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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bolverk

  1. 33 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    so the Democrats get to use Superdelegates and intimidation to control both their own nominee and bully any independents out of running?  Seems big-tent.  Got it.  

    A concession and three points:

    I never understood the purpose of Superdelegates other than to game the system. The whole idea stunk of favoritism. (concession)


    1. Bernie would've lost the nomination fight in spite of the Superdelegates.
    2. Last year, the Democratic Party stripped Superdelegates from having a say in the nominating process. (Except in the event of a contested convention.)
    3. The game of politics is one of persuasion. Right now, they're trying to persuade the public that Schultz sucks. Sure, you can call that "bullying" but if he can't take the heat, then he needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
    • Like 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

    So - if he's already building it, then obviously he wouldn't need to declare a national emergency (since it's already being done) and he no longer needs the money so we don't need to worry about the government being shut down in 3 weeks, right?

    Exactly. I think a version of this is going to be the end game. Last night and this morning, I heard on NPR two different reps, 1 Dem & 1 GOP (I think), discussing the ongoing negotiations and how close they were to a deal. They were both positive they could get more funding for repairing/bolstering fencing, addition agents, tech, etc. (Step 1). Their only concern would be if Trump would sign the legislation, which was similar to what they put before him in December. One point of wiggle room the Dem said would be if they could commission a study *proving* the need for additional funding, then they'd be willing to negotiate (Step 2).

    Based on those clues, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they'll get Step 1 signed contingent upon the agreement for Step 2 proceeding afterward.

  3. ^ This. I know I'm speaking to the choir but we're collectively spending twice the amount of our GDP on healthcare than any other advanced economy and still get worse overall results. I don't have the time now to look it up but, if I recall correctly, there's at least one study that found most of the difference was made up in insurance and related administrative costs. 

    Take out the middleman should be the mantra on this issue. We're still paying either way.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    Who among us has not sent bears to destroy kids because they called some guy "baldy"?

    I don't remember that part of the bible, but it wouldn't surprise me. There's a lot of messed up stuff in there that they didn't teach in Sunday school.

  5. 11 minutes ago, TexasHooch said:

    You don't walk the dogs. You try to get them to at least step outside to do their buisness but some dogs are just not down with it, so it can be an issue.

    I'm now entering night 2 without a furnace. Guys spent 4 hours working on it today but they needed a part they didnt have in order to finish. It'll be a fun story 20 years from now but right now... not so cool.

    Au contraire, it sounds waaayyy too cool.

  6. I just texted with my Austin born & bred daughter who's in her freshman year of college in Rochester NY experiencing her first real winter. When I asked how she was handling it, she said:



    I'm okay but it's wild out there. It's really the worst. I bundle up in as many clothes as I can, but I made the mistake of only wearing one pair of pants today. My legs were red and freezing. But I'm okay now warm in a bed full of blankets.

    Oh, school closed early today at like 5pm and I had to run after class before they closed the commons because I wasn't planning on starving to death.


    She then went on about how she can't wait to go with her friends to someplace warm for Spring Break. While I understand the sentiment, I don't relish the idea of her going unchaperoned to someplace like Fort Lauderdale.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    South from Hooters across... Riverside.  Easy of 1st from Whataburger, ugly tall brown office building that I think is city of Austin or something.

    I really doubt that. That building is all City of Austin, I think. The Threadgills site is another story, I'm sure.

  8. 2 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    This shows that out of the 2 major candidates who have already announced, she’s second.

    I’ve never quite understood why, but the candidates poll way lower before they’ve officially announced even if everyone knows they will end up running.  Harris went from 8 behind her to 9 ahead of her by doing nothing except making it official.  That next group under Warren would likely do the same.

    Warren hasn't officially announced yet. She only declared an exploratory committee on Dec 30. So, it's possible her ratings could skyrocket too upon formal announcement.

  9. 55 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Are they razing that shitty brown building next door? I thought I remembered that that was going away.

    Which project are you talking about? The Hooters triangle is all surface parking except for the actual restaurant.

  10. Polar Vortex Causes Hundreds of Injuries

    MINNEAPOLIS —The so-called polar vortex caused hundreds of injuries across the Midwest today, as people who said “so much for global warming” and similar comments were punched in the face.

    Authorities in several states said that residents who had made ignorant comments erroneously citing the brutally cold temperatures as proof that climate change did not exist were reporting a sharp increase in injuries to the face and head regions.

    In an emergency room in St. Paul, Harland Dorrinson, forty-one, was waiting to be treated for bruising to the facial area after he made a crack about how the below-freezing temperatures meant that climate-change activists were full of shit.

    “I’d just finished saying it and boom, out of nowhere someone punched me in the face,” he said. “This polar vortex is really dangerous.”

    The meteorology professor Davis Logsdon, of the University of Minnesota, issued a safety warning to residents of the states hammered by the historic low temperatures: “If you are living within the range of the polar vortex and you have something idiotic to say about climate change, do not leave your house.”


  11. Riverside & South First Hooters is set for demolition February 4th. After construction, they need to put up a historical plaque to mark the time that Shaggy Surly met Demi.

    Here's a reminder on its replacement. The image posted earlier in this thread is no more. A couple of new renderings at the link.


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  12. 20 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Guy I know who was self employed took a shitty job he hates just for the good health insurance. 

    Seems like we could do better. 

    No shit. If we had universal healthcare, I could see the rate of self-employment, entrepreneurship & start-ups increase dramatically upon adoption. It's one of the reasons I'm currently working for the man. Alone, I might risk going without but right now I've got to keep my daughter covered.

  13. 1 hour ago, Junior Miller said:

    Democrats are spineless and show zero ability to stand up to anyone

    Not always. Nancy and the Dems won the Trump Border Wall Shutdown battle, but I'll grant you the war isn't over yet.

  14. 2 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    It's like you don't even remember when he shut down Starbucks across the country for sensitivity training after someone called the cops on a PoC for hanging out and not buying coffee.

    That training wasn't for the employee but the customer. In other words, it was an attempt at maintaining market position with that as part of a public relations campaign.

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