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Everything posted by Catdaddyhorn

  1. I really enjoy Bud Elliott's "Summer School: series where he goes around the 247 team site universe to discuss the ins and outs of each school with a knowledgeable 247 team site reporter and had been anticpating his Texas football discussion. But of course when he gets to Texas football he chooses the least knowledgeable Texas football reporter to provide the most surface level, high fructose analysis possible.
  2. If you read any book or article, or listen to any podcast on Thomas' life you'd know it was a huge deal to him. The way he was treated by white people at seminary, Holy Cross, and then at Yale law was a central driving force to his psyche, and in particular his view of affirmative action. He famously stamped a 15 cent sticker on his law school diploma as he couldn't find a job after graduating and felt it was worth less than shit. The irony of it all is, as a supposed strict constructionist, no other justice allows their personal history to affect his/her judgment on cases more than Justice Clarence Thomas.
  3. Frank Haith has been a head coach at multiple schools and has even won awards while doing, yet because some feel that RT is undeserving Haith's hiring as an assistant is questioned by that same faction. Based solely on the fact that the coach doing the hiring doesn't have credibility with them. That sounds like Tre Johnson to me. Hope it's true and last til next year.
  4. You're ignoring or misunderstanding my point. That summer or even that entire season working with Lebron James has apparently done a lot of work for Donewald's Jr career. One summer out of Lebron James 20 year career doesnt mean a fucking thing to me. And furthermore, your view on what does and doesnt make a good staff is completely based on who is doing the hiring. Donewald Jr cant fucking hold an assistant job for more than a year. What makes Brandon Chappell or Ulric Maligi a good hire? Shit, what makes even Chris Ogden a good hire? Because he worked here before? Or because he was a mediocre coach at UTA? IT's an arbitrary view completely based on whether you like the head coach or not.
  5. I love how Bob Donewald Jr's sole season in Cleveland has morphed into Lebron James' personal coach and trainer during the beginning of his career.
  6. Yes "we" all read your screed. You posted about it literally everyday. I wouldnt exactly call it a discussion. YOU decided the staff sucked and you built that narrative by yourself and no one else daned to disagree because after that 2nd year it wasn't worth arguing about. The staff consisted of Mike Morrell, Darren Horn, and David Cason. Morrell was the young recruiter. Darren Horn was the old vet and David Cason had a few worthwhile recruiting finds like Jordan Clarkson and Jeff Traylor and a great shooter at Vandy who's name escapes me at the moment. Not exactly an elite staff, but not the drebs of college basketball either. Like most coaches he hired who he was comfortable with.
  7. Same can be said of Donewald Jr, In fact he wasnt even at fulltime assistant prior to Beard bringing him in. Meanwhile Cason is currently employed at a power 5 school
  8. Cason was at Tulsa, Notre Dame, UNC, and Vandy prior to working under Shaka. Meanwhile Donewald Jr has worked for precisely one college basketball coach. I bring up Donewald because it's not lost on me who does and who does not get credibility bestowed on them by completely arbitrary means. Unlike Donewald, Cason immediately got another college basketball gig upon being let go.
  9. I believe the only guy Shaka brought from VCU was Mike Morrell.
  10. Frank Haith won the Henry Iba coach of the year, AP coach of the year, Big 12 coach of the year, and the AAC coach of the year as a head coach in addition to being a bagman at a couple of stops.
  11. Yeah but losing LA guaranteed that he would come back for his sophomore season on our elite 8 team. Not sure he comes back if he doesn't get injured.
  12. I agree the offense was the best looking in terms of player and ball movement Ive seen at UT in awhile or maybe ever, but it looked like absolute crap only a year prior with the same guy running it. So I dont know whether it was the system or the players who were the major ingredient . As fans of the Longhorns we tend to focus on our team and don't really have a realistic sense of how truly atrocious offense can be for most of college basketball across the board and we tend to attribute poor offensive play to systems and coaching. When in reality a lot of it should all be chalked up to how disciplined your personnel is with their shot selection. In our case, last year, shot selection was our major core competency relative to other teams. We just didn't take a lot of bad shots. That tells me that our ridiculous level of experience and overall player discipline was doing the heavy lifting in how well we executed on the offensive end last year.
  13. Coach A Coach B I'm actually curious as to why some would consider Bob Donewald Jr to be the superior assistant to Frank Haith. I wonder what specific thing they would be basing this opinion on.
  14. Holland had the potential to have had a Brandon Miller impact on our team this year (sans the accessory to murder).
  15. The last 12 months were huge for Holland and it basically upped his profile tremendously. He dominated EYBL & FIBA last summer and then followed it up this past spring and confirmed this view with glowing reports about his play during the McDonald's All-American practices where he was thought to easily be the best player there. This caused the GLeague to up it's offer as well as Arkansas. Say what you want, but if the NCAA wants to keep pretending that this isn't a professional endeavor, and continues to refuse to bring some sort of order to their business with actual contracts instead of genuflecting at the altar of amateurism this will continue to happen. Simple economics; Holland's value went up and he sought payment reflecting this fact.
  16. Can someone explain to me why the American right suddenly became full throated supporters of Putin and Russia. Did it all just begin as a misguided attempt to cover for Trump and his obviously affiliation that went too far, or is there something more at play going on here? I remember back during the 2012 election Romney warning of the rising Russian threat and the Dems downplaying it or not taking his comments very seriously. Now the tables have turned a complete 180 on this view.
  17. Omax is a new school Andre Kirilenko. All the defensive versatility and athleticism of AK-47 but with the more than adequate corner 3 potential of today's wing players
  18. Honestly, last night was the best example of draft maneuvering Ive ever seen as a Mavs fan. We literally manufactured nearly $30 million of cap space and 2 needed 1st round defensive prospects out of Bertaans and the #10 pick. Richaun Holmes will take up most of the $17 million trade exception slot and leave us still with our MLE. Im not sure how the remaining $5million works on the trade exception, but we might have that available as well.
  19. I thought we moved the trade exception for Holmes. I believe we still have the MLE.
  20. Man i forgot about that Iraqi Dinar scam. Pretty much every person I know in the oilfield born before 1960 got ensnared in that shit. There's something about conservatives and their penchant for paranoia that makes them perfect marks for scammers. Even as a kid back in the late 80s & early 90s I picked up on the fact that the radio ads that came on during Rush Limbaugh's time slot were much more likely to have a scammish quality to it. And the same goes for ads on Foxnews or any conservative show on xm radio. The scammers know where their bread is buttered. Now that I think about it, the current state of the conservative movement was highly predictable given just this little bit of insight.
  21. Anamewke along with the Jakobe Walter surprised everyone with their run to the state championship game their senior year. They spoiled what was probably the most highly anticipated state championship match-up in the last 25 years between Richardson and Duncanville. And it's supremely ridiculous to suggest we should've taken Weaver over Morris. Morris' situation was just unfortunate. Had he arrived in Austin with a less experienced roster in place and gotten more playing time and more diverse role he would've been much happier with his time here and would still be on the roster.
  22. This is one area where the burnt orange media behemoth failed us mightily. Everything about our time in the BIg 12 and the original sin of unequal revenue sharing gets told as if we were the sole beneficiary and other schools that had the same favorite son status such as A&M and Nebraska played no part in things being the way they were.
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