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Everything posted by Catdaddyhorn

  1. "I'm sorry I cut off your legs, but from here on out we're gonna make this race as fair as possible." In a situation like this the fix isn't going to be viewed as fair by society at large and that's the crux of the problem. Additionally, something as simple as the change from an industrial economy to an information based economy creates large hurdles in accomplishing this task.
  2. In my initial response to you the link of the study I posted explained how the legacy of our racism is already a built-in component of the machine learning you're referencing.
  3. Why would I give a fuck about the motivation when the resulting effect puts me in the exact same place? People need get out of this mentality where they think the worst thing about racism is individuals hating each other. Fuck feelings!!! The worst thing about racism is the power imbalance. The issue with redlining wasn't the inability of black people to move next to someone who hates them. It was the resulting affect meant the grandchildren of steeleworkers in Pittsburgh eventually attained the ability to raise capital, build communities, businesses, and most importantly self esteem while the grandchildren of teachers in Atlanta had no ability to do the same. And in this systematic pedagogy of oppression those children now attach value and human self-worth to that power disparity. You're now less than human when you're poor. Then laws are created punishing that lack of humanity. Before you know it you have an entire hierarchal society based on this discrepancy in power and voila people like @Johnny Sack get to justify the treatment of these lower level human beings because the closed loop system keeps sustaining itself.
  4. Those sorts of pricing controls only began in what, the last decade or so? We're talking 80+ years worth of damage here. That being said, even with algorithms they're still finding issues. Minority homebuyers face widespread statistical lending discrimination, study finds https://newsroom.haas.berkeley.edu/minority-homebuyers-face-widespread-statistical-lending-discrimination-study-finds/ When people talk about systemic racism this is what they mean. Turns out that 100+ years of discriminatory policies and practices by legal fiat has long term consequences which don't resolve themselves simply by people no longer being mean to each other.
  5. There have been too many settlements, incidents, and articles reported detailing discriminatory behavior for you to bluntly claim this shit doesn't happen in the face of all evidence to the contrary. So spare me your everything is fair and nobody is racist bullshit.
  6. As a Dallasiite living in Houston I can tell you Houston is different from other cities I've lived in when it comes to baseball. They love their Astros and baseball in general. Trying to get my 8 year old into the local little league is white knuckle ride every January. If I don't logon within the first 2 minutes of the portal opening he's not playing that spring. It's fucking ridiculous.
  7. It's Luka's game not his personality that will ultimately make him a popular player. He's cold as fuck, has handles, and an entertaining style of play that is fun to watch.
  8. So you're telling me the sport with bigger stadiums and more games has more total people come to their games. [West African accent]I can't believe it[/West African accent] ................ And basketball dwarfs baseball when you expand the universe outside the borders of the United States. That being said are you certain that 1st round playoff baseball games on basic cable routinely surpass that 7 million number. I'd like to see proof of that.
  9. Where are you getting this? Luka's interviews are about as dry as possible with variations of one word answers or playing harder alternating back and forth. Giannis displays 10x the personality of Luka which is understandable given the fact that he's now been here 7 or 8 years
  10. Richard Nixon, Lee Atwater, and recorded history disagree with this assumption.
  11. Racial issues are an area where I admittedly struggle in figuring out a way to approach with my 2nd grader and kindergartner. Like all of us, I want to protect them from the shittiness of society at large, but study after study says that approach only leaves them alone to draw conclusions for themselves. It's easy to be seduced into believing that kids don't take in and absorb the values our society presents to them. But the truth is studies show even kids as young as 2 or 3 years old aren't oblivious to the racial hierarchy of the world they see around them and place value on certain races over others. More often than not when I as an adult come across information that I wasn't aware of as a school aged kid, I find myself wishing that I it was presented to me then. It would've gone a long way towards explaining our world in a lot more detail and given me better understanding of it. That being said, the example @Johnny Sack provided about his kids' school seems like a poorly formed and clumsy way to accomplish the goal of expanding empathy for the society around us. So it does give me pause to think people who can't handle the task would be responsible for handling it. Especially with kids so young.
  12. The visa ban to immigrants from shithole countries might have been a tad bit racist.
  13. I didn't realize that he was one of us. Been a big fan of his on the ringer and listen to podcast. Heard about his cancer diagnosis just recently when The Ringer hired Wos. Godspeed to him.
  14. And as is often demonstrated in these forums most people come out of it without relative context and believe it magically ended in 1954 and was relegated to southern states. Turns out summing up the black experience in America to slavery, Jim crow, and MLK does a pretty piss poor job of educating people.
  15. I'm struggling to understand why it is odd to you that Nigerians don't suffer from systemic racial policies that took place before they were ever allowed to enter the country. And why does the existence of Nigerian success befuddled you as to how those racist policies affect American descendents of slavery, Jim crow, and the myriad of racist policies throughout American history? Are you under some weird belief that there were 0 consequences from generations ofbracist policies? You can literally take redlining maps from the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s and trace them perfectly along impoverished and high crime areas today and have perfect alignment. Why would Nigerians immigrants (or any black immigrants) be affected by that sort of trauma? You should no more expect Nigerian immigrants to be affected by that specific set of racial trauma than one would expect Slavic immigrants to be affected by it. You have a poor understanding of the black American experience and have a woeful lack of understanding (or curiosity for that matter) of how that experience might still affect folks today.
  16. Those arent new videos. It's just that with increased attention people are discovering his old videos.
  17. I feel like there have been a shitload of football players who have done just that recently, but maybe the distinction is they did it in 3&1/2 years as opposed to 3. And I agree, given the fact that the basketball season crosses over into both the fall and spring semesters, it's impressive to see it done by a basketball player. That being said, with the trend towards athletes maintaining a fulltime curriculum year round as opposed to just going part-time during the summer (if they have classes at all) over the past 20 years I feel like it's become more routine. The sudden deluge of grad transfers with 2 years of remaining eligibility is proof of this phenomenon becoming more common.
  18. For some reason I always thought Brickhorn went to UPenn Law. Maybe I'm confusing him for someone else.
  19. I'm surprised you're surprised. Hepa was like DJ Augustin in getting nothing but As for at least his 1st two years on campus.
  20. His thread was borne out of former #1 NBA pick Kwame Brown going off on social media against other former players. Harriot began his thread by discussing the linguistic origin of Brown's accent (Geechi-Gullah) and, like he often does, he then wove that into a history lesson.
  21. Good for him. Gives him a chance to learn something rather than being slotted as a recruiting guru for the rest of his coaching career.
  22. Arrington was a 2x All-Pro and 3x Probowl player in only a 7 year career. Surpassing what Lee did in 11 years.
  23. He cited 2 guys who came back to the school while he was there. He even made the point to say that he didn't have a relationship with Lee. And on what planet was Lavar Arrington less effective than Sean Lee?
  24. Yeah what a beating that would be. A Texas Ex gaining a high profile, nationally prominent position. Oh the horror!!
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