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Posts posted by immamac

  1. 17 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Looking at the major US newspapers, the protests are lead over the events going on in Gaza.

    What happens here and how we feel about it is clearly more important than coverage of the actual conflict which is now boring and played out. “Israel kills more Palestinians who don’t even have guns to fight back anymore” can only be written so many ways before people get bored and have to make it about them. 

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  2. After tempers have cooled, my opinion hasn’t changed. I think it’s clear to faculty and students that Hartzell is working for something else other than the academia and research side of the UT system. Maybe he needs another job, but his current role doesn’t fit. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. Just now, jimmyjazz said:

    OK, $14.4K per day on average.  575 customers at $25 per head.  Color me very skeptical.

    60 briskets avg cooked weight of 10lbs is 12k in food cost alone. 

    Any popular BBQ spot can do 60 briskets in a day. Especially the 3rd most popular one in Austin. 

    Did you ever go there? The line was always 20-30 deep for hours on end. I believe it. 

  4. Just now, jimmyjazz said:

    Are you suggesting their trailer did that 7 days per week?  I don't even know how many days they were open.

    They were open 6/wk. I’m sure most busy days they did double that if not more. 

    12k in food/drink sales isn’t that crazy when the average per person $ amount is at least $25. 

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  5. Idk about all these theories, but all you need to do is hang out with some of these young people and you will understand. 

    people don’t talk about sex anymore or get labeled a pervert or whore. Then the ones who want it silenced make it taboo. 

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    I think there are always a lot more virgin/near virgin types than people who have more partners think. I feel like among the nerds I’ve worked with there were some people who never ever got laid, some people who probably did twice in college but not much since then, and people who fit that mold who then found a similar nerdette online and got married. And a bunch of folks with more “normal” levels of physical intimacy.

    my brother in law has been overweight since forever, drives a bread truck, serial friend zoned by girls out of his league, now he likes fishing, camping, and knives, his dog, authoritarian politics, and not trying to have sex at all.

    i think a thing that has changed is that people have bigger lives online and there are larger niche communities that are accessible. 40 years ago if you don’t like the popular music, you need an older brother somewhere to show you husker du or you just move on to other things. Now if you can only orgasm while wearing a diaper you can find an active community of like minded individuals in 4 minutes. And those communities have gone from being the sideshow to your real life to the reverse for many people - they begrudgingly go out and do what is required to keep their meat vessel operating before they dip back into the metaverse. It is normal for these dudes to talk about not getting laid and accept not having a “normal” full social life because they are constantly surrounded by others like them in the place where they primarily exist.


  7. @DixonHur I think you are doing a great job of defending your position that is clearly at odds with many people without trolling so kudos. /endmodmode

    I also think you are missing the point here, this happened to specifically accomplish one thing: silence an unwanted opinion being vocalized on campus.

    This wasn’t done for student safety, keeping the sidewalks unobstructed for finals, or any other literal answer that is sunshine and rainbows you can pull out of your ass.

    It was done to show that “Texas doesn’t fuck around with terrorist supporting liberal children, and we will expel them from school and do our best to ruin anyone who opposes our stance or commands”

    that’s the issue. In a vacuum this happens and people would literally be so WTF about it you would be arguing against your damn self right now, but mix in the national media attention/agenda, the current geopolitical climate and situation and poof everyone turns their distracted rage brain on and forgets what actually happened


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  8. 4 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Let me give it a shot:

    • Pro Palestine group wants to demonstrate on campus
    • UT Admin says no
    • Pro Palestine group does it anyway
    • No one is doing anything illegal or disruptive.
    • Hartzell is on record days in advance collaborating with the governor/etc for help clearing group
    • Hot Wheels sends in DPS riot crews who forcefully clear the area,
    • They arrive and no one is doing anything for them to care about, it's actually quite a lame protest.
    • Riot Crew for some reason after 2 hours of completely peaceful, lame protesting begin pushing peaceful demonstrators into roads and arresting them for blocking roadways
    • A Fox cameraman accidentally bumps a DPS jackbook and is knocked to the ground and arrested
    • Hartzell releases statement late in the evening, it shows he was complicit in the clearing of demonstrators
    • There is ZERO evidence of anti-Semitism or violence from the demonstrators before being cleared by force
    • Report comes out that all arrested demonstrators have been released from jail and no charges are being pressed
    • Students who have been arrested are not being allowed back on campus at this time -- just in time for finals

    you got some key pieces wrong. Fixed them in bold. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    I've been using the internet since 1989 when my folks got compuserve. I've been on the internet way, way longer than you. I've been on all sorts of boards, I quite literally grew up alongside chan culture and all that shit, when stuff like something awful was the nexus of the internet and fark was actually a thing. The default mode of the internet for 30 fucking years has been aggressive irreverence, "being serious sucks," whyucare bullshit. Perhaps, get this, we're fucking tired of that shit that you seem to still find so funny? Perhaps, just perhaps, it's not outrage culture that has lead us to where we are, but rather this worship on "funny above all else"? Because, honestly, what you find funny isn't. The vast amount of humor on this site is cringe-ass 40 year old tough guy bullshit.

    That's not what this site was or is. I explicitly said it's irreverence with the serious undertones which is specifically different from whatever collegehumor/4chan bullshit label you are trying to stick on surly. The vast majority of humor on this site isn't cringe-ass 4 year old tough guy bullshit, but there is plenty of that because it's a bunch of 35-55 year olds on the internet. 

  10. Just now, Captainant said:

    Heard, and I'll try to calm down a bit, but it's hard when a good chunk of this thread is people trying to distract from what happened at Texas by introducing what happened on the east or west coast, or just straight up applauding the action by abbott and hartzell. 

    Yeah but those were fun shenanigans. These shenanigans are cruel and tragic. 

    I think that's part of the issue, and maybe what @Thetexashammer and @Rex Kramer are somewhat alluding to, but the words escape them. A lot of this could be disagreement, but at least it was fun to read or participate in. It's turned into a slog of strong opinions and lines in the sand, which for threads like this one are really anti-surly idealistically. The CR topic for this is actually where that stuff should happen and traditionally has happened, because it's about positing what should happen to fix/rectify with public policy etc. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, BevoAbyss said:

    Lots of good, thoughtful takes here about Hartzell's role. Hartzell has a tough job, but he fucked up big time and it is clear he is full-on MAGA, MAGA-adjacent, or a lackey holding on to his job. 

    What happened at UT is clearly fascism in action, with an entire generation living in normalized fascism, a malignancy spreading throughout culture. 

    Sydney Carton wisely mentioned the "Milgram Studies" and is correct: Almost nothing has been learned from the famed studies. Give people the monopoly power of violence over other people, and they will deploy that violence, ruthlessly. Social media only amplifies the Milgram insights and desire for violence.

    As we saw on the UT Campus: the police, DPS, law enforcement, and military are likely filled with Milgram-MAGA fascists -- ready, able, and more than willing to impose the GQP-MAGA regime.



    this is a great post. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    I'm not sure what's such a laughing matter? Like yeah it's from the Big Lebowski. Hawr hawr hawr! Do you think that's really appropriate in the face an honest to God fascist action on UT's campus at the behest of its own president?

    Or you could frame that exact same thing in a way that wasn't outrage and was making fun of Hartzell being a fluffer of the fascists or something else that uses more than 1% of the brainpower you have and is just pooped out raw emotion on a keyboard. 

    I'm not saying it's funny, I'm saying the way surly in particular can and has framed stuff that is serious in the past is with a lot of irreverence with an underlying tone of seriousness and gravity that isn't lost on the posters. 

  13. So this is the UT thread for these protests, not the national thread of all protests. 

    The UT protest specifically doesn't have any of this shit @Frank Drebin so go put it in the right thread, also this isn't a thread for you to just bitch over and over about stuff it's a thread for discussing the event and the happenings of it, which include many government entities and organizations and people. That's not CR. Talking about the future policy creation and what needs to happen from here etc etc is all CR and should go in that thread which exists for the purposes of that. 

    11 hours ago, nineliveslost said:

    Everything is going to shit, including this site

    This just isn't true, the site is a reflection of what is happening in society I'm not fucking causing protests on the UT campus and forcing the topic of Zionism, anti-semitism, genocide and muslim xenophobia on here. 

    7 hours ago, alincoln said:

    Just avoid this board and CR and the site is fine.  It doesn't compare to Surly but it's still entertaining.  Shaggy's problem is that too few posters provide way too much of the content.  

    If you guys were fucking funny about anything anymore then it would be fine, but instead everyone wants to get all fucking butthurt about shit instead of finding the funny commentary with a bit of a serious undertone. I do agree that there was some high brow intellectualism that used to go into some of the stuff like this. Now there's a bunch of outrage only which should stop. 

    Read your posts before posting, if it's an outrage post and no one is gonna laugh at it, why are you posting it? Are you actually going to change someone's mind? Is it just therapeutic for you? What exactly are you gaining and what is the community gaining from your contribution? 

    This thread can be fun as a thread, on a topic that is definitely not fun and it can make this subject approachable to people who it wouldn't normally be approachable to. Instead it's a dumpster fire piece of shit of a thread that's devolved into IF YOU DONT THINK LIKE ME YOU ARE A BAD HUMAN AND SUPPORT GENOCIDE AND RAPE AND GASSING THE JEWS.

    Calm the fuck down, it's a god damned sports message board centered around UT. This happened at UT and it's fucking shitty and stupid, but it can also be something that is not just another outrage outlet like fox, cnn, politico, whatever bullshit. 

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