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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. Funniest thing about it, when this blows up in their face and can't compete for all the recruits they want across board and they still haven't won shit, aggy will be the first crying foul and that everybody is cheating and conspiring together to hold aggy down.
  2. I'm sure they've noticed the Penn transgender swimmer thing... Over/Under on how long before aggy women's sports start fielding all transgender teams?
  3. #1 class in the age of portal and NIL deals doesn't mean the same as it would before. aggy already went drunk Saudi Royal buying Jimbo from FSU and several recruiting classes, (this isn't the first) I can't wait to see how much they spend trying to keep this one together for more than a season. It will be glorious once again. Not to mention on top of what they spend to keep this class together next year, there are those fresh recruits to buy next year... Aggy, needing to show the world how they now have as much money as UT by paying Jimbo double and triple more than 97% of the other P5S coaches were making, made salaries skyrocket. Aggy will end up killing recruiting and retention... 5 and 4*s will be expecting NFL money before you know it. We might as well set a cap on it now and anyone busted spending above that, gets the one year death penalty, followed with a two year home field and bowl ban. Loss of all revenue the death year and 50% the next two.
  4. I have a feeling the original plan was for us and OU to finish out the contract (announce the year prior). That way we would avoid exit fees. I can see the timeline getting moved up a year now that aggy tried its damnedest to torpedo the deal. It would probably happen sooner if it wasn't for broke ass sooner... But then again, Texas isn't big on throwing away money outside of bad coaching hires.
  5. That's one way to kill off some unwanted brain cells, I guess.
  6. I agree. This tanking of how the #1 classes have done over their 4 year period is probably a better comparison. If you take out Saban's recent 7 on the list, the win/loss numbers are interesting for most teams. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/list/best-no-1-recruiting-classes-since-2000-alabama-usc-texas-florida-notre-dame/38f3l91oroxu18abtuexxp87k
  7. Kool-aid. Drink at your own risk. https://youtu.be/ww0dmEG930M
  8. This could be huge... It comes down to how the season goes and how well prepared our QB (Ewers) looks. If there ever was a season for Texas to turn its shit around, this is it. OU with a new staff and a ton of key transfers, plus new staffs at TCU and TT, should make the season a little easier, hopefully. Last year was brutal. The OU loss with its extreme high to the soul crushing low, broke the will of last year's team, or at least that of a few players where we lacked depth. When things are going good, the team was solid. But as soon as there was a hint of adversity, certain players collapsed like a house of cards. This problem started under Herman. There were some losses because of it, not at the ratel we just went through, but there were some notable games Ended up closet than should have, and others came down to the wire. Several players came out of Herman's program mentally weak and instinctively looking for a reason to fold shop. I have a feeling if we had gone on to beat OU in the woodshed we established right out of the gate, the team might've exorcised Turtle Tom's demon and gone on to a respectable first year for the new staff.
  9. Never gets old, and never fails to make me laugh when it shows up in a thread.
  10. For a second there, I thought it was the klan in the photo.
  11. It had to be bad when FSU fans are talking about this shit as FSU was in hunt of the repeat. Unlike OU "fuck Riley" after the fact. FSU fans were perfectly fine with aggy poaching their coach... Well it's definitely now or never time for Jimbo to start producing. 7 of the last 10 #1 classes have won or played for a National championship by the end of, or during their 4 year cycle. But I have a feeling Jimbo has 2 years max to do it in. A playoff spot, or SEC championship appearance is likely enough to buy him more time. It will be interesting to track the greatest class evar!!!! for the next four years. Since 2000, the #1 classes have done well overall, but there have been some lemons... Our #1 went 46-5. NDs #1 class went 29-22. I have a feeling this aggy class will be decent, but not sniff a National Title game or even the playoffs. Not because I'm being bias, (maybe a little) but because too many things have changed and work against aggy. Plus there are still the usual issues aggy must get past. . Jimbo is still an average coach running an outdated offense. Not to mention he is a slimy, shit pile of a human and if aggy 8-4s once again, he will likely bail seasons end, if a.decent opportunity presents itself. He's been there long enough that the stench has got to be setting in on that program. But then again, aggy is about as shitty.as it gets so shit stench doesn't bother them at all. In fact cheating, coverups, bribes, payoffs, payments all smell like sweet sweet winning to them. Then there is the portal... That changes the value of class rankings. Attrition of today's classes is 10x what they were a couple of years ago. So it will be interesting to see how well aggy holds this class together. Teams used the portal to counter strong classes with proven experience in key spots. In fact, several teams used the portal as an extension of recruiting and not just a gap filler. Solid experienced players negates talented but untested ones in most situations on the field. So aggy expecting this class to dominate out of the gate is going to be another typical aggy year. Then there is still the Alabama and now Georgia issue. It isn't like this aggy class is by far a cut above theirs, and those two programs have the depth aggy forgets it lacks. So yeah, this class is poised to really make aggy tears rain.
  12. I'm curious what brought about the SEC decision to put an exit fee policy in it's bylaws. For some reason, I feel it has aggy written all over it. Not that they are trying to force aggy to stay, but more like they are telling aggy to shit or get off the pot. Go ahead and quit or shut up and stop threatening to do so... But do it soon, because it will cost you out the ass if you wait too long...
  13. I don't know if they really spent 30 million or not, but I have zero doubt they would've spent 30 million if that's what it took to get this class. It would probably shock all of us if we knew how much aggy has spent on players since joining the SEC. It's not like they don't have a rich history of doing such a thing. All the signs are there. From the money thrown at Jimbo at the beginning. Yes, he had a NC under his belt, but it was already starting to look like he was going to be a one hit wonder and was cratering quickly when they got him. But not only did he have a championship in the bag, it was known he would never be nominated for Upstanding Coach of the Year. There was talk and rumors of shit going on, with some of it being very Bayloresque of FSU's own forums when Winston was still there. It's pretty obvious aggy is desperate (and getting more so by the year) to win the big one. They desperately need to be seen equal to tu. From the over the top Jimbo salary and retarded no buyout but pay every penny if we need to get rid of you because you suck, to the stupid future Jimbo, wishful thinking, fake NC trophy(s), to however much they spent this year, no matter how over the top at the time, or the ramifications it might have after the fact. it exposes how desperate aggy was to be seen as an Elite and on the same SEC footing as 'Bama back then, and how panic is starting to set in and are willing sell the farm to get it done before tu comes in... It will be interesting to see how all of this affects aggy culture in the long-run. Their 100 years of literal bliss turned into the worse hellish, aggy nightmare possible. If there was the perfect aggy horror script written, this would be it... This it the Biblical story of aggy Job. Aggy went from their fairy tale perfect life, still in full honeymoon stage with the SEC one day, to a earth shattering comet striking the next. And that was just the settings for the waves of devastation to come.... When aggy found out about UT coming in, aggy thought if they exposed it, fan outrage over poor aggy being put in a position to suffer anymore abuse at the hands of everyone's most hated school would get Alabama to realize the mistake the SEC was about to make, and would join aggy, hand in hand in stopping the SEC from committing suicide. Instead the fans reacted to the news of UT/OU to the SEC with "holy shit! This is huge!" but poor aggy agony wasn't part of it, in fact aggy wasn't a part of it at all at first. But when they were, it was in the worse possible way for aggy ego... When the fans or 'bama didn't rally to aggy's plight as they thought things would go, pissed off, they took a cheap shot at the SEC, but it was mainly missed/our looked/ or ignored by the SEC and the media, when they tried to paint the SEC in a bad light by bringing up the gentlemens agreement the SEC gave them when they joined. The way everyone, including the fans, completely blew off aggy and ignored this shot, as if aggy was no more than a gnat, it was major huge blow for aggy self esteem... Aggy had their feeling hurt at this point, finding out the fans aren't anti tu and pro aggy like they thought, and by the SEC ignoring aggy and its cheap shot at the SEC reputation, they would soon wish they would've kept their mouths shut, so then the SEC wouldn't have heard anything at all. The SEC retaliation was extremely brutal for aggy... Not only was they any chance of stopping the expansion, the National media was informed that it was going to pass with a UNANIMOUS vote beforehand. Aggy was put in it's place publicly and treated like a little child forced to stand in the corner for everyone to see and then forced into a public "sorry" to tu on top of it. Aggy not being treated as one of the top powers of the SEC, but a "yes daddy" kiddie table dweller instead, was a MAJOR blow that will leave a lasting mark.. Aggy has always demanded and was given one of the top two or three Power positions in the conferences they've been in. But they lost touch with it wasn't their merits that got them seated at the top table. Big brother would get them seated, but in the SEC, just because they believed they were one of the three or four top dogs, and liked to talk as if they were a top dog, it didn't mean the conference saw them as a top dog at all. And the world was made aware of it... That's when everything hit home with aggy... Aggy went from living in their own little fantasy world where aggy had, not only destroyed tu's reputation everywhere, aggy replaced tu as a fan favorite nationally when they exposed the truth about how self centered and evil tu really was on their way out the door years ago. In this world the SEC picked aggy over tu because aggy was more valuable than tu which automatically made them the richest program in the country. They believed aggy in the SEC destroyed any respect as a P5 the Big 12 ever had. It also destroyed any value Texas could have for any other conference, so even if Texas was able to beg it's way into the Pac, it wouldn't mean shit because aggy had already turned Texas into a SEC state and only a few pockets of longhorn fans here and there were all that remained. The list goes on of the ways aggy finger fucked themselves into believing, setting themselves up for some aggy shattering collisions with the brutal truth of reality in rapid succession... Aggy found out they are nowhere near replacing UT locally or nationally with fans or media. Aggy found out they don't hold the upper hand on UT at any level. Aggy found out they don't hold any power at all in the SEC,. Aggy was crushed when no one gave aggy agony a second thought through this. Aggy was crushed when not only did no conference mate stand up for them, they all went behind aggy's back and conspired with tu in everything. Aggy was butthurt when they found out the other SEC members conduct meetings that aggy gets left out of... Aggy lost another beer from their already depleted mental sixpack when they realized the SEC figured what would be the worse case scenario with aggy by bringing UT in and it was still worth it to them, which destroys the whole value thing completely. Aggy ego, self esteem, everything aggy was wrecked by the SEC when the world witnessed aggy having to vote YES and not even allowed to use a no vote like they received, so UTs UNANIMOUS vote was better then theirs which makes UT more valuable than aggy and the world knows it.... Aggy took a barrage of aggy wrecking blows that will have some sort of permanent mindfuckng affect on that school... Being put on the scale with UT and weighed publicly was a soul killer... But only because they can't see that they are the only ones who see themselves as equals while the entire world never expected them to measure up equally to UT, so where they come close is where their peers take notice and not at the fact they don't measure the same. Poor aggy
  14. It takes so little effort to look at teams who went through a coordinator change before early signing day and the effect it had on them holding onto commitments when it came time to sign.... And that's with a new coordinator and the core of his staff already in place... There is a reason most firings take place after that date and teams who lose coaches try to get replacements in place well in advance of ESD. It's difficult to keep recruits committed when they haven't formed some sort of bond with the new replacement coach. Especially when there are 2 or 3 other coaches out there who came so close to getting the commitment also. Now to land several of the hardest fought over defensive recruits right after losing the bulk of your defensive staff and no new coach in place is unheard of. Saban doesn't retain all his #1 targets after coaching changes like that. He just has plenty of high level secondary choices hoping to get his call. It would probably be worth the work for someone to look at Jimbo's recruiting history and see how many of his top targets he's actually landed per cycle both at FSU and aggy, then compare it to Saban's time at Alabama. I bet Jimbo's hit/miss ratio on #1 position targets this year is 10X better than he's ever done before. I bet it's surprisingly higher than Saban has ever done also. And no D side coaching staff in place....
  15. No kool-aid, but if I remember right, every DB in this class was ranked higher than any DB we had last year when they were recruited. And they are all still considered to be more talented than what we had. Hopefully it translates into some of them being solid contributors this year.
  16. I'm going to laugh my ass off when it comes out that we are the ones that petitioned the SEC to require a hefty exit fee "so aggy can't run from us for what will seem like a lifetime to them" and the rest of the conference was like "cool with us".
  17. Jimbo isn't mad whatsoever. That's what makes this even more comical. When he was with FSU, there was plenty of shit said and questioned about Jimbo and his ethics. It didn't phase him one bit, so he never bothered to respond to worse. This is the official/non official aggy administration response. Just like he was the aggy voice when they exposed the tu.and.OU / SEC deal. Aggy has never handled being put under the spotlight in a negative way, so they start running off at the mouth without a filter... Just knowing aggy as I do, the recruiting shot at other SEC schools was aimed at Alabama as much as it was Ole Miss, because in aggy's little mind, there is no way Alabama out recruits them year in and year out without massive cheating. Especially since aggy is easily the second best team in SEC and in the process of putting Bama in their rearview once and for all. Bama's success and their lack of, has given Alabama that tu kinda feel and they well on their way to despising 'Bama. Aggy cock- envy and hatred of Alabama was as sure to happen as death and taxes. We just pushed it into warp speed.
  18. NCAA officials acknowledged this week to the Associated Press that the Indianapolis-based organization had sent letters of inquiry to "multiple schools" over the last several months over their name, image and likeness policies. NCAA vice president of enforcement Jon Duncan declined to identify any school, but the Cougars have publicly acknowledged they received a notice. "It's just dialogue with a school to get more information about whether violations have occurred," Duncan told the AP this past week. "We're not enforcing NIL deals, and we're not enforcing the interim policy, which is largely permissive" he added. "We're looking at rules that are still on the books and behaviors that are still violations. Or potentially (violations)."....... BYU and Miami were officially placed under investigation in Dec. Oregon was a third one placed under investigation in Jan. I have a feeling this is far from over.
  19. He really hasn't had to. ESPN sent recruits his way in troves... Once Florida flopped, Tebow cried, McCoy went down, and Mac wanted to convert to the spread, power I, wishbone, veer, run and shoot, gun and fun, smash mouth, air raid, pro-style, west coast, chutes and ladders, mousetrap, ants in your pants, barrel of monkeys offense, ESPN has been sending recruits to Alabama and by default the rest of the SEC by the truckloads... not saying Saban has been a saint or Bama hasn't spent money at some time, but with ESPN cobb gobbling them, they haven't had to spend much. Just think how back to back shit plays in Lubbock, and Colt going down right out of the gate, possibly changed who's nub ESPN ended polishing for the next decade and a half.... Not that Mac-Charlie wouldn't have fucked it up anyways, so we would've only gotten blown for 2 or 3 years before getting dumped. Lol
  20. It's gonna be interesting watching the attrition rate of the highest ranked class ever. Only aggy would go all 3 1/2" deep into so many elite recruits and not expect any sort of blowback. Which tells me they have no idea what it going to be like having so many Prima Donnas on the team at the same time and why this team is as likely to implode as it is to gel...
  21. Threatening to spill the beans on other SEC programs recruiting deals is so aggy. Reminds me of kids when they get in trouble. --Well so and so did this-- like it's some sort of free get out of trouble card. Exposing the tu+OU/SEC thing years ahead of plans plus this tantrum for getting called out on what is blatantly obvious to everyone including their own fan base, has got to be going over well within the SEC leadership circle... They had to have heard all the aggy stories. They might have even believed them. But until you experience them for yourself, comprehending exactly what you are dealing with and how aggy really view themselves at the top of the ladder, on the same wrung with Alabama, that if anything is said or done that doesn't fit into this narrative, they will try to sink the entire ship even if they are doomed to go down with it... They demanded the Big 12 see them as equals to OU/UT their entire time here, but really thought themselves as so much more that they were determined to destroy the Big 12 when they left so they could feel like they held the Big 12 together and it didn't survive without them...
  22. I have a feeling this season is going to be extra special when the wheels come off and after 30,000,000 on the greatest team evar, + 12,000,000 for the greatest corch evar, + (however many 00,000,000) on the greatest assistant corches evar, they still end up 8-4, and once again 5th in the SEC.
  23. Holy shit. He went full aggy on the SEC schools... I'd say if there was any benefit of the doubt about who aggy is within the SEC, there isn't anymore...
  24. Like anyone is stupid enough to believe aggy landed that defensive unit without their defensive coaching staff being hired at the time of early signing day. Only aggy would blindly assume the entire (non tu) world believes in Jimbo.
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