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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. This is correct. According to Slocum, aggy continued to stay in close contact with the SEC until they were slapped upside the head by some high ranking political heads to stop the bullshit... Which they did stop... For a little while... -according to Slocum. )
  2. Me too! First I had to double check the time posted, and was like "what did I miss?!?" Then checked to see who posted...
  3. The OSU/BU CCG did decent, but only because OSU was in the playoff conversation. When any school is around the 10 win mark, they typically get some attention. But TV contracts aren't based on wishes and dreams. They tend to be based on historical averages unless they have an aggy like fan base that is faithful to the "won halftime", "quality loss" and "next year" pipedreams. Because most bottom and mid pack schools tend to have a decent season every 7 or so years and then right back to their average. Teams that are around .500-.550-.600 historically, says safe bet is they end up right there again. When BU, TCU, OSU, etc are only a game or two over .500, they don't get Big 10 or SEC or ACC fans attention unless playing some big brand. There is a reason conferences are anchored by Blue Bloods, Not that long ago, there was a reason smaller schools were perfectly fine with unequal revenue sharing because 25% less was better than just 25% of what they were currently making. They satisfied with the Blue Blood fan base and National appeal being the ones footing their expenses. Things haven't changed that much as to where the money comes from. It still comes from the fans. Texas went 5-7 that featured a never ending loosing streak to cherry- top it. But all things considering, there were fans in the stadium. There were a few fans making the road trips... There were still some national eyes watching the games. What it that had been any other B12 team outside of UT or OU? Especially if they were in the slump we've been in for however many years now? It was be real interesting to see contract negotiations without UT/ OU. I've seen several project somewhat respectable numbers. I'm not sure where they figure them from. Especially when you look at the teams they've added. Let's look at the Mormons. The Mormons aren't dumb when it comes to financials. If they were bringing in fists full of dollars, they would be making fists full now from their ESPN contract... UH would've been in the Big 12 instead it TCU, or WVU, or BU, or TT. UH fans only appear when they are at the top which historically doesn't happen all that often. The same applies to Cincy (to a slightly lesser extent). UFC? The same... Yes UFC and Cincy have been on a roll for years now, but so was UofL. So was TCU ( did okay at first, but has faded for the last several years as has their fans. Probably would've happened faster if Patterson had taken the money and ran years back. WVU hasn't done much since joining. So I'll assume the contract bidders will be looking at how much harder competition will be for the incoming teams at this level week in and week out like it has been for all the others who've made the jump, and not at the "just maybe" side of things. A conference full of teams with no real fan appeal outside of their sandbox doesn't bode well in the Big money playpen. Yes it will be competitive, but non team specific, non B12 fans don't give a shit about watching two 4-2 no names slug it out. And yes, someone will rise to the top and fill the UT/OU void... Eventually.... But it will take years before their National value will carry over when they have their multiple year slumps... But that doesn't help the $$$s for the conference as a whole anytime soon. I'm not even sure what the fan interest within the B12 footprint itself is going to look like with the loss of the UT-OU fan base. Face it, in Texas you have UT then aggy then OU ....and then... Way "and then", you have the rest. And their fan base is very localized with some alumni/fan support scattered amongst the bigger Texas cities. But not in the numbers to carry those cities. Looking at the Big 12 gains and losses, the numbers look bleak. The Big 12 gains the Mormon fans, but according to their solo contract with ESPN, it isn't a game changer. The Big 12 will gain the St. George market, but Salt Lake will remain a Utah first market. Cincy? Only if Ohio St is out.and Cincy is in, but unless Cincy goes on a terror a la 'Bama 2.0 and tOSU becomes us, all Ohio major markets remain firmly Big 10 territory. UFC really doesn't deliver anything Florida market wise worth mentioning. That's UF FSU and Miami hard core no matter how bad/good things are going. It would take several NCs for that to change slightly. UH doesn't deliver Houston. In fact, they actually become even more insignificant than they are now... I'll get to that. Now what the Big 12 losses marketwise. Texas... All of it outside of Lubbock, Amarillo and Midland/Odessa. (They probably lose the last three to the SEC with UT, OU, and aggy all back together.) OKC (all of Oklahoma). Depending on how the SEC does it's divisions (pods), KC (if OU- missou start playing regularly again. Houston market falls firmly into the SEC stable. It is already UT/aggy/LSU territory. All three in the same conference slams the door on the Big 12 competing for viewers. But the biggest loss is going to be the UT/OU fan base. The more time removed from the Big 12, the more will start running into the other SEC games and not the other Big 12 matchups. That one will really take it's toll on Big 12 viewership in the long run. Yeah, I'm struggling to see where the Big 12 stays within the same universe with the other P5s. Common sense says the projected money rift has to be pretty substantial for UT and OU to give up a much easier path into the playoffs (especially what was assumed to be an expanded one that could see them both in often enough). It would've been worth giving up several million to the others just for consistent trips to the playoffs and what it would've done for recruiting alone. Especially Texas. It isn't like UT doesn't pull millions more than practically everyone else. Speaking of recruiting. That's another area that is going to kill the Big 12. Many talented recruits chose other schools over UT and OU, but they knew they would get to play (hopefully showcase) against them. The loss of those two games is the loss of two practically guaranteed national exposure games and how that could affect their shot at the next level. How many times (lets say BCS on) has a left behind team made it to a major bowl game? And no, G5s prior to stepping up to a full P5 schedule don't count. I'm not seeing good money coming the big 12s way. It's not there Maybe the Big 12 knows the money is not coming and insist on full exit fees if we leave early. On last big payday from the only two that's got them paid this entire time. One last hurrah as they make their final coattail ride into the sunset before the New Big 12 falls from the P5s.
  4. Well it's not quite swordfighting. Hmmm, toothpicking? thumbtacking? Redassing? Wait... Looching!
  5. I would settle for a defense that could either stop the run or stop the pass. This running out defensive units that can't do either, is fucking old.
  6. I'm pretty sure their cheerleaders bang each other all the time.
  7. If our LBs end up playing like they did last year, I'm game for trying anyone-everyone there. The waterboy... The tuba player... South Austin's mom... The drunk chic from the bar... Hell, the 12th man... I don't care. Try everyone until we find people that can stop the run.
  8. DON'T DRINK THE KOOL-AID... I know it's almost impossible, almost like being adrift for days with nothing but an ocean of water to see in every direction. But like saltwater, the kool-aid can have nasty, long term effects like we've already have begun to see within our own fan base. In many cases, those effects are irreversible and affect entire groups like it did with the entire population of BCS. Or maybe those destined to be aggy we're fucking morons from birth.
  9. Didn't you explain to her that even if Alabama won she would've been okay? For aggy, aTm and 'bama are interchangeable? It's pretty obvious that here within the next 20-30 years, once we chase them out of the SEC, they will be adding all those aggabama titles to the wall.
  10. Not quite... From wiki. But with a little effort searching online, the articles from that time can sti Arkansas athletic director Frank Broyles, who played at Georgia Tech when the Yellow Jackets competed in the SEC, said that he was encouraged to leave by UT's and Texas A&M's leaders, because it would destabilize the conference, allowing them to do the same. The leaderships at UT and Texas A&M believed they would never be allowed to leave first.[9] (In the summer of 1990, word would leak of Texas and Texas A&M thinking of following Arkansas into the SEC. Reaction in Texas would be very negative, with politicians threatening both schools' funding before the idea was tabled In the early 1990s, Texas had discussions with the Pac-10, a conference with similar academic views. An affiliation with the Pac-10 appealed to UT leaders. Former UT president Robert Berdahl told Mark Wagrin of the San Antonio Express-News: “Texas wanted desperately the academic patina that the Pac 10 yielded... To be associated with UCLA, Stanford and Cal in academics was very desirable.” [9] The Pac-10 wanted to add UT and the University of Colorado. For some reason, an offer didn't come until after the formation of the Big 12.[13] Some reports state that Stanford refused to vote to admit UT in an effort to protect the Cardinal's conference dominance in non-revenue sports.[9] (The Pac-10 required unanimous votes for expansion.) (At the end of 1994, UT's athletic director DeLoss Dodds, as he was turning down the Pac-10, stated that the Pac-10 leadership informed UT they would have a standing invitation for the Longhorns. What is unclear is when the Pac-10 made that offer, although Dodds did use the word "always" in describing the offer.)[14] One report stated that the offer was changed to UT and Texas A&M. UT reportedly tried to carry Texas A&M with them into the Pac-10.[10] No evidence confirms Pac-10 support for that idea. This change allegedly upset the leadership at Colorado and drove them to take a more active role in protecting the Big Eight. (Colorado's Chancellor James Corbridge was also the Big Eight chairman. He was very involved with the TV negotiations for the new conference and the integration of the Texas schools.[15]) UT then approached the Big Ten, but was turned down, because the conference had recently instituted a moratorium on expansion.[9] Texas then turned to the SEC, and negotiations reached an advanced stage. UT abruptly withdrew after concluding that the SEC had no interest in strengthening academics. Berdahl said, “We were quite interested in raising academic standards... And the Southeastern Conference had absolutely no interest in that.”[9] Texas A&M had flirted with the SEC since the late 1980s. In 1993, it had approached the conference about joining, partnered with the University of Houston. UT had given up on the SEC and Texas A&M's leadership didn't want to try leaving the SWC on their own. The SEC moved expansion plans to the back burner.
  11. There is no doubt the artist was an aggy. Their work on the male anatomy is solid. The chain work is nicely done also.... But... Well at least this aggy was a 2%er and was well aware of their shortcoming when it comes down to rendering nature itself.. So instead of trying to portray a whole bundle of them, which would've resembled something more along the line of a tangled wind chime, he chose to use a single -yes, very plain and underwhelming to say the least- log.
  12. Marion, Choice, and Patterson are grand slams. Marion and Choice are upbeat and energetic coaches that players relate to and respond to exceptionally well, so they have a track record of getting top effort from their players. Both are considered to be solid player developers. Both are outstanding recruiters, with Choice being someone who has a track record of singlehandedly landing upper level talent at positions he doesn't even coach. Patterson speaks for himself. He is definitely an elite evaluator and developer of talent. Especially of DB talent. He could bring back the DBU debate to Texas.
  13. Their recent decommit is all over the place. Many have him at the same odds to end up back at 8-4 as he is at any other of the 350+ schools out there. If he goes back to aggy, they will reclaim the 1 spot
  14. I agree. Adding Houston was dumb as it gets. Dumber yet is that the former SWC members know (or should know) that being so regionalized was one of the biggest death blows to the SWC. Lack of National interest outside of UT, which saw plenty of it's games getting bumped to regional coverage.Especially when playing 1-4 Baylor or 2-3 TCU or 0-5 Owls. SMU getting its pony shot in the head, aggy on National TV and Bowl ban for major violations. (if I remember right, there were a couple of other members on minor probation also the last few years of the SWC). All this added together had the SWC falling way behind the other conferences in National media $s and more and more Texas talent was leaving the state to go play somewhere they would get more National exposure (key back then if hoping for the NFL as a late rounder)... The same issues (non cheating) that plagued the SWC yesterday are the same issues that has UT and OU leaving today. I would've added Arkansas bailing for greener pastures as another nail for the SWC, but in fairness, they only left when they did as political cover for Texas and aggy, who had every intention of following them into the SEC 2 years later. "We tried, but an all Texas conference isn't feasible, so it's every man for himself". But something went wrong between the SEC 'wigs and the Texas two (mainly UT-Deloss). I've never been able to pin down exactly what took place, but whatever happened was bad enough, it took over 2 decades of leadership changes within UT (and for the mouse to spit shine the SEC enough to make it too enticing not to give it a go) before there was a snowball's chance in hell of us joining the SEC. Things should start to get interesting sometime next year. We should start to hear if Amazon, Google, Netflix, AT&T... Are going to make a move or not. And the Pac negotiations should be starting towards summer's end 2023. This Pac negotiation round has a good chance of setting off the powder keg for real.
  15. I wonder if it's too late for aggy to cancel that #1 recruiting class 2022 trophy they ordered... Like everything aggy. They were winning at halftime, and then they ran out of bagmen. Don't know if it holds through signing day, but it will be a kick in the nuts if they come up short on their prized #1 all-time rated class. At least they'll have their excuse in place when they continue to go 8-4 the next few years. There's always next year. Speaking of next year, it will probably be more expensive for aggy. Seeing how they set the NIL pace this year, more teams will be willing to play their game for recruits they want, so aggy will have to really pony up to be competitive at their own game. I wonder how many recruiting cycles aggy will go all in like they did this year, and how that is going to affect donations when it's time to fund their next stairway to nowhere?
  16. Or she's of the 4 legged kind.
  17. I was about to label this Fake News due to the lack of aggy from that list. But I did a recheck before post and I was mistaken. Aggy is all over the list. They're listed under their other name and not the official 8-4 one.
  18. This is a huge get. Some have him as the second best portal player this year (Ewers #1). He can stretch the field and had like 12 TDs as the only real WR threat in a run heavy offense. As long as Ewers (or someone) can hit the WRs, our offense is starting to look scary. Teams might find it hard to stack the box this season
  19. It always cracks me up when I see teams we aren't even playing throwing the horns down. It's even funnier when it's teams from other conferences we aren't playing...
  20. We didn't get snow here (Denver) this year until right before Xmas, and then it was like 1/2 an inch. We were like 2 days short of breaking a 150 year old record. We've had a couple of dusting and like one 4 incher since, so there wouldn't have been a snow game this year. But the second half of October is the better bet for snow games around here. It's about the same in Boulder.
  21. Exactly. The Pac didn't stabilize just because of OU and UT going to the SEC. They haven't figured out how to bolster fan support. They still are struggling getting into the playoffs. They are still bleeding their top recruits to other markets. These things don't help when it's time for them to start negotiating their new contract. To top it, we all know the Big 10 is not going to play second fiddle to anyone if they can help it, and adding Kansas +1 of the other left behinds isn't going to keep them in stride with the SEC, so they need ND or USC plus another bigger fish. It makes me wonder if the Big 12 didn't jump the gun with the 4 they responded with. It might have been wiser to wait until the Pac opened negotiations to see how it goes and to see if the Big 10 makes a move on the Pac. They could've found themselves in position to absorb or merge with practically the entire remaining PAC teams.
  22. That's kinda my thought. So aggy doesn't have all the money in the world? But then again, going head to head for the other recruits wasn't on display in front of the world like going head to head for Ewers. He was the biggest story for all sports outlets at that time. We all saw just how scared aggy is to lose on the National stage. Then again, if they started to feel like they weren't going to get Ewers, they could've Covid out of the chase, which seems to be their new "ran out of ____" feel good... Maybe they were scared to risk going for it and having their committed QB start shopping around and end up missing out on both QBs and possibly Stewart (and others) also?
  23. Here's a question for aggy. When Ewers hit the portal, he had 3 schools on his short list of places to land, Texas, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech. When someone with his potential lists you as one of his top three, you at least get him on campus and have a sit down to see where you stand. Schools not on that list, or even in this state made runs at him. Everyone did... Everyone but aggy, that is. So what caused aggy to back out? No matter who you had a verbal from, Ewers would've still been the #1 overall recruit in the Nation this year, and the biggest prize on the table, especially for anyone looking for a QB. So my question is, did aggy run out of bagmen? Or was aggy scared to go head to head with Texas?
  24. JJ needs to fire the entire coaching staff, the entire team, put the Cowboys up for auction on Ebay, and then fire himself....
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