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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Mach 1

  1. I’m developing a townhouse project in Phoenix and here now (and sweating my balls off).

    Broker was kicking ass on presales and we’re only halfway through framing. He was working on 8 contracts when rates started increasing  - he’s now working on zero.

    Seems as if most buyers are in a wait and see mode, which is understandable and fine with me since we won’t be finished until April 23. My hope is whatever rate increase tops out before and some stability comes back wherever it ends up.

    Phoenix still appears to be an attractive market with job growth, so fingers crossed. We can weather a 10-20% decline in value and still do fine. After that we’ll be revisiting 2010.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Wife and I took our eyes off the ball and let our kids passport expire before a trip to Greece next month.

    Ho-lee-shit, $1200 a piece for ultra expideted service. I started to leave to Google my ass off, or check this thread, but my wife is neurotic about things like this.

    Me: So this seems a little high.

    Him: Things are a mess since Covid, we're talking 3-6 months, maybe longer.

    Me:  Hmm, I think we need to do a little research.

    Him:  The issue is the Post Office.  Minor renewals have to go to the PO to confirm the parent/relationship in person. (Pause) And we've been in business for over 20 years and have a good relationship with some local Post Offices.  (He didn't wink, but he might as well have.)

    Me: (flips him the Amex for processing, cursing under my breath)

    Just another log on the fire for ridiculously expensive summer trips.  Our fault, but gotdamn.


  3. 37 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    You appear to be overlooking the fact that apparently a lawsuit by Twitter has a 0% chance of success and Twitter can't afford to hire any lawyers.

    JFC despite your username you can't fucking read or are letting your Elon hate cloud your vision.

    No one has said that. Elon is a goon and a bully and I hope Twitter sticks their legal fist up his ass and wins.  I think it's obvious he acted in bad faith and deserves to be sued to Bolivia.

    But it's business, and I take an arms length view of what Twitter is in for vs. Musk. Musk can kick the can down the road for 5 plus years without batting an eye, he doesn't give a shit, he's a fucking loon.  But Twitter?  They're an ongoing public concern, with management, employees, investors, that have just been attacked and left on the ground bleeding (stock value).  They can't stay there for 5 years while this thing plays out, they have to come up with a plan to survive, which means growing and monetizing their business, retaining consistent management, and luring new talent.  The two latter ones will be impossible if the stock remains in the shitter, which it will be if the former has no chance of succeeding without the latter.

    Twitter rightly should challenge legally, but they also have to be prepared to settle with Musk and/or find someone else to buy them.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    They said the lawsuit would be in Delaware, and that they can move fast to a judgment in Delaware. I get that Twitter isn't exactly swimming in profit, but they probably can afford a case that's this simple. I don't buy the "not enough money to fight back" narrative.

    I’m traveling now read my post last page 

    *or better yet above

  5. 13 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    Can someone explain like I'm five why this lawsuit would need to be expensive? Seems pretty open and shut to me. Elon knew about the bots, he waived the right to do due diligence, and now he's welching on the deal.

    The law twitter explainer guys seem to think very little of the formal letter he sent to the SEC. Why would it be expensive for Twitter? And shouldn't those expenses be paid by the loser (Elon) in this case?

    first time?gif

  6. 21 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Alternate take: the business goal of the current board is to maximize shareholder value. Having a sucker on the hook to pay more than the company is worth is very important to that goal.

    And the point is they don’t have the runway or operational capacity to survive the ability to keep that sucker on the hook.

    He knows that. Everyone knows that. So he threw down his cards.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:
    10 hours ago, G650 said:
    Goddamit McLaren I don't know why I even bother anymore.

    Yeah, when Lando is afraid to brake too hard, it's not the drivers. The car is FUBAR.

    It's confusing to me as a fan re: Daniel. It seems a car and driver issue, which moves around depending on the race, and so goes my opinion. One time I blame the car, the other I want to kick him in the nuts.  Frustrating.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  8. What's amusing about this guy is the 'holier than thou living abroad' attitude, and his dismissive 'travel choice of dominance' posts, when everything about him says insufferable American that most non-Americans hate.  

    Good job, good effort.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  9. Had CNBC talking heads on in the background while working today, so take this with a grain of salt:

    They all said he has all the leverage.  Twitter can't afford a 5-7 year dragged out lawsuit while their stock is hemorrhaging stock value, and without a plan to monetize their accounts.  Plus a management in dissaray, and 7000 employees without any clear picture of a future and no ability to attract new talent.

    One said they let the fox in the house and he's eating.

    Fucked up, but they all pretty much said they'll have no choice but to negotiate a lower purchase price or find someone else that might be interested now that valuation has plummeted.



    • Hook 'Em 2
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  10. That's a good point.  I hadn't thought it through in that detail.

    I guess the play is to get the CFB fan (of any team) that may pass on a USC/Oregon State match up absolutely tune in for a USC/MIchigan match up.  I know I'll be tuning in for sure.  Midwesterners that may be a casual viewer may also increase their viewership with mini Rose Bowls being played each week.

    Who knows, but I guess the lure of adding the LA market was just too attractive for the B10 to pass up.

  11. On 7/4/2022 at 7:13 AM, Upgrayedd said:

    The problem with this whole adding eyeballs in the LA/SoCal market assumes that the LA/SoCal market cares about Midwest football.  They don’t.  Hell, they really only care about SoCal football when they are winning.

    There are alot of Midwest transplants out here.  Have an Iowa friend that invited us to watch a couple of games at a large bar and the place was packed each time.  And that's replicated across LA with other B10 teams.  May not move the needle much, but just an anecdote.

    I'm not a fan of all this btw. It just seems unnatural to me as a long time CFB fan. But I think expanding the B10 footprint on television to LA is a smart move for both parties, as noted by SBBruin's LAT money article.

    * And I'm quietly chuckling at seeing the UCLA/USC B10 schedule that may have either playing Michigan, MSU or Ohio State in late November, early December.  Wouldn't be surprised to if there was a hidden paragraph in this agreement that ensured that won't ever happen. *

  12. I've had a front suspension squeak that's driving me crazy, couldn't locate it by sound.  I was lazy so squirted a bunch of lithium grease around the UCA, coil, spring perch hoping to solve it. Nope.  Finally had time to pull of the wheel and 


    there's no zerk on the UCA.  Which means I installed it without adding any grease. Smart.  The PO apparently burned a hole in the shock tower to do exactly that in the past (not uncommon) but they now make 45 degree zerks so cleaned it up and screwed them in.


    Greased it up, took it for a spin and voila, no more squeak!  Had a nice drive, all smiles


    until on the way home the dash gauges died.   Has to be the voltage regulator crapping out again (I've replaced it 2 times already), or maybe a bad ground. If it's not one thing with these fucking cars it's another.

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Rage+1 1
  13. Now that we’ve covered the what is a racist comment and wives heritage part of the thread can we move on to the fucking actual Silverstone updates. Please.

    Oh and my wife is Irish and she’s a pain in the ass. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  14. 53 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    At what point does Cipollone's "client" cease being POTUS and starts to become . . . well, us?

    I mean, I understand his role is to advise POTUS but he's certainly NOT a personal attorney.

    Not an attorney, but I've always assumed his hesitancy was for any future clients, POTUS or other.  Career choice.

    Seeing as he apparently did what he could to avoid the shitshow that eventually occurred, I'd give him a pass on his choice to not go in person.

    I'd like to see him testify for the good of the country also, but he's an advocate, and would probably like to continue to do so and make a shitload of money.  If he'll do video I'm okay with that.

  15. Just finished it’s really well done. The last episode is a gut punch in a good way.

    Weird, I’ve never felt compelled to react to acting in a series show, but I’m blown away by the acting. Sidney is fantastic. I’m 100% invested in that girl’s success.

    And that dude from Shameless - he’s the real deal. Any actor that can look into (or slightly off) camera for a three minute monologue without break, and give that range of facial emotion, has my respect.

    And I’d like Richie to get offed at some point.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, TexasEd said:


    • No Fees (typically), your bank pays them
    • Transfer is from Bank Account to Bank Account with no middle man
    • Because it is to your bank account you just have it.  You don't need to transfer it again, tie it up as Venmo Funds or pay a fee to use your money. 
    • Venmo is like getting chips at a casino and then having to go to a window to cash out where they take a fee to change chips into cash.
    • If you already have your Bank's app on your phone you can just use Zelle from there.  No need to add the Zelle app to your phone.

    I like Zelle, but the only problem I've found is only one email tied to a bank account can be used to send money or accept money. They can't be mixed, so if I use the email tied to a personal bank account I can send money, but if I use same email tied to another bank account, I can only send.  I use it to pay some random stuff from personal account from Wells, but can only receive rent from my tenants via business Chase - no mixing.

    Kind of a pain, and I could just change an accout to another email, but I like the primary one I use for everything banking.

    *Also just found out through an eviction proceeding, that partial payment of rent is considered *accepting* that partial rent, thus negating right to evict (AZ).  So accepting the ease of rent electronically, also accepts the possibility of a shithead tenant fucking you.  And deleting said tenant from the list of accepted recipients on Zelle doesn't change that, they can still somehow pay beacuse I guess there's a previous history.*

    Appreciate any Zelle experts letting me know how to stop that.

  17. I'm loving this show, first two episodes had me in 100%.  But the end of episode 3 has me reconsidering a bit.  The twist had me questioning


    how in the hell does an Afghan double agent get in the CIA (or FBI, can't recall) and allowed to be roaming around in a sensitive operation like this.  In the same operation where Chase has a daughter ALSO as an agent in the same office where no one has a clue who she is, including her mentor that just happens to be hyper focused on finding Chase and using every tool available to find and kill him. I can suspend disbelief for entertainment, but they're pushing it.

    I'll still watch, and hope the above is just a top layer of shenanigans that will be played out later with deeper, more interesting plot twists that play this out.

  18. Late to the party. Glad to see you found someone. Be interested in the details of the case if you can share.

    I had to hire a criminal attorney for misdemeanor assault in Hollywood. Obviously not intense as felony, but the local DA seemed to approach it just as serious. Probably dumb of me to share, but I've done it before here in the past, and maybe it will help someone here in the future.

    Driving in Hollywood on a side street, no obstruction, just some studio trailers setting up for a future shoot.  Some dude suddenly jumps out in front of me with a STOP sign. I'm like WTF? Get out of the way.  Again, no obstruction, the lane is still open to travel.  So I pull around him to continue and he SLAMS HIS FIST ON MY HOOD.

    This is around 2010, and I'm in the real estate business trying to fend off bank lawsuits and financial ruin, so I'm, let's say, slightly on edge.  I stop the car, get out, and the dumbass chooses to meet me at the hood of the car, where I proceed to shove him about 20 feet away from me, sprawling on the street.  Within seconds a woman coming down the opposite side of the street stops, gets out and screams CALL THE POLICE!!

    I snapped out of it (I was going to move forward and beat the shit out of him) and got in the car and hauled ass.

    Three months later I get a notice to appear in court for misdemeanor assault. Screaming woman took down my plate.  Hire attorney ($15k flat fee) and head to trial.  It lasted a FUCKING WEEK. Somewhere along the lines we refused to settle and they added Vehicular Assault as second charge to increase pressue. Said fuck you.

    The young prosecutor was embarrassingly bad. So bad his boss come down halfway through the trial and offered us a deal: stay out of trouble for a year and we'll drop the charges.  My attorney said hey, your call, if you get tagged for something you can't foresee, this all comes back.  I said fuck it, let's roll.

    The screaming lady testified that I pushed him to the ground, then hit him repeatedly. (Even the 'victim' said this was not the case).  

    Hung jury.  Pretty wild we get to interview the jury to see their thoughts; there was an ex-newspaper reporter on the jury that apparently HATED criminal defense attorneys that swung 5 of 7 to convict.  The others told her to pound sand, he hit the car and instigated the whole thing, tough shit.

    I leave this: When the judge adjourned, he looked at me and said, with all seriousness, In the future please do yourself a favor and think before you act.

    I have done so since.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  19. 22 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    My son starts his Junior year of HS in a few months.  The wife and I are trying to get him to think about colleges but he has no idea what he wants to do for a profession or what school he wants to go to.  I am curious who will accept him as he has never not gotten an A in any subject (and he never studies) and most of his grades are 97 to a 100 in every AP/Honors course his school offers.  

    Same exact situation. He has friends on the east coast and has tooled around NYC a few times, so NYU is on his radar. Told him no chance unless you get something that sets you apart from thousands of other applicants.  Wife hired a counselor that recommended applying to a Summer Immersion program to U Miami (daughter did same and accepted to UCLA).  Dumbass submitted paperwork on the last day - yeah, that will look impressive.  Still havent heard back and it starts in August.

    I'm on the classic car thread and I bought the TR6 because he loves cars, driving (he takes my stick M3 out on weekends), and said he wanted to work with me on a restoration. (He was too young to really help much on the Mustang)  So this may be naive of me, but I'm hoping this might be a unique interest that helps him out. Muscle wrenching shit isn't impressive, but maybe rewiring an entire harness and getting engine heads upgraded (and understanding why) might be.

    Failing that they go to a fallback school, then go to grad school, whatever they decide to pursue.  Worked for me.

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