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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Sadly….. most women who live in red states who also happen to have husbands or boyfriends and particularly live in the south are told by their husbands or boyfriends how to vote. When they get in their husband or bf’s pickup truck on the way to go vote, you know the husband or bf is lobbying hard for the MAGA.
  2. Lots of people don’t participate in social media tho.
  3. Don’t forget the Republican Party at its core is based on greed and selfishness. The people who run red states would rather see the poorer or less fortunate in life folks who live in their states suffer than simply expand Medicaid. They’d rather own a black guy ( Obama) then let poor people go to the doctor and get smaller problems fixed or addressed before they become bigger problems which further burdens the overall healthcare system. They’d rather see rural hospitals go under. the party is literally “ I have mine or am happy with mine. Screw you. Get out of my way. Cut my taxes as low as possible so I can contribute to society as little as possible. Leave my family and me alone while we go buy our second yacht with the tax cut money we just saved”.
  4. I’m so glad that Sheldon adelson is gone and his family seems to be focusing on running the Dallas mavericks and legalizing gambling nationwide. the big checks to the GOP seem to have really dried up.
  5. Since when does hot wheels Abbott and potty Patrick worry about school shootings? They just shrug their shoulders, send their meager thoughts and prayers, and go about their business like nothing happened. sounds like a convenient excuse or a ruse to prevent people they don’t like from voting.
  6. You already can’t use a student ID in Texas I thought.
  7. AZ gop could give Florida Dems a run for their money in the incompetence department.
  8. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rents-fall-nationwide-third-straight-234418744.html 3rd month in a row of rents falling on a nationwide basis. If you paid any attention at all to inflation, a huge part of the problem was rents rapidly increasing during and especially after the pandemic. I think inflation was just the “hang over” of covid and it’s really starting to subside now which is great news for Biden.
  9. 1 thing we haven’t mentioned here is that ballot initiatives could play a huge role in 2024. Abortion could be on the ballot in many states.
  10. I really really don’t like Trumps chances in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. As for Arizona, the GOP haven’t been able to win seemingly anything since they shit on John McCain. They are unbelievably incompetent. as for Georgia, Biden only won it by 10k and it seems to be gop at heart. I just have a feeling that it might snap back to the GOP this time before demographics start to turn that state more blue. seems like the democrats always fuck up in North Carolina. Things look good. We get excited and then…..disappointment Same story for the GOP with Nevada tho.
  11. 2008-2015 was probably the worst time in history to try and find a job. I remember I was in college and asked about getting a job at GameStop and they showed me 100 applications in the drawer and I said never mind.
  12. Conservatives who celebrate his agenda and accomplishments are idiots. Any governor can ram just about any policy thru with the super majorities he has. It’s like a varsity team celebrating being able to run the ball all over a team of 7th graders.
  13. He’s going to take out his frustrations on that poor state and he’s a mightily frustrated dude. We might see shit like the great gatsby and Tom Sawyer banned in Florida soon. Who knows how crazy Desantis can get.
  14. Unfortunately he’s safe. After he beat mccaskill, he probably won’t see a close race again. Missouri has gotten redder and redder over time.
  15. Would like to see trump lose tonight. I don’t care about the outcome tho. Just hoping this primary battle lasts until Super Tuesday at least.
  16. Hosted by folks with the last name Slay and event taking place in a funeral home? GOP is so weird.
  17. Will there be a Trump vs Haley debate now that Desantis dropped out?
  18. GOP looking desperately for any sign that the economy is going into the shitter. They probably won’t find one. Inflation is supposed to go down this year. Jobless claims report yesterday was the lowest in 16 months. Consumer sentiment has jumped massively the last 2 months.
  19. Surprised Louisiana R governor was cool with it. He could’ve raised a stink and tried to fight it, but I think the Cajuns made the right move by avoiding the inevitable embarrassment of losing in court over and over and over again like Alabama did.
  20. I really hope Dan Quinn finds another job elsewhere or isn’t retained. You just can’t lose a game like that to a 9-8 team who barely made the playoffs and not make some major changes. Running the whole thing back is the dumbest thing ever.
  21. Casey desantis’s nickname is Walmart Barbie right?
  22. Don’t get what Mike Johnson was thinking here. We all saw what happened in Alabama. The LA Republican governor supports the new map. They would lose in court anyway. Johnson was probably better off staying quiet and cutting his losses because now he just looks like an idiot.
  23. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/iowa-caucus-republican-primary-2024/card/iowa-caucus-turnout-was-lowest-in-years-OHUue4uBysMwml4DuEmP
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