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Posts posted by bolverk

  1. 15 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    HAHAHAHAHA. Aggy is Aggy! We all know how this will end.

    Perry, Jackson... How many other true aggy are in this administration? Which is askng a lot, given that this is the most aggy presidency of my lifetime.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Forty Acres said:

    Are any of the hosts really dead as long as there is either another host or human who wants to fix them? They have all died countless times already. 

    If their IP alone is worth the billions claimed previously, Delos has every incentive to bring them all back online, which the Hosts are counting on.

    Maybe the drowning is a metaphorical flourish indicating their souls have been cleansed, and they're now ready to pursue their true calling: a Crusade against humanity.

  3. 9 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    When I was in the Navy I was under the impression that becoming an Admiral was difficult...Ronny Jackson makes a compelling argument against that notion.

    The fucker is an aggy from Levelland no less. How many boats do you think he saw growing up?

    "Flatter than a tabletop
    Makes you wonder why they stopped
    Wagon must have lost a wheel or they lacked ambition one"

    • Like 1
  4. Went to the doctor for the third time since January to get rid of the hacking and chest rattles. This time got a nebulizer treatment, more steroid pills, two different inhalers, and an antibiotic because they're afraid my lungs are getting infected.

    I'll be going back in a couple weeks for a checkup. If things haven't cleared up significantly by then, I'm going to ask them to run a roto rooter.

  5. 1 minute ago, TexEx15 said:

    What if Kanye is just pulling a long Twitter episode of Punk’d.  String Trump and his supporters along and then just goes in on him.

    What if Kanye West is retarded?

  6. 30 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    That would be great is the whole US Mexico border went blue.  The wall would only exist in places no one wants it.  

    Pretty interesting to see the distinct regional patterns: Dems are really strong along the Pacific Coast, the Border, upper Mississippi Valley, BosWash corridor, and the big cities.

  7. Good thing Macron is all feelsy with Trump since Melania is loathe to even touch his hand. He's gonna have to be satisfied with that until he can get time with hookers. 
    And if you know anyone from the north of France, it's not exactly easy for them to pull off "chummy" with natural expressions of friendship in a physical way. Pauvre Macron is doing his best to sell it to the Dotard and, amazingly, is somehow succeeding. But he's definitely paying the price at home in the polls. Personally, I'm rooting for the guy. He's trying to modernize France's decrepit labor laws as both an avowed European and "globalist" while reinforcing France's historic role as a major Wetern power after 50 years of retreat.
  8. I think this topic doesn't get enough attention, especially here in Texas. In my hometown out in West Texas, GEO Group, is one of the largest employers in town with 500+ employees.


    I don't mean to CR this topic but in the fall of 2016 when DOJ said they weren't going to be renewing contracts, city leaders were ready to panic (especially with the then recent oil bust). And everyone was giddy when the Trump administration reversed that decision.


    They liked their devil's bargain and all the problems being a prison town brought. You know, they say there's a fine line between the prisoners and those watching them.


    But this dependence on the prison-industrial complex isn't just confined to my hometown where the Census counts 15% of the population as prisoners. Small towns all over West Texas are dependent on both private and state prisons. The proliferation of the latter were treated as major competitive economic development projects throughout the 1990s.


    Just off the top of my head, I can name the following West Texas towns where the local private or state-run prison is one of the largest employers: Fort Stockton, Pecos, Lamesa, Snyder, Big Spring, Brownfield, Plainview, Pampa, Dalhart, and Childress.


    One of the weird side benefits of having a prison in your town is that the Census counts prisoners as residents and are included in the population numbers. Of course, we know that having inflated population figures help with all sorts of federal funding formulas in addition to redistricting. Helluva a racket if you ask me.


    Recently, I've heard talk that prison populations are declining as crime rates remain at historic lows. It'll be interesting to watch the hard politicking involved in protecting hometown prisons from closure. Just last year, Eden lost theirs, and that town is about ready to blow away now - actually, for quite a while.



  9. 5 minutes ago, bigup2dahorns said:


    I skimmed the article once so correct me if I am wrong, but the shit show happened on the 10th tee after that “slow” group took a 20 min break. The article said they skipped the 3rd hole.


    Oh yeah? Well, I didn't really even skim it well enough to get that detail, and I certainly don't know fuck all about golf. So if I were you, I'd take my uninformed opinion with a wee bit of salt.

    • Haha 1
  10. As someone who is an expert at what goes on at a golf course, that article is bullshit. You aren’t keeping up with the group in front of you if you skip a hole. That makes absolutely no sense. That is the definition of not keeping up.

    Having said that, calling the police is a joke.
    It makes sense if the other groups continued to play while that shitshow in the recording was going on, and the women then skipped a hole to get back in their place.
  11. In the early '80s my family stopped at a DQ for breakfast (do they have breakfast?) or maybe early lunch in Amarillo (I think) on our way to Colorado. I recall the ladies working there were still wearing nightgowns and bathrobes and had their hair up in rollers. It was bizarre.
    We stopped at one in Trinidad on the way back from Denver, also in the early '80s. When my dad found they charged extra for fixin's (lettuce, tomatoes & such), he about blew a gasket.

    I'd never heard him yell in public before, or since, but he hollered at the top of his lungs: "I AIN'T GONNA PAY EXTRY FOR SOME GOTDAM YANKEE BURGER!!!" And he proceeded to storm out the place.

    Come to think of it, I'd never heard him say "gotdam" before, or since. Burgers, serious business.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. There's a scene in this episode where Asian soldiers are arguing with Karl and he says something like "your government ceded all control of this island to Delos."  I thought they might be North Korean, but the internet consensus is that the script on their uniforms was Chinese.
    I watch everything with Closed Captioning on nowadays, and the script said Chinese.

  13. Now, I know you're going to come back and assure us that yours is the only scenario that could possibly happen and JUST LISTEN TO ME WE'RE DOOMED, but some of us have big branes too.

  14. You mean electoral votes?  No, Nebraska and Maine (I think) split their EC votes.  One vote for each district, and winner take all for the bonus 2 EC votes.  Obama actually won NE-2 in 2008, so the state Republicans hastily discussed changing to a winner take all.  That didn't work, so they just gerrymandered the district. 
    But that's not the only problem.  You could change up the EC system, but that wouldn't be enough.  I think you'd need to go to a parliament/pm system to get a multi-party system.   
    Not really sure how Congressional districts would get divvied up. Maybe do away with them altogether and just go by voting percentage.
  15. Same here.  Some form of proportional representation system.  I'm willing to try it. Will never happen though without a seismic shift in the two party power grip.  
    Is there any language in the Constitution requiring a winner-take-all system? Or is it just left up to the states?
  16. 2 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Wait, they close state office to celebrate the Confederates? The state openly celebrates that they became traitorous to hold onto their black slaves?

    As embarrassing as it is to admit, we in Texas have something called "Confederate Heroes Day" which is an optional holiday for state employees.

  17. 1 minute ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    ..the common clay of the new west..you know..morons.

    The first part of that phrase was actually used as the title to a section in that Economist article posted up-thread. It was gorgeous.

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