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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. If Biden gets the Dem nod, it's time to start discussing Trump's second term as President.
  2. Imo, it's not an issue of intellectual deficiency. It's dipshit politicians who don't like the outcome or political gain realized (by the other side) from enacting the local control measures. And, as my broken record mantra continues, it's the dumb shit voters who keep voting those politicians into office. That's the real problem.
  3. I have a blade grinder but have read that burr grinders are better. Has anyone noticed a difference in taste when using a burr grinder? I'm skeptical.
  4. The bolded part needs to be tattooed on every anti-vaxxers forehead.
  5. Right, that's what the District Court held. That doesn't make it so (or make it not so....). This is a legal issue and one will never know, or able to prove the underlying actual reason. I'm saying that is sufficient evidence and legal argument to let Ross's decision go forward. So, even if one reads the underlying documents, it still is reasonable to say that this has little or nothing to do with calling out Ross as a liar. There is historical precedent for such a question. Just b/c the outcome is dumb doesn't mean Ross can't have the question added.
  6. So all the parents who shop at Wal Mart will need to go home to change clothes before they head to their kid's school?
  7. Imo, this has little to nothing to do with showing up Ross to be a liar. The law gives wide discretion to Ross. Just b/c it's dumb or may lead to an under count of hispanics isn't the key issue. I don't know why dipshit states (unfortunately, Texas falls into this category for POLITICAL purposes) don't scream about this. Texas could lose a congressional seat!
  8. This isn't arbitrary and capricious, that's pretty clear, at least imo. And there is a rational basis. It's the consequences that are less than desirable.
  9. DePinho and Chin. Two of the biggest dumb-fucks ever to disgrace MDA.
  10. Does the Court have the power to prevent the Executive branch from doing dumb ass things? That seems to be the legal issue. I agree with the conservatives on the court. I don't agree that it's a good thing to do. But good =/= legal.
  11. This is something from Life of Brian, Pt. II. Unbelievable.
  12. Not what you said, dude. You said "constitutional check". There are three, not two, branches of govt. You might want to review the whole "checks and balances" thing.
  13. Again, bullshit. There are 3 branches of govt. Not two. Impeachment is a political act, and it's just not worth it politically to the Dems. Imo.
  14. Impeachment would be a less than productive political move, imo. Plus, no way the Senate convicts.
  15. You seem to miss the overall point. Almost intentionally so.
  16. After all this time, two things are abundantly clear: 1. Trump is a pos scumball; 2. Those who support him are pieces of shit scumballs. That is all we need to know. So, get out and vote come next election time.
  17. The "intentionally shooting to main" is a bit of a strange thing to complain about. Complain about shooting, shooting to kill even. But if the IDF is shooting to maim, intentionally so, then they are "intentionally" not shooting to kill. But they shouldn't be shooting at all. And is that source really all that objective?
  18. I'm sure there are plenty of communists in China who wholeheartedly agree with you, comrade.
  19. Let's hope it doesn't even last two more years.
  20. I guess discussing saying "axe" instead of "ask" would be, um, racist here? But that's not grammar....
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