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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. This tells me that population matters. The Texas/California market combination or the Texas/Florida market combination is the biggest win win for everyone. As long as OU (most of their cock sucking fans live in Texas), aggy, or LSU (plenty of East Texas eyes follow those swamp ags). But for Max $$$, the University of Texas should play for a National championship every 3 years.
  2. Deion shut down some of the greatest WRs to ever play the game. If you've ever seen him sandbagging down the sideline and intercept the ball thrown to another reciever down the middle who has his double coverage beat, you would understand. No other defender in the history of the NFL shut down half the field in the passing game like he did. QBs would take the extra second to be sure Sanders wasn't anywhere near that side of the field. That in itself led to vets getting sacked once or twice extra per game, and newer QBs getting obliterated the entire game by the defensive line.
  3. This right here. I've never seen anyone else sandbag like PT. He would get "beat" by three yards and wait for the ball to be in the air before closing the gap (often enough) for a pick 6... There were plenty of veteran QBs who would not throw the deep ball to the side Sanders was covering no matter how "beat" the WR had the coverage. Hell, teams would prefer to punt the ball out of bounds 30 yards or so than to hang one up deep for PT to get his hands on. And this is NFL QBs, Wars, and punters, not college, we are talking about. He did hate contact, but when it came down to it being him or a TD, he would make the tackle, or the block at that time.
  4. FTW.... You just summed up aggy's entire existence in 6 words. Well done!
  5. He will do well at Corn. That doesn't mean corn will do that much better. They are still shit.
  6. It will all crumble when they unleash their master plan next season, which is basically COVID out of all their SEC games so they can go undefeated...and still end up 3-1.
  7. It's funny how they all remember the 80s and 90s to be aggy glory years, but forget the 80s and 90s also coincide with aggy probation years... How does that aggy code go again?
  8. Their D has been solid for awhile and talent wasn't their problem. Now they are loaded for bear for sure. #1 class with all their eggs in the defense's basket is going to have the same outcome it's had since Jimbo took over. A great defense can win you some games, but with today's attack offenses, there will be several teams that will put points on the board and once aggy aggy falls a couple of scores behind, they probably aren't coming back.
  9. This off season has been so much better than the season by far and it hasn't even officially started yet.
  10. What you are seeing is almost two decades worth of ESPN shoving the SEC down everyone's throat sending the nation's top recruits flocking to the SEC, especially to 'Bama, who ends up with the cream of the crop, as the top of the food chain. And Saban is one hell of a coach, so his depth chart is full of players every year that would start at almost any other school, so injuries doesn't affect them like it does the mere mortal teams
  11. I remember my first BB team, learning the fundamentals. 1 step meant one step, and they'd call that shit every time, sometimes even when all you took was one step... I actually watched my first NBA game that year... WOW... Wasn't that like 17 steps dude just took? Is this some rule I've never heard of? If you don't dribble, you can just run the ball like a football?!?... Didn't work.
  12. Gaffords

    D'onta Foreman

    It's amazing how they can do it from one pic.
  13. Not that I care or anything, but I am curious if once we're in the SEC, does aggy celebrate our future NCs like they do Bama?
  14. I'm a huge Emmitt fan, but Barry was better. What Barry accomplished in a single back system, running behind last season's longhorn line. On a team that didn't have many defenses worried about getting burned down the field, so the box was always stacked.
  15. It's a side effect of being on the same team with "take the loss, pussy" boy, it makes everyone seem taller than they really are.
  16. We are not back and we are well aware of it. But for a team who never arrived, aggy believes they are the SEC. It was funny how they all ignored our 5-7 season in the BDF, playing nobodies, Drew more eyes than their championship caliber 8-4 season against all the stacked powerhouses of the SRC.
  17. See they win this game like every 5 years, only an aggy would think (or not think) this is a war worth starting.
  18. What gets me is when anyone, no matter what school affiliation, peels back the fluff and exposes out how mediocre their seasons have really been, they defend it with "better than tu". Like that magically makes their little over .500 lifetime average mean more. We've sucked for over a decade and we are well aware of it. They've been almost as shitty. When it goes into the record books, an 8-4 season is still an 8-4 season no matter what conference you played in.
  19. Great work. Secret SRC meeting without aggy. "But, but, but gentlemen's agreement?????"
  20. "If it wasn't for those meddling dogs. Always barking when I sneak into the sheep pen..."
  21. nom nom nom pay a couple of million for the poor to line up and let your players tee off on them so they feel like winners and aggy can keep that 4 win handicap going strong so aggy can absorb some teeth kickin' from losing their lifetime average of half their conference games. Colorado really doesn't fit this so much, but it works for me.
  22. Nothing says playoffs like 8 and 4 with 4 of the 8 wins being cuppycakes...Or 9 and 1, with only two of those 9 being over .500, and one of the two teams they beat that had a winning record was 1 game above .500. He dose know how to say the right things. But, it's not hard to know what.to say. In other news Jimbo should coach his new recruits I'm saying the right thing. DT recruit Jalon Scarlett said he was drawn to aggy because of their great coaching staff...ummm, what staff?
  23. Gotta give it to aggy for persistent. They are determined to be #1.. They just might actually pull it off sooner than later. Aggy is now tide with ASU for the second most major NCAA infractions with 9. They only need 1 more to go for the tie with SMU, or they could go for 2 FTW. They do lead in one category. They are by far #1 in lowest success rate in the cheat to win race to the top.
  24. But leaving out the somewhere else part.
  25. None whatsoever. The coaches at tOSU didn't work much with the two new freshmen. And the season didn't go as they hoped, so after the season started, they spent most of practice working with the first squad. Ewers spent the season playing QB for the scout team while the other freshman qb sat on pine, pulling his pud.
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