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Posts posted by immamac

  1. 12 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Herman has expressed his interest in scoring one more point than the other team and a W counts the same no matter who its against and how many points you win by lol

    W is a W, but not when it's still partly a beauty contest. One day we will have a real playoff where winning CCG in a conference gets you in. 

  2. I'm about 10 more posts of this back and forth nonsense from locking this fucking thread. Get back on topic or move on I don't give a shit, but talk about football not who's fucking dick is bigger. 

    Take it to fucking board discussion to talk about ctj, derka, rex, whoever the fuck else. Football talk here - title of the thread "Sam Ehlinger" - Talk about the topic and make jokes around it, but stop this bullshit back and forth personal attack stuff this isn't fucking cloak room.

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  3. A 1 loss Texas going into December is playoff berth. 


    For that matter almost any 1 loss big xii team this year will get that berth as it can only be TX or OU at this point and OU has their knob getting slobbed for their Heisman candidate. 

    SEC doesn't have 2 great teams this year and the LSU Alabama game won't need to happen twice again because LSU is going to get dumpstered by Alabama. 

  4. On 9/22/2018 at 12:14 PM, NorthLoop said:

    Yeah that explanation was horribad

    Randy Marsh method: assign a number to the girl. The number you assign is their hotness rank. Read off numbers from left to right. 

    JT method; Assign a number to the girl. That number is their order in the picture. Take a pair of scissors and cut the picture up and rearrange the picture from left to right in order of hotness. Read off numbers from left to right. 


    RM for life. 

    Should I put this somewhere in the surlyhorns FAQ? lol

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