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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Mach 1

  1. 6 minutes ago, Make em eat Taco Bell said:

    how far does Russian drop in the global military rankings with this massive humiliation?  'Murica would wipe them up very fast, see 2003 Iraq war.  I'd say Russia is definitely out of the top 5, maybe top 10 now. A dying nation with a trash army. 

    Preseason rankings are always shit.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    I'm not being cryptic, you can look it up yourself. Root Cause analysis Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process of discovering the root causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. RCA assumes that it is much more effective to systematically prevent and solve for underlying issues rather than just treating ad hoc symptoms and putting out fires. 

    there are may different forms of "RCA

    6 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    I'm not being cryptic, you can look it up yourself. Root Cause analysis Root cause analysis (RCA) is the process of discovering the root causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. RCA assumes that it is much more effective to systematically prevent and solve for underlying issues rather than just treating ad hoc symptoms and putting out fires. 

    there are may different forms of "RCA"

    RCA up your ass. People are being killed because a madman stuck in 1980s Soviet Union has the power to *try* to turn back the clock. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Maybe if someone lights up their downtown buildings over it our politicians can tweet about it and it can get posted here for discussion.  

    Dude, dial it back.  You're a good poster and I'm simpatico with you on other threads. But you're insisting upon yourself here, and it's unnecessary. Move on.

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  4. This is all so fucked.  Putin can DIAF.

    The poor Ukrainians, living in the geographic version of the short stick.  A huge, violent asshole to your east, a disparate medley of half brothers and sisters to your west.

    I just finished the chapter in Bloodlands (hat tip @956 Worldwide) where Stalin effectively murdered 5 million Ukrainians in the 30s.  Socialism > Collectivism > Deportation/Starvation > Cannabilism.  Truly horrific what Russia has done to Ukraine over the years.

    There has to be a sense of 'fuck this, we'd rather die than put up with this shit again' from the locals when they line up to get an Ak-47, when they've never fired a gun before.

    Fuck em up Ukraine.

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  5. I don't have a dog in this hunt re: Hall vs No Hall, but I like Stafford and I'm happy for him.  But each time i see this thread is bumped I have the same thought:

    If the Niners DB catches that wide open, breadbasket interception, the narrative is flipped on its head and this debate never happens.

    I just find it interesting after all those games, all those passes, all those TDs, one play would have swung the pendulum about Stafford in the opposite direction. 

    Lucky for him the dumbass dropped it.

  6. On 2/19/2022 at 5:51 AM, grazinhorn said:

    I have posted before about Haleakala and trail running in the crater, and while that is an amazing thing to do I finally checked off a bucket list item last trip - after several years of trying I was able to get a reservation for one of the cabins in the crater.  There were more restrictions than normal (Covid), so we had a smaller group than we might have had.  Still, it was unbelievable.  With gear/food/water it took us a few hours to get in/out, but it was worth the effort for the time in between.  I highly recommend trying to do this, but it is pretty damn difficult to get the reservation.  You have to plan ahead and take what you can get.  Camping sites are a little easier, but not much (plus now you need a tent and you have no stove).   





    Those are some awesome photos.  Which trail did you take to get there?

    I did the Sliding Sands from the rim down to the cinder cones.  There's a split that goes to that cabin and the Bottomless Pit. I chose to go see the pit.

     Not an easy hike.    The 9-10,000 elevation, and the 2000 foot elevation gain going back up, made for some hard work.  

    I might shoot for your cabin overnight next time, that looks great.



    Cool to look out over moonscape and see you're above the cloudline.






    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. There’s a WSL thread on here somewhere. I have the channel on 24/7 when we’re in Maui for Spring Break. It’s strangely soothing despite the intensity the guys put in to each run.

    This is really impressive. I can’t recall him even sniffing the finals in the last 10 years or so. I thought his continued competition at his age was to promote his man made wave project. Good for him and the sport.

  8. I'm digging the old Seinfeld episodes.  I was too busy working and chasing pussy when it had it's run, so I only caught an episode here and there.

    What I've learned is Larry David is a goddamn genius.  Between this and Curbed, I'm astounded by his bottomless amount of creativity.  He comes up with so many ridiculous, and hilarious, scenarios that brush up against being unbelievable, yet never seem to cross the line.


  9. The above is correct.

    I have no fucking idea what Shanahan was calling in the fourth. You can’t let your Qb scan the field for five seconds with the Rams Dline ears pinned back. Quick throws to Kittle or Debo. Creative running plays you’re known for. Nope, just basic shit.

    The dropped interception was a killer for the Niners. Too many weapons on the Rams  O and they took full advantage.

  10. Interesting thread.  Lots of cool stories and insight.

    I might as well add some anecdotes from another time in German history.

    I was a DDS student in the early 80s, lived in Mannheim, Frankfurt (Rhein Main) and Munich (McGraw Kaserne).   It was a very volatile period, as Reagan's election triggered the German far left and ramped up anti American sentiment.  We had bomb threats at our school all the time, and they'd usher us all in to the gym to wait it out until the bomb dogs could sniff around.  I think alot of Germans were frustrated/angry being smack dab in the middle of two superpowers threatening each with nukes.  And since they were, at least in the West, effectively occupied by Americans, we took the heat, since they couldn't exactly take it out on Russia.

    Things ramped up to 11 when the Pershing nukes were announced to be placed in the country.  Protesters stationed themselves in front of the base gate quite often, and throw rocks and eggs at our bus (and I assume other cars).  The remnants of the Red Brigades got active again also, and kidnappings and various threats to military personnel and German politicians increased.   Everyone was told repeatedly to be cautious off base.

    One poor Airmen didn't listen.  He was kidnapped from a bar and killed.  The RB took his uniform, ID and loaded his car with explosives.   They drove it on base and parked it at Rhein Main HQ.  My mom worked for the SJA and parked in the same lot.  Bomb went off at 7:30 am, exactly when everyone was arriving for work.  Killed a handful of people, injured a bunch more.  Mom was early that day and in the bathroom, so very lucky.  Later, when she was able to return to her office, there were pieces of metal from the blown up cars (including hers) that had ripped through the window and stuck in the drywall like buckshot. She would have been killed.

    I played football in HS and we had a game against Fulda, near the E German border.  On the way there our coach said, "Let's beat these fuckers and get the hell out of there.  When World War 3 starts, it's going to be there."  We had some time to kill before the game and I wandered up a hill to look around.  In the valley below were nothing but American tanks, line, after line, after line, as far as I could see.  Had to be a thousand or more.

    We did as coach said, beat those fuckers and hauled ass out of there.

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  11. Well that was pretty damn good.  I'll venture this will fight it out with Power of the Dog for a lot of awards.  Cinematography is polar opposite, but I wouldn't be able to choose a winner from those two.

    Only quibble is Coen seemed to play down the prophecy aspect.  That was always my favorite part of Macbeth, would have liked that turned up to 11.

  12. I'm watching.  But I'm disappointed how it's played out relative to the early premise.  


    The creepy fire ceremony with them eating human flesh

    Beyond the crash and immediate aftermath, it's pretty boring.

    Kicked up quite a bit in episode 7 and 8, but I have no idea how they'll tie up all the loose ends in 2 more episoes.

    Wanted more Lord of the Flies, less relationship bullshit.  But I like most of the characters. Lewis is awesome.  Ricci steals the show IMO.

  13. 12 hours ago, TexasEd said:

    Are they still pretty affordable?  I joked about getting one for my wife once because they were cool and reasonably priced at that time.

    They're asking 7k for it.  I'll bite at 5.  It will take another 20 to make it right (with us doing most of the work), which will hit the average market rate of 25k refurbed.

    12 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Ooooh, yeaaaaah... .....nooooo.............not in that color....  

    How'd I do ?

    Terrible.  But you're on the right track, wife gave it the thumbs up as long as I painted it "British racing green."

    5 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

    Drop a turbo'd up V6 into that.  Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    It has a straight line 6 already.  I'll try and add some horses during the rebuild.

  14. On 1/3/2022 at 9:58 AM, F250 said:

    I thought she said "propulsive time of my life." It was during the rocket launch when she whispered it.

    Her character was great, a completely horrible person but still wood. What was interesting was the jokes about Ivy League vs Public Universities and this character was the primary example of an Ivy League character. She was multi-lingual, quoted a 14th century French poem that she studied at Dartmouth and I remember thinking "Fucking useless liberal arts majors". 



    You could be right.

    I thought 'repulsive' fit her character.  As you noted she was over educated, and apparently had experienced most of the finer things in life.  So I thought her pursuit of someone boring and disheveled like Leo's character was her slumming it to chase a different high.

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  15. Might pull the trigger on a new project, '72 Triumph.  Minimal rust, only a small hole in DS floorpan, easy fix.  Doesn't run, so full restoration, son and I doing most of the work.

    Talk me out of it (or into it).



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  16. Lots of good lines in this movie.

    One that flew under the radar that cracked me up:

    Cate and Leo at some press conference.  She leans in and whispers "I just want to thank you ... for giving me the most repulsive time of my life."

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