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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Granted, it’s still early. however, I don’t recall seeing as much TRUMP merchandise as the first 2 election cycles which of course is a very good thing. About 2 weeks before the election in 2016, it seems like the bed of every single pick up truck where I live had a huge trump flag in it. My family would even speculate that the trump campaign was paying this one guy to drive around with a huge trump flag because we kept seeing him and his dumbass truck in traffic all the time. I have seen a few, but most of them appear to be old. I wish I had the balls to steal them, but I usually have shit to do when I’m out and about.
  2. How many states don’t have Medicaid expansion now? 5?
  3. I’m expecting something major to be announced before the election. Schedule 3 or otherwise. Biden would have to be a fool to not capitalize on the popularity of weed.
  4. He’s also one of the idiots who was yelling at the GOP for getting rid of George santos. He acts As if we should all just encourage people to lie on their resumes and reward them for it by not firing them when caught.
  5. The fall of Trafalgar was glorious to behold. I always laughed my ass off when repubs would quote Trafalgar polls then they would lose and the poll would usually be 5-15 points off the end result.
  6. What if you accidentally fall asleep in a Florida movie theater or while studying at the public / campus library? Are you breaking Detrumpis’s newest law?
  7. She saved Obamacare and has pissed off trump so much that he actually took time to go to Alaska just to campaign against her. I like it that she calls out her party when they’re being crazy or overstepping the line.
  8. Kay granger stepped down from appropriations committee. Wish she would resign and leave the seat blank, but she’s sticking it out until the election.
  9. I was personally hoping Peltola would be the next don young and have that house seat for 50 years. I like seeing Alaska blue on the house map.
  10. Theres no use with these MAGA monkeys. They’re a bunch of animals. They just want to point, scream, and blame things on people. Facts don’t matter at all.
  11. I feel the same way. At this point, we just need the calendar to get shorter / election get closer without anything crazy happening that is negative for the dems.
  12. Need Moreno to win. How is it looking on the eve of the race?
  13. These are the stubbornly idiotic MAGA voters who come from a modest or average background ( nothing wrong with this), however they vote for policies which only help millionaires and billionaires. Deep down they probably know they’re getting screwed but they blindly believe that if the rich guys are happy than everyone else will be happy and it will trickle down to the commoners. Banks in the Cayman Islands are the reason trickle down doesn’t exist. The rich folks take their tax cut bounties, pocket them, move them into offshore accounts asap and the “tax cut” never stimulates or helps the economy in any meaningful way.
  14. Look at the exit polling in most of these primary states so far. With the exception of probably South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Alabama lots of republican voters ( nearly 50% or more) said they were “not part of” the MAGA movement. Trump has no way to win back the suburb folks that the GOP has lost.
  15. I’m not worried. Biden had a good SOTU and the repub response was ridiculed by all sides. Britt was beyond horrible. The polls will narrow as the election gets closer and more people enter the fold. It won’t take Trump long to remind most people why they voted against him 4 years ago or 8 years ago. The guy has the maturity of a 1st grader.
  16. GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE. IM HEARING HE WAS TOO ANGRY AND ANIMATED DURING THE SPEECH. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? this critique is gold coming from the party of hate, anger, and fear mongering.
  17. Several thoughts Katie Britt is full of SHIT. Woman is talking about preserving the American dream when all she did was be born attractive and marry a football player while she gives him babies and makes him sandwiches. This Britt woman has never done a hard days work in her life. Make her work a 10 hour shift at wal mart or Ross and she would probably cry and quit before it’s even over. No fortitude at all in that woman. Ted Cruz saying Biden was out of touch with the American people is great. Thanks for the laugh. People hate Cruz so much that he gets things thrown at him during a parade in the biggest city of the state he serves. Guy is a massive liability on any ballot because so many people hate him. He’s gotta be one of the most hated members of congress ever.
  18. The trio of Paxton, Patrick, and Abbott will not rest until Texas is run into the ground.
  19. Tell Ryan Patrick his dad sucks for not letting Texas legalize marijuana or gambling.
  20. Trump dominated the primary overall, but there are cracks in the armor. Lots of people gladly and willingly showed up to vote for Haley. Biden was getting over 80% in nearly every state and Trump didn’t get that high. millions of independents/ democrats chose to vote in the republicans primary because it’s the only one this year with a competitive race. Lots of these folks will return home in the fall. More democrats probably sat home during this primary season than republicans as well. Biden needs a good state of the union tomorrow. Also dems seem to have a big advantage in the money department and at the state level in crucial swing states. Michigan / Arizona GOP are in shambles. Kari lake and Martha mcsally will be responsible for totally flipping Arizona blue. I still like the way demographics are trending in Georgia and North Carolina as well. Dems still have a lot to be hopeful for and it’s still early. Wait until more people become politically engaged. Right now it’s just the die hards like us. As long as a big recession doesn’t hit before fall ( looking unlikely) Biden should have a decent chance. honestly I don’t care if Biden wins and steps down by Christmas. I just don’t want trump or MAGA to win anything.
  21. Yes…. Brandon gill gave Dinesh a grand child and Dinesh pretty much got Brandon elected. Dinesh gave the Gill campaign a huge donation and secured the trump endorsement for gill.
  22. These results are ungodly disappointing. We’ve talked about for years using the primary season to get rid of terrible republicans, but now these same terrible republicans are using the primary to get rid of the only somewhat sane republicans left in the only Texas body of government that isn’t totally fucked up. the Texas house could be as bad if not worse than the Texas Senate soon.
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