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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I have my doubts that 45 is considered a bad age and would hinder you in a job search. Most 45 year olds are still decently healthy. 50 is where it gets bad.
  2. It sucks, but you appear to be right. In your mid 40’s you almost need something that can carry you to your mid 60’s. The job market hates olds.
  3. Poster above seems like one of those massive hypocrites who tells everyone to be “grateful for what they have and don’t worry about what other people have” when he probably lives in a mansion with luxury cars.
  4. Glad this got done before the election. Republicans would never do anything people like.
  5. Are we still likely to avoid that recession the so called experts have been calling for the last 2 years?
  6. Nothing like dying of heat stroke to own the libs.
  7. I really hope we kick their ass next year. All republicans do is lie and dupe people into voting against their own self interests. If you’re not in the top 10%, no reason at all to vote GOP.
  8. CPI report is expected to be higher than last months by 0.2 or 0.3. It’s understandable because this is the worst summer since 2011 and it’s weighing down everything. Gas prices spiked. Everyone just seems to be holding on for dear life and hoping for fall to get here.
  9. I guess Ohio Secretary of State frank larose became the face of this Ohio issue 1 vote. I’m glad that pussy lost.
  10. When do results start coming in? Fuck Republicans for messing with ballot initiatives.
  11. What’s also significant is the economic growth predicted upwards from modest to moderate.
  12. Dalton is a baller 22023: Made three appearances out of the bullpen... Posted a 9.82 ERA in 3.2 innings... Struck out one and walked two... Opponents hit .250 off him... Recorded two outs in season debut against Northwestern (2/19)... Threw a season-high two innings at Troy (4/22)... Recorded a strikeout in a scoreless inning on Senior Day against ULM (5/20).
  13. Some economists have been saying that the last bit of inflation “will be sticky” and “hard to deal with”. According to them, we’re just now reaching the difficult phase in lowering inflation to the 2% goal.
  14. Don’t think it’s going to end well for Alabama in August when the court reviews the maps. I guess Alabama still had to try and do anything they could to “own the libs” tho. That seems to be all the party of “family values” really cares about.
  15. I don’t have an issue with it because I don’t own a business, I’m not wealthy, and I don’t have lots of connections to get such things. The white people who hate it are the ones who are in the top 1%-10% and just don’t want anything at all to change. They’re resistant to pretty much all types of change really. they scream the loudest because they own everything. Even things like tv stations, radio, newspapers, etc. The only thing I’d get rid of is affirmative action. I think affirmative action has gone on long enough and we should just consider people for college slots and jobs based on merit and not the color of their skin. Enough minorities have succeeded since the civil rights era that I feel like the crutch or leg up is no longer needed and that crutch just hurts the non-rich / connected white folks.
  16. Conservatives will be rooting against this team again
  17. Made me sick that Obama healed the economy and trump wins the 2016 election at the perfect time to take all the credit for it. The Obama recovery took too long, but it was after the deepest and nastiest recession of our life times. I highly highly doubt we will see ever one worse than 2008. It took the job market 6-7 years to come back.
  18. This dumbass lady can’t win anything unless she’s in a R+20 district or in a special election where nobody shows up to vote.
  19. I think it’s hilarious that lots of conservatives saw that he won Florida twice and after the second time, they some of them hitched their wagons to him like he’s the second coming. The guy is weird as hell and people in his campaign are telling him to campaign less because the more non Floridians see of Ron and Casey, the more they dislike them. Desantis won Florida by 15 points in his second election because of 3 main factors. Democrats punted Florida and opted to try and win Arizona, Georgia, Nevada instead. Republicans from all over the country moved to Florida en masse and democrats ran a “placeholder” candidate in Crist. He was a repub at some point. Definitely not someone who will excite the base.
  20. They say people get more conservative as they age, but this guy is already way more conservative than 95% of the country and he’s not even 45 yet. What will he be like in 20-30 years?
  21. Also keep in mind that creepy toad sheldon Adelson is dead. He’s been bankrolling the GOP for the last 20 years or so. Huge loss for them.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-weekly-jobless-claims-fall-124634808.html Weekly jobless claims showed the biggest drop in 20 months. I guess trump was right. All this winning is getting tiresome.
  23. This opinion probably won’t be popular, but I agree with Thomas and Alito dickheads on this one. we’ve all heard of this scenario playing out in one way or another : white kid, black kid, and Asian kid are all good students with good grades. White kid and Asian kid get 1600 on their SAT. Black kid gets 1300 on his SAT. Asian and white kid rejected by Yale and black kid accepted to Yale for “diversity” purposes. Schools should accept people based on merit and their qualifications. Hell….. jobs should do the same. There should be no crutch for minorities. You’re just hurting non-rich / connected white peoples by propping these minorities up.
  24. Speaking of Eastern European countries. Luxembourg has officially ended prohibition. Do I wish it was a major country like Spain or England? Yeah….. but we’re still at the we’ll take any victories we can get phase. im hoping these small wins add up over time and we eventually see a huge / sudden push that ends prohibition once and for all.
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