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Posts posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. 3 minutes ago, locodos said:

    IDK I thought it was a form of keeping track of timing of the mission.  I wondered about that too

    Yes he was counting and timing out the attack. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, gsoda3 said:


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    I was dreading this episode, holding out hope the story runners changed Mariko's ending. Of all the things to stay faithful to the script...

    I wish they'd had the time and desire to flesh out anjin and Mariko's relationship. They completely skipped the journey from Anjiro to Osaka. They didn't have any of the intimate conversations held in Latin only for their ears. There's a significant layer missing in the story without that context.

    The treatment (obliteration) of Dell'Aqua's storyline is odd to me. They might as well not have put him in the show and used the time devoted to the black ship instead on making the romance more believable.


    Regarding the second paragraph, this. But they’d have to film an additional episode most likely.

    I think the showrunners wanted to keep it very succinct at 10 episodes. More likely they were given a 10 episode budget. 

  3. I think they need to get 2 starters in the second round. 

    It’ll be too early for safety at 42, and I’m not sure there’s value for a safety at 59 either. I’d go corner at 42, and best available iDL or OG at 59.

    They can’t depend on Kenyon Green to do shit other than medically retire. Guard needs to get addressed in the second or third rounds. 

  4. Another hope for next week. 


    I hope there are a couple flashbacks in the finale. In the book prior to the Taiko’s death, a Chinese soothsayer visits Osaka and tells the key players their fortunes. Let’s just say her accuracy is up there with Maggy the Frog. 

    The payoff is awesome in the book’s final pages. Probably the lone highlight of the Clavell’s ending. 


  5. Book readers and show watchers, is We’s Einstein joke in the books or did B&W write that? I’m pressed if they wrote that for the show. It’s a perfect analogy for 3 Body Problem. 

    I started The Dark Forest. I don’t like the narrator as much. Some English guy. 

    The pacing is a little jerky, but the Evans - San-Ti conversations are great. It’s pretty obvious the San-Ti didn’t need Evans when the Sophons reach Earth.

    I’m currently in the Wallfacers chapter. Pretty cool. 

    I’m trying not to look ahead, but it’s clear The Dark Forest is building towards something big. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Terrific episode. The ninja attack was a little rushed, but no complaints. 


    Mariko is a better fighter in the book than depicted on the show. She takes down a bunch of grays (Ishido’s men)when she attempts to leave Osaka. Exhaustion finally gets her to yield.

    I know the show has budget constraints, but the ninja attack is a pretty long sequence in the book. The Browns (Toranga’s men) fight valiantly, but the ninjas are extremely skilled fighters and they got the drop on them. Blackthorne and Mariko are able to hold out for hours in the Toranaga panic room until they blow up the door and Mariko. The attack ends near dawn and all of Osaka knows about it in the morning. Using ninja is the most shameful thing a samurai can do, so Ishido is fucked politically. 

    It might be too late in the show to address, but there are many questions about the heirs true parentage throughout the book. I’ll leave it there in hopes they get to it next week. 



    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. I think Israel is done. Iran has almost certainly moved anybody important into an embassy/consulate or back to Iran. And oh yeah, they need finish off Hamas and somehow restart their economy.

    I’d argue that couldn’t handle another war. US reluctance to fund it, and if they hit Iran, Hezbollah is going to hit them with everything they have. I doubt they want to open a new war on at least 2 fronts. 

  8. 4 hours ago, kevwun said:

    He had a rep for partying too much early in his college career.  Getting a DWI right before the draft did a lot of damage to him having put that behind him.

    Saying he almost quit football several times in his Path to Draft profile Probably didn’t help either. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Red Five said:
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    My reaction to the ship scene in both the book and the tv show. Like, oh, we're slicing babies in half now.




    While the book is much better than the Netflix adaption, the ship scene was incredible to see on film. 

    For the non-book readers, the ship scene is described from a distance in the book without many details about events inside the ship. Evan’s death is described as oh by the way the rich guy died.

    It would be too damned complicated to depict in 8 episodes, but I think the 3 different factions of the ETO n should be explained by B&W. Their visions are so radically different that they’re really 3 separate groups. 

    The San-Ti perspective chapters would be awesome to see on film. I hope we get to see it. 


  10. 2 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    The Turks are pretty duplicitous and are run by an autocrat, but I’ll buy it.

    The US, under current management, was going to stop the attack, but asking for restraint and warning Israel is extremely consistent with current US Foreign Policy. 

    I hate that Turkey has so much influence in the region. They seem to be the mediators on every single dispute now.

    Wasn’t going to stop the attack*

  11. 4 hours ago, 3 Stacks said:

    All worked out ahead of time 


    The Turks are pretty duplicitous and are run by an autocrat, but I’ll buy it.

    The US, under current management, was going to stop the attack, but asking for restraint and warning Israel is extremely consistent with current US Foreign Policy. 

    I hate that Turkey has so much influence in the region. They seem to be the mediators on every single dispute now.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I was talking to a friend about this earlier. If a player enrolls at Texas with an injury or gets injured in his first camp, he’s probably going to get recruited over. Guillette is an exception and probably the baseline talent level that the coaches will wait for. 

    I’ve been very pleased with the healthy roster churn. 

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