to me. Just how far are people willing to push simple civility and tolerance out of our lives? The audience at the show were still applauding and laughing after Smith returned to his seat and shouted the first time. It just seems like a perfect little scene depicting the threads of civility wearing out. Not important on it's own but indicative of something I'm concerned about.


    This is where I'm at on this.  I can be obnoxious and a cretin as much as the next guy (I"m on here) but it just feels like the line of civility and rational reactions are getting pushed farther and farther down the path.  This stage jumping bullshit started with Kanye at the Grammys, became digested into the entertainment world as 'haha, what a weirdo', and spits out Smith jumping up at the Oscars and hitting someone.  What the fuck is next.

    Not sure what the answer is to this dismal tide.

    • Like 2
  10. The Oilers moving was a travesty. They were an easy team to root for. Loved Moon.

    We played a lot of street football when I was a kid, dodging cars, etc. I had a good stretch of throws at QB, won some games. I was pretty proud when we were picking positions one game and someone said “QB should be Dan Pastorini here.”

    I was immediately tackled and broke a rib.

    • Like 2
  11. I ordered a Y in October.  Delivery has slipped from April when I ordered it to June now. Went to the store to check if I can get moved up, Fleet Manager said he’d take a look.

    FM: You’re leasing?

    Me: Yeah, my first EV, just want to dip my toe.

    FM: The car is now valued at 10k more than when you ordered it.

    Me: Let’s dive, shall we? I’ll buy it.

  12. 5 hours ago, Baboontyme said:

    Please keep us updated on how this works out for you. I'm interested. Good luck. 

    Thanks. So far so good. After a week plus I can walk without pain, which has made my Doc very happy. Still kind of tender though. Improvement should occur over time since the idea is to regenerate cartilage and heal a labrum tear.

    I’ll follow up after some PT when I try to run again.

    Apparently this stem cell therapy is more popular for shoulder and knee cartilage repair, with some good studied results. Hip is an outlier but I decided to give it a shot.

    * Insurance said yeah, no, good luck with your experimental procedure*

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Mach 1 enters the chat:

    Recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in one of my hips.  Overuse from running and hiking.  Decided to give some new stem cell therapy a shot rather than the hip replacement.

    Pretty wild. They took fat from my mid section, did some sorcery to generate the cells, then injected it between my hip and thigh bone.  Good times.  

    Said it will take a few weeks to a few months to see results. Hopefully buy some more time before doing the hip replacement, which sounds fucking awful, but apparently has gotten less invasive recently.

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  14. ^^^. Good advice from Snake Diggity.

    I own a handful of duplexes in Tucson, manage them myself.  It's not too bad as long as you have a handyman and plumber on speed dial.

    On tenants I've found good employment is the main factor in renting.  If they can easily cover the rent, rarely any problems.  So I check that out, and give their prior landlord a call to see if there were any problems.  

    But I'll add that I also check the county records to see if the applicant has ever been evicted our arrested for a felony.  Pima County I can do that online easy, not sure if that's possible in the county you're in, but it's worth the effort.  I've bounced quite a few who were evicted or convicted of assault.

    Good luck.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  15. On 1/30/2022 at 10:18 PM, Jkwellborn said:

    I’ve got a Noco jumper. Haven’t used it yet.

    Kind of a necro bump I have one and it’s fucking awesome. Saved me a couple of time like a champ.

    • Like 1
  16. I just remembered a csb/

    I took my son on a fishing trip on Lake O the Pines. The dude who took us was full on Cajun, an ex heavyweight boxer in the Army. We fished all over the place including his houseboat. Caught a bunch of ? can’t remember probably catfish but do remember the bass taking our bait and saying fuck you thank you very much.

    When we had to load up the catch I said Hey, do you want some? I’m just going to fry up some for dinner.

    He looked at me like it was Christmas. Mach 1, you give me some of those fish and I’m going to give them to a couple of twins over in LA I visit from time to tIme. Save me a little $ if you know any I mean.

    He the pinched my son on the cheek. He was around 10 at the time, not sure if he got it or not.


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  17. I’m getting a kick out of this thread also.

    Mom lived in Jefferson for awhile. We’d drive through Marshall to visit and just rolled through. Apparently smart.

    Caddo was cool, we did the boat tour a couple times. Captain said Uncertain was named so because when the riverboats from LA would drop off mail, and they couldn’t read the address, they’d label it Uncertain. Google tells a different story, but  it was an interesting take.

    IIRC the little train tour in Jefferson had a stop that glorified Confederate soldiers. Kids loved it, were bummed when Mom moved.  Daughter said one time Dad, there are a lot of Guns and Fireworks signs out here. Why yes, yes there are.

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