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Posts posted by immamac

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Covid was an exogenous event and while we didn’t cover ourselves in glory in the first six months it “could have been worse,” as Greg Abbot would say. 
    The occupation of Iraq and de-Baathification, and the still expanding human tragedy we caused was entirely at our convenience, a choice. 

    We didn’t have a choice to make those billions of dollars. We had to do it. lol (kidding obviously) 

    • Rage+1 1
  2. 1 minute ago, BrickHorn said:

    If you really want to confuse the jackboots, you should walk around campus with AR15s and insist you’re protesting for both First and Second Amendment rights. 

    This is too much for me, but that would be incredible. Pretty sure you can’t open carry on campus though. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    We don’t even know what all underlying issues could potentially lead to dementia - we do know that stress makes pretty much everything worse.  
    As for stress…fatfuck thrives in chaos - that’s not necessarily stress for him. But sitting in court with people talking shit on you all day and actual peasants (how he sees them) deciding your fate?  Thats maximum stress for this POS.  MOARRRR

    I’m curious to how they can even bring supporting character witnesses in. They can all be proven to be completely full of shit on cross rather easily. Trump is indefensible and they have him pretty dead to rights on the charges here. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 1 minute ago, 'stache said:

    I sort of think that the current form of female empowerment includes being choosier about sexual partners, which makes the incel types furious. An earlier wave of feminism included "sexual liberation" as a response to centuries where being "virtuous" was a requirement for women and any sex other than with a husband for the sole purpose of having babies was frowned upon. Of course the latter end of that era involved women who went that route being labeled sluts and whores while men receiving the benefits were considered studs and players. I think what we're seeing now is a pushback against that era. Just a theory.

    I don’t think this is the case. Women haven’t all of the sudden become more selective. 

    some of you really have never interacted with the Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate/Stephen Crowder types have you? It’s fucking brutal even for other men who aren’t incels to tolerate them let alone women. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Goredho said:

    Yep, a lot more people would be motivated to protest by a fascist show of force on the UT campus than whatever the fuck is going on with Israel and Palestinians a half a globe away.

    Yeah this should turn into an unrelated protest called the “We will not be silenced under any circumstance” protest. It should remove anything off the agenda except first amendment rights being clearly trampled on and assaulted. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  6. 1 minute ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Cops are retreating. Protestors are right on their asses chanting get off our campus. So the question, what does tomorrow bring?

    They are fucked. If they truly pepper sprayed and flash banged every student and faculty member and local grad/person who gives a shit should show up tomorrow. That’s fucking bullshit. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    90s baby. Also I grew in the internet era. Facebook was the big thing when I was in high school. I assure you “in person socializing” wasn’t & isn’t a problem. You talk to people everyday in school, after school, at work, etc.

    i think the point is a lot of people don’t. I think the porn angle is way way way overblown here. 

    I think incels, the rise of the andrew tates of the world etc are really what drives this. It would be interesting to see the numbers for the same age of women, but I’d suspect that it’s far fewer. 

    Chastity as a virtue isn’t increasing in society, but for some reason it does seem like promiscuity has become more taboo than previously when I interact with some younger people it’s pretty obvious. 

    I also think that if you choose not to participate in social media you have a really hard time not being viewed as a weirdo. I’ve seen this from all ages in the current dating scene now. If you don’t have Facebook/twitter/instagram you are a creep because they can’t stalk you. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 1 hour ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    The tents are against the rule at all time unless pre-approved: https://secure4.compliancebridge.com/utexas/public/getdoc.php?file=8-1050

    In this case the tents are obviously being used to escalate the situation into more than a peaceful protest knowing they will get the police to show up to remove them.

    This is how I interpret this. A purposefully antagonistic disregard for a somewhat harmless rule to prevent camping. 

    1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, from what I have learned from my reading of Surly, people will have sex in them.  Sex tents are the scourge of our time.

    This would actually be great if they were fucking in the tents. 

    1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

    And the point has been that you can't arrest someone for a violation that hasn't actually occurred yet. Destroying a protest on the grounds that someone might violate a rule is fundamentally immoral and unconstitutional. 

    It’s against the rules all the time as everyone showed already, it’s not a bad rule tbh. 

    1 hour ago, crash_davis said:

    Fuck Abbott. Fuck DPS. Fuck these protesters. Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. Fuck everyone who's an asshole. So tired of everyone looking for reasons to be assholes.

    If these fucking protests even hint at shutting down graduation, I'm going dress up in DPS gear and beat some motherfuckers.

    I think this particular instance there are no good guys. Everyone involved today is a piece of shit. 

    1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

    Wow. Today I learned that tents = escalatory. Gee, I would have thought the riot police and arrests last week were the escalating factor. But no, turns out, it is Coleman.

    You obviously haven’t been camping in a long time. Shit is serious 

    1 hour ago, Skipper said:

    Look at the picture from today dude.  They made a lame little tent city and encircled it locking arms.   They could have easily protested within the stated parameters and chose not to.  It was a fucking strategy.  At least see it for what it is.

    Yep, fuck these people. They are doing the masked thing on purpose too. Really stupid that last week response made this happen. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    Is it? I don't know. If they want their board to be a place that makes hornfans circa 2007 look like Surly by comparison, I don't think I want to pay for that. 

    Sub pays mostly for the video and scoop content. Not for the board itself. 

    the board has a few thousand sign ups and most people who browse are signed up. The YouTube has 46k subscribers and is the main content outlet. The website is the way you financially support the video and editorial content. 

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  10. I feel like WFH and general living in a bubble has started to drastically affect people. 

    I was just walking through the airport looking around. Everyone is glued to their phone, no one has any idea what the fuck is going on around them and I bet if someone asked the majority of folks their opinion on something that wasn’t impacting their immediate future or plans they would have no opinion or a very unformed one. 


    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. Checks are kinda fucked in general. If you are going to continue using paper checks I would recommend using the online bill pay service from your bank. They will mail out a check same day. 

    If you are paying vendors with a check I always use cashiers checks or money orders. If they lose it it’s not my fucking problem and when you cancel them they are actually canceled. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 5 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I just haven’t seen much to prove that it won’t just be 2020 redux. That’s been my prediction since the midterms in 2022 decimated the “red wave” polling

    I remember 2022 being essentially a complete disaster for republicans. 

    4 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    i've seen one thing: we've never had the same map twice in a row.

    I honestly can’t think of much that is different from 2020 except for the emigration from California (largely red voters) to other already red states. 

  13. If Georgia goes R then Trump will win. If any state is getting redder that isn’t already solid red that’s a bad sign for everything. I can’t fathom Atlanta becoming more willing to vote for trump than in 2020. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 50 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    You all sound like a bunch of poopy heads.

    I know in the past, Rick has bemoaned needing to walk that fine line between running a free-wheeling board and his increasing interaction with the powers that be (NIL has just increased that need). Bobby long ago made the choice to go clean, likely because he is part of the machine and deals with guys like CDC all the time.

    Imma wanted content creation. Bobby needed a web platform. Marriage made in G-Rated Heaven.

    I don’t really post over there, or quite frankly, open many of the threads since many are 80 year olds typing with one finger, finally venturing out into this new internet thing with the cheerleader posts (“We love you Jerry!”). Worse yet, there are several LTx wannabes who think their every thought is thread worthy (sometimes creating multiple threads for the same subject). I think some see the board as an opportunity to act like a moderator/expert.


  15. 3 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    Taking a page out of TexAgs' book with the 'leave Britney Terry Joseph alone' paragraph. Although it is interesting Gideon isn't getting as much heat on OTF.

    Oh well. We'll see how bad things get in the secondary this fall. The proof is in the pudding.

    Guys this isn’t complicated. It’s a very good thing for both sites that it works this way. That will never happen on surly. We don’t have credentials to take away. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  16. 17 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Looking at the major US newspapers, the protests are lead over the events going on in Gaza.

    What happens here and how we feel about it is clearly more important than coverage of the actual conflict which is now boring and played out. “Israel kills more Palestinians who don’t even have guns to fight back anymore” can only be written so many ways before people get bored and have to make it about them. 

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  17. After tempers have cooled, my opinion hasn’t changed. I think it’s clear to faculty and students that Hartzell is working for something else other than the academia and research side of the UT system. Maybe he needs another job, but his current role doesn’t fit. 

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