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Everything posted by immamac

  1. This isn't the point the point is that institutional investors and the nature of a quarterly cycle of guidance or results being the main driver for institutional investment pressure/etc is the problem. The market isn't a true secondary market anymore it's dominated by institutional investors and insiders making everything a huge circle jerk of stupidity. This x 1000 - To make the investors happy they have to do shit that makes no sense for the business, because the investors are actually fucking morons and have no idea how anything actually works.
  2. Solving problems is not the goal. Extracting dollars is the goal. Stop thinking in terms of actual solutions to problems and start thinking in terms of how can you be a great customer to them and you'll get better help faster (for a fee of course)
  3. This is cute, but not at all what's happening. What's happening is these corporations are seeking growth rates that are quite frankly absurd, and to be able to do it they are creating products in a circular customer ecosystem that essentially just pumps all money back to them somehow. When you look at the portfolios of some of these PE/VC firms and you realize that at the very end of the chain they hold stock in GOOG/AMZN/AAPL/MSFT etc and then they invest all their money in startups that just spend it on one of those 4 businesses then those businesses stocks go up and who gives a shit if your investment panned out because MSFT sustained a 38% CAGR and their stock is through the roof, rinse and repeat with the gains. It's actually comically absurd, these companies are being rewarded not for having a good product or even a product that matches market need, but because they are creating racketeered markets for the ultra wealthy to pour their own money into in a circular pattern. It's why if there was ever really a true sell off everyone would be fucked, because the fundamentals for all of these businesses doesn't exist. None of them provide true value. Another way to look at this that is a bit more obvious. Download any smartphone game on android or ios. They are riddled with ads, like you can't play the game for 5 minutes without sitting through 7.5 minutes of ads. What are those ads of? Other games, when you install those games all those games have ads of guess what? OTHER FUCKING GAMES. Then you realize all these games are actually just fucking clones of all the other games and they are the same with different sprites, but largely the same logic tools, then you realize oh fuck all these games are just templates put out by Unity game engine to farm ads. But who's buying the ads for these new games? The game companies who are siphoning off insane amounts of money to turn off ads, because that's the largest single transaction for any of these games, sure there's some of it that the moronic playerbase will pour in $100/yr into x 1000 which isn't chump change, but the 100000 users who buy the 7 dollars turn the ads off thing dwarfs it and those players go away. It's all a circular economy merry go round and the only people making any of the money are the people siphoning it away and not providing any value (oh, and apple and google get a nice commission on all those in game purchases) This is where we are now, PE/VC subsidized growth of these platforms on metrics that made no fundamental sense for a business (Operating Income, Free Cash Flow, Return on Invested Capital, etc) They focused on pure growth metrics like Daily Active Users, and Hours/Minutes streamed and churn, when it was finally time to grow up and they had a critical mass they legitimately did a 180 on all those numbers. They don't give a fuck about DAU, how much you watch or if you churn off, they are trying to capture enough of the actual metrics for this quarters earnings call to stay in business and not have "institutional" investors take away their gravy trains. The American consumer is enabling all of this by not holding companies accountable on account of FOMO or vanity. They are actually fucking leaches convincing people if you don't have Netflix you aren't cool so people have Netflix to be cool not because the shows are any good or because they actually feel like they get value out of it. This is mostly correct, but that doesn't create value in an economic sense and we don't live in a utopia with UBI just yet. What people should be doing is actually trying to innovate, but what's happened and what I encountered most recently at a large technology manufacturing company is that people don't actually know anything about what it is they are building. They have no understanding, no desire to understand and no willingness to change the way things are. On top of that corporate culture is not to "compete with your customers", but when you have a duopoly or a very small number of players able to produce at the scale you produce at, it's actually your fiduciary responsibility to maximize the product value chain, not to defer that value creation to someone further down the chain. This is what companies that have been deemed "ruthless" have no problem doing. They've integrated it into part of their business culture. You think anyone at Apple, Google, Microsoft, Broadcom, Oracle, Cisco gives a fuck about competing with their customers? They don't and it's why they are widely regarded as horrible companies to work with/for. I think you hit on something really poignant here - this is a uniquely American problem at the moment and the rest of the world is watching and seeing how fucked up everything is and doing something about it. Culturally I think America has gotten too fucking soft and it's largely because Gen X as a whole are completely fucking spineless and neutered by design. Millenials are a bunch of entitled brats who are going to be the recipients of one of the greatest wealth transfers the world has ever known and Gen Z are a bunch of doomer fuckheads who are agents of chaos because fuck it my brain tingles are what is most important to me. The problem isn't with the way we are raising our kids or not etc. The problem is that the perception of struggle, which drives mankind forward hasn't been an American ideal for going on 3 generations now. American's are now making up struggles so they can fight problems that are inconsequential to anyone but themselves or a small bubble they have identified. We've been an economic and industrial powerhouse for so long that we've lost our way and people can't actually focus on innovation. They focus on short term profit/gain vs long term vision which requires a struggle and has a chance of failure. I just spent a significant amount of time in Mexico (both in a tourist destination and interior, actual mexico) and the difference is stark from a societal standpoint. Their economy is shaped completely differently and obviously it has it's extreme drawbacks as well, but culturally they don't identify with the enshittification of everything. They haven't let their children just become mindless zombies who do everything on an app. They live in the real world, in a world where you can't just rent a big bulldozer to build whatever you want. A world where cranes don't just freely exist, etc. I don't talk much about my personal work life on the board, but I recently chose to leave my cushy executive forever if I wanted it job at a fortune 500 to start a new company which is going to be hard, but it's necessary to unlock a different future, not just for me, but for the way everything works. It changes modern computing as we know it. I took a package to leave a job that people work decades to get into so they can coast to go make no money and create value in the world. People largely don't do that anymore, they get to a certain place and then they give up on actually caring about what it is they are doing for work and they switch to what can I do with all the money I'm making, what kind of cars or vacations or schools do my kids go to etc. If you want to see what I'm up to here is the new company I started with 3 other executives who shared a vision of actually innovating and not just cashing our forever checks. https://jrlabs.io https://blog.jrlabs.io/posts/2024-01-03-what-is-cxl/ This is it, we are living in a simulation where the only objective is to funnel money up to the top. The reason the bottom 50% are building wealth is intentional. The middle class isn't good at donking off their money to fat cat megacorps, they are good at working with small businesses and can afford to pay more than the bottom dollar for the relationship or better experience they are going to get. The middle class is horrible for the wealthy and they must be destroyed or put off to the side. Late Stage Capitalism, it's unchecked and the American Populous has no desire or mechanism of accountability. https://www.citationneeded.news/review-read-write-own-by-chris-dixon/ Spoiler: Crypto has provided absolutely no value outside of speculative investment. It's a complete pump and dump.
  4. It already does There will be a way to navigate/filter based on it if that's what you are wondering.
  5. no, we want to have more people come here who fit in. That's why we are stuck so to speak.
  6. Yeah, I have never been worried about violating Texas Law or NCAA rules on NIL, the level of shit in there is insane to me. Texas is winning and not even fucking cheating that’s how god damned lame some of these other places are. The IRS still gives me the heebie jeebies though.
  7. From that class specifically no one got drafted higher than 115. It makes sense.
  8. This is one of the improvements being made.
  9. I’d stick to know brand monitors if you care about the extra features like if it has a hub attached to it etc. if it’s just a screen pretty much all of them are going to be the same panels and it’s a completely commoditized tech so you can just go to your favorite retail/e-tail place and buy what you think is right based on dimensions and portability/use case.
  10. 2020 was way worse than now because trump amplified the volume 100x. This cycle is just as dangerous but Trump is cooked and really it’s going to take a meltdown or something crazy for Biden not to win in a largely uneventful election that should be called on election night. The MAGA movement dies this cycle because the American public is going to put it to death intentionally.
  11. We could make an offseason meta thread to clean up the real threads, I do think that’s actually a good idea and makes it easy to mod cuz we just move off topic shit there with a click.
  12. No cuz they are meta threads vs topics scattered throughout related to various aspects.
  13. What the fuck are you even gatekeeping here? What about the football board is only UT related at what point was that ever the expectation of any of the sports boards?
  14. I just noticed we have no ole miss posters I can think of on the board.
  15. You guys do know that roster management has a lot more to do than just recruiting right? This is not an accident and wasn’t bad. It’s desired. Get in the mother fucker if you suck or can’t cut it. A lot of people don’t realize this is a lot more than the HS cycle. It’s the entire active player pool as well. Roster holes don’t fill themselves. It’s the opposite. The earlier you can prepare someone to leave the better.
  16. I honestly think a lot of people are completely disconnected from what actually drives eyeballs and revenue place. the NFL has a lot of league fans, and plenty of team fans. I would argue that most people who watch NFL games who are fans of one team (80%+) watch at least one other game from another team that same weekend. Fantasy sports has made watching the NFL crazy good for the league. No one cares about teams they care about their fantasy roster. It was the single most transformative way to change the sport without on the field rule changes. College football isn’t some hard thing to figure out. The millions of eyeballs aren’t there because it’s a brand/team playing. It’s a component, but a lot of it has to do with the pure entertainment value. It’s fun as hell to watch a back and forth CFB game. It’s great to watch 2 big time teams duke it out from different conferences. Etc etc. you know what games don’t get good ratings? Blowouts and FCS vs CFP top 10 teams. if fans really gave a shit about their team and their team only CFB would have gone a completely different direction already from a TV/Media contract perspective.
  17. You realize this guy coached in the league was one of the best coaches in the league and lost the Super Bowl to his brother who is an incredibly good coach in the league right? Is your post a bit?
  18. Apparently they are pretty close to my house. My wife just texted me they invaded her coffee place and she’s pissed. She says their signs are scary and it’s really weird.
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