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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I wouldn’t mind putting up with her if we could gerrymander the shit out of the rest of the state. Get Colorado all dem except 1 or 2 seats. we’ve kind of kicked ourselves in the balls nationwide with all these bipartisan redistricting committees. They only seem to exist in blue states. Republicans just Gerrymander hardcore and hope the courts don’t step in. Dems need to go as hard as repubs on this.
  2. A lot of jealous folks in here.
  3. With “hopefully” New York, Louisiana, and Wisconsin redistricting still to come. I hope we will be favored to win the house back in 2024.
  4. Not really political talk, but I loved it when the Adelson family bought a huge chunk of the Dallas mavericks. Hopefully a sign that they’re not focusing on politics as much anymore. the Adelsons bank rolled the GOP in the 2000’s and 2010’s. They seem to be having trouble replacing their money.
  5. 1) owned the libs 2) primal MAGA yells 3) prevent the dems from doing anything to improve non-rich folks lives 4) take away access to needed programs that help the poor oh yeah……how do GOP candidates get more than 10% of the nationwide vote again?
  6. I’d celebrate, but the GOP will probably just find someone worse than them.
  7. Republicans always choose party over country. If black people make up 40% of a state, then they clearly should receive 2 seats in a state that has 5 seats total. Without the minorities, the state would only have 3 seats to divvy up. It’s not a hard concept to understand. The GOP is just crazy power hungry.
  8. The Republican strategy for this is sickening. Well I guess it’s their strategy for nearly everything they don’t like. They say “let’s talk about it”, when they finally get in a room, they do all they can to make sure there’s a stalemate, and then they try to bring the courts attention to something else. Whenever they try to bring it up again, the republicans say “ what about…… we gotta fix….. let’s do the maps after……..”. it’s like the GOP is Muhammad Ali and they’re essentially playing “rope a dope” for 10 years until the next map comes out and the process repeats. These fuckers always talk about supporting “law and order”. Well….let’s follow the damn law as written and fix these maps.
  9. Goldman Sachs experts think there’s just a 15% chance of recession next year.
  10. Louisiana is hopefully just the warm up act. Here’s the court case we’ve all been waiting for.
  11. Not sure where else to put this. We are 1 step closer to getting the seat we deserve in Louisiana.
  12. I know it would never happen because of republicans, but damn….. job hunting is so damn excruciating that the state you live in should have something where they pay you minimum wage or half of that an hour to actively apply for jobs. We make the process so damn excruciating. People are literally treated like shit for trying to better themselves and improve their lives. Companies should be ecstatic and flattered that people are applying to their jobs, but the world doesn’t work that way. In reality, job hunters are barely treated better than homeless people.
  13. Really hoping Collins retires this next election Maine is up. We need her seat.
  14. Anyone freaking out about polling a year out is dumb too.
  15. There’s been talk of some Ohio republicans wanting to repeal the marijuana legalization. Would they really be so stupid to overturn something that win by nearly 15 points?
  16. These politicians are so bad. Trump literally has no competition. We might never see him at a debate.
  17. Remember when Musk teamed up with Desantis to launch his campaign announcement and it ended up being all crappy, buggy, and a massive flop? Elon Musk should stick to inventing things because he really stinks at politics.
  18. Thanks for the laugh. I cracked a huge smile when the guy at the bottom is like uhhh yeah…. Youngkin tried but he just shit the bed. More republican tears pls?
  19. Trumpeters turning their negative attention to Ronna McDaniel, but Trump was the one who made sure McDaniel stayed as RNC chair.
  20. I’m satisfied with Mississippi dems effort. Nobody expected a win there, but they made it respectable.
  21. Seeing on some GOP sites people are dog cussing youngkin. Youngkin went all out to try and flip both chambers then launch a conservative revolution in Virginia. So glad he failed miserably.
  22. I’ve mentioned it before, but the death of Sheldon Adelson truly was something to celebrate. Every election cycle, the guy could be counted on to write over $100 million checks to the GOP. They seem to be struggling in more down ballot races without that creepy toads cash.
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