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Everything posted by Fud

  1. Kiffin isn't a "terrible recruiter"
  2. Those jobs also might not open up for several years Also, if you do want a chance to win championships, you listed several schools that have never shown the ability to recruit at the requisite level to contend, while we’ve seen Auburn do it relatively recently
  3. He might not be available for anyone not named Ohio State or Notre Dame
  4. Not with the extension and buyout they just gave Norvell They're giving Norvell a long leash to rebuild that roster and culture, for better or for worse
  5. Auburn has modern national championship upside, and they'll pay you. Only so many schools can really say that. Lane is 18-4 in his last two seasons, and has one of Ole Miss's only 10 win regular seasons in its history. He's on the shortlist of best available candidates for a top 20 job like Auburn, with Rhule, Fickell, and if you can stomach him, Freeze
  6. I don't think Nebraska is a top 20 job. 20 is an arbitrary number, but I see about 17 jobs that are sure top 20s, and pushing it to 20 gets you to a nice, round number Alabama Georgia Ohio State Texas LSU USC Notre Dame Michigan Florida Oklahoma Penn State Clemson A&M Tennessee Auburn FSU Miami Then you can round it out with whichever you prefer out of Oregon, UCLA, UNC, Washington, or an upper-mid Big 10 program, or one of the private schools that'll pay you top dollar but have a lower football ceiling? I don't feel like arguing the last three In any event, not of those 16 (without Auburn) appear to be likely to come open individually, unless Harbs decides to go to the NFL, or if you're including UNC then maybe Mack retires
  7. Which top twenty job specifically do you see opening up in the next two years not named Auburn? Odds are at least one other top twenty job opens up, but it's not guaranteed that one does open up in the next two years, and it's not guaranteed that you even get that job that you're waiting for Additionally, while the boosters at Auburn are a pain in the ass, they do help you acquire talent, and it's not like head coaches at Auburn get fired at a higher rate than at other SEC schools. The Harsin one is a bit of an outlier because the lame-duck AD went rogue and hired a guy who the boosters didn't want.
  8. Seems like Kiffin is the most likely, but Rhule is probably next
  9. For most of them, playing and putting more film up is worth it
  10. Draft eligible juniors who should or might consider leaving for the draft, more or less in order of a guesstimated draft stock by me Antonio Johnson Devon Achane Jaylon Jones Fadil Diggs McKinnley Jackson Edgerin Cooper Draft eligible juniors who play but seem unlikely to leave: Isaiah rakes Moose Muhammad Class of 2019 seniors who play, and who seem like they're likely gone: Layden Robinson Ainias Smith Demani Richardson Chris Russell McKinnley Jackson Edgerin Cooper
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if A&M's offense looks better than it has all season this week. Florida is 70th in SP+ defense, and 114th in defensive EPA
  12. Achane is the one that’s going to kill them if he leaves early, which he should
  13. Not sure if there's a thread for this, but a Guillermo Del Toro produced horror anthology came out on netflix this week, "Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities". While he directed maybe my favorite movie of all time, his stuff has mostly sucked for years now, so hopefully its good The director breakdown goes as follows 1) Del Toro's cinematographer who's started directing some TV. Meh. 2) From the director of Cube. Yes. 3) From the director of Empty Man. Yes. 4) From the director of A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night. Yes. 5) Don't know any of this guy's movies. No. 6) Director of Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown, Twilight, Red Riding Hood, etc. No. 7) Director of Beyond the Black Rainbow and Mandy. Yes. '8) Director of Babadook and Nightengale. Yes.
  14. It was being posted about by random message board insiders, so Loochi was getting asked about it
  15. There's a rumor that Jimbo scolded Loochi at practice for spilling the beans on the locker room weed incident
  16. This is accurate. 247 is where aggie posters who hate Texags go. Yes, they are still dumbass aggies
  17. Fud


    Late to the cheap bottle discussion, but OG BIB for $16.99 at TW is pretty good
  18. It'll be Moss or a portal guy next year, I think. I've seen some chatter that Moss could go to LSU, but I don't know how real that is
  19. A&M is entering what Bill Simmons calls "the Tyson Zone"
  20. From one of their "insiders" on 247 "there is still stuff to come out that will have you like wtf are we even doing here." "We have players under investigation for assaulting their own equipment manager who caught them stealing gear and tried to stop them. We have another player under investigation for assaulting a woman. And that’s still not even all."
  21. Ha, remember when Brandon Harris was subtweeting him after he picked A&M? Fucking idiot
  22. All of the teams on their schedule are capable of laying an turd, and A&M is capable of randomly being good. Odds are they win at least one of them, I think.
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