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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. I guess I can see why some precious snowflakes might be offended by my post (although it wasn't meant to offend). We as a country have a big gun problem. If that doesn't count as "news" to you, then so be it.
  2. Take him literally, not seriously. Or did I get that turned around? Bottom line: fuck anybody who still supports that walking sack 'o shit.
  3. Something has to be done with the gun laws (and 2nd A) in this country. But, of course, nothing will be done with the gun laws (and 2nd A) in this country. So these shootings will continue. Thoughts and prayers, right?
  4. Post o' the Month right there. That is funny. Thank you.
  5. Hmm, maybe you're just too young to remember what it was like before? Let's start with today's GOP and Christianity being abnormal. Think opposite. Channel your inner Costanza. And I understand the political bullshit, it comes in waves and this is a particularly bad wave, imo. What I cannot countenance is the supposed religious imprimatur that Christianity (specifically evangelicals) offers to Trump and GOP policies. Look at Franklin Graham to see the blatant hypocrisy. And I learned the commandment as "Thou shalt not kill". Not "Thou shalt not commit murder."
  6. Nowaday, that seems to be only kind of R out there: hypocritical evangelical dipshits. Fuck them. It's time the normals took back the GOP and Christianity.
  7. Because Texas, politically speaking, is still largely a shit hole state. Times may be a changin'.
  8. I'm sure not all of them are Trump voters. But I bet a whole lot are. Or were. Probably still are.
  9. One would think that farmers would know the maxim "you reap what you sow". Guess not.
  10. Yes, it is. You're assuming, among other things, that LJH was in tip-top shape and prepared adequately for his timed run. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.
  11. That's not where the blame resides. Of course the people who will gain financially will "advise" a player to leave school and enter the draft. They don't have the player's long-term interests at heart.
  12. As did his decision to enter the draft, imo.
  13. No, it wouldn't. It absolutely would not be a legit defense. Jesus.
  14. I haven't kept up with all the "nuances" of the posts in this thread, I freely admit, but if we're talking about the same subset of people with the census question - they aren't citizens, right? So, it's not a subset of citizens then. But the purpose of the census is to count people. All people.
  15. If they are asking a question (of dubious value, imo) that will most likely lead to an undercount of people, then no, they will not be "still counting persons". Logic. How does it work?
  16. Good for her. And fuck you, Joe. You're just a sad, pathetic shell of your sad, pathetic former self.
  17. Furthermore, I've seen CONSTANT bashing from the left mob that state's rights are inherently racist so my bad in conflating this mob mentality with the post LonghornFan posted below: Well, imo there's a pretty good reason why one would make the argument that states' rights are inherently racist. The Voting rights act? Civil liberties act? Richard Russell? The Civil War? I think there is a very strong presumption that yes, the whole states' rights claims are inherently racist. That doesn't mean they are all that way, but inherently? I'd say hell yeah.
  18. To which you reply, "I guess that's why you hold the bible in such respect."
  19. I don't get that vibe. Maybe you two need to have a beer summit. But, a whole lot of conservatives are little more than mouth-breathing, MAGA-hat wearing idiots. And, to put a finer point on it, they aren't even conservatives. Imo, there's no way a "real" (yeah, no true scotsman and all that) conservative can support Trump and the current GOP. But the Dems have their own problems with progressive idiots (not all progressives are idiots). Screw the whiny social justice morons.
  20. I hate it when mothers are fucking idiots.
  21. And.... there's price. I have a Braun blade grinder, probably cost me $20. I've read that burr grinders can be hundreds, up to a $1,000.
  22. Maybe I read it wrong. Longhorn specifically qualified his states rights comment toward conservatives. You seemed to attempt to refudiate his statement by invoking examples of northern, liberal states. My bad if I misread that.
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