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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I’m not a Republican i don’t own a gun i don’t support the death penalty i don’t go to church
  2. I feel totally confident in saying that Biden will be the last Democratic president who doesn’t like marijuana. To win any race as a democrat now you pretty much have to be in support of marijuana reform. Even former prohibitionists like Patrick Kennedy and Connor lamb have fallen into line due to pressure of losing their most recent races. of course….. the next democratic president might not be until 2032 or something.
  3. How much did the state of New Mexico make off mostly Texans this weekend?
  4. I hope the folks in New Mexico make a killing off Texans. I am all for anything that makes bathroom Dan, indictment Paxton, and hot wheels Abbott look bad.
  5. Seems like I remember Scalia’s votes being the worst. He didn’t give the democrats anything, then again Thomas is proving to be just as big if not more so of a partisan hack than Scalia.
  6. Clarence Thomas has been my least favorite Supreme Court justice since Scalia passed away. I’ve always hated Scalia and Thomas so so much.
  7. Ohio map struck down again. When are these republicans going to learn that they can’t rig it with a Supreme Court in Ohio who actually cares about having a fair map?
  8. Frustrating how the senate never votes on anything cool like marijuana reform, but they waste their time with crap bills like this.
  9. “DONT CARE. MUST VOTE R. MUST PWN THE LIBS AT ALL COST “ - your average gop voter.
  10. I think millennials have it the worst because they become of age after 09/11, in the middle of outsourcing at its peak while dubbya was giving companies tax breaks to outsource jobs, and at the beginning of the Great Recession. id argue the generations after millennials are far enough from the baby boomers that some of them will benefit from inheritances or other such things. They may not have as much competition for jobs because the boomers and millennials were both such huge generations in the work force at the same time and boomers seemingly never wanted to retire. The whole thing just sucked all around for millennials. I can’t imagine the other generations having it worse.
  11. I disagree with Biden on this, but he’s trying to get companies to go back to the office now. I think it should be a choice left up to the workers if possible. Commuting sucks.
  12. I don’t think the Russia - Ukraine war was in there calculations. It very well could change how the fed plays things this year.
  13. It proves that unemployment benefits weren’t the problem. Republicans overlooked how much that money helped businesses because people receiving the unemployment usually spent it. I’d rather see people who need help get it, then give tax cuts to wealthy folks who stash their loot in banks in the Cayman Islands. you’re right. I was referring to 2000-2020 where it seemed like employers had a huge upper hand in the job market. The pandemic has kind of evened it out a bit with some people dying and lots of people retiring early or simply retiring at retiring age when they probably should have retired anyway.
  14. Republicans in congress are comfortable assholes with outdated view points. They will never agree to UBI. Most republicans believe too much in America and capitalism. They think the system works amazing and that if you’re poor, it’s your fault and you made bad choices to be poor. the reality has been the same since outsourcing started in America, there simply aren’t enough good jobs for everyone. It seems like overnight people started living longer, people who got to retiring age didn’t retire, good jobs got outsourced overseas, and employers have like 500 applicants for 1 decent job opening.
  15. MAGA people are so messed up they will vote for him anyway.
  16. Biden is the last democrat president to oppose legalization we will ever see.
  17. Same…..only time I’d ever vote for huffines or guzman is if it was a troll vote like I did during early voting.
  18. Can someone explain why this is good? Is the rio grande valley really that progressive? I just want to keep this seat blue if we can.
  19. Great news. Is there any other good news for dems across the state?
  20. At least you have access to marijuana and gambling.
  21. I remember when Perdue got pantsed by Ossoff in their first debate so badly that all other debates were mysteriously canceled.
  22. The main thing is to try and force Republican incumbents into run offs. I voted against anyone who I knew was an incumbent or was recognizable. So my “big 3” votes were huffines, guzman, and some guy I don’t remember against Patrick.
  23. You don’t have to say Republican out loud anymore. You just click it on a tablet screen.
  24. Voted for huffines against hot wheels, guzman against indictment Paxton, and some random challenger against bathroom Dan today. So I, doing my part. at least want to force guys into uncomfortable run offs.
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