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Posts posted by ousux

  1. 322 pounds. Lol. Also, .10 BAC 2 hours later.
    Do they actually weigh arrested suspects? I've only been in the slammer once for a few hours...bar fight where my only participation was trying to save a buddy from getting annihilated by a much larger drunk dude, but I don't remember a weigh in.

    Oh, and that was more than 12 years ago..I no longer hang out with dumb people.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Getting rear-ended at highway speeds he's lucky to be alive and supposedly without any serious injuries
    No such thing as "highway speeds" on I-35 from roughly north of Round Rock until you're almost in San Marcos. I'm betting it was just fast enough to cause T'vondre to lose control..something around 45mph or less.

    Of course it's been about 3 years since I've been down that way (driving) so maybe things are improved enough to at least reach the speed limit occasionally?
  3. I already said to you that this has been hashed out, on multiple occasions, on this board. You aren't worth the effort for me to type more thoughts on the same subject out for just your benefit. Go do a search and find what you'd like, or continue to be ignorant, I don't care. Either way, since it is all I have, I'm going to start negging your bandwidth draining posts on this thread regarding this subject and your behavior. You've already been publicly depantsed and that doesn't matter. Neg is all we have left. If we were physically in the same room, I'd try farting in your general direction and would then escalate things to grabbing you by the ear and casting you out of the gathering so as to spare us all from further interactions with one of the village's loudest idiots.
    Pretty sure I'm a few years younger than you and in decent shape in spite of my alcohol consumption, but I'd really enjoy you trying to grab my ear...as would everyone else in the room.
    • Fuck You 14
  4. let's review the tape on this:
    • news hits that Blue is expected to enter the portal via IT and other paysites, including TFB
    • Blue meets with coaches
    • reported that coaches told Blue he could enter the portal but if he did there was no place for him to come back to Texas
    • 4 hours after the news hitting Blue posts that he is "locked in"
    also if you don't think he has practiced what he was going to say about quitting on his high school team at all over the 3 years since he said it you really are fucking dumb.
    Where at any point in time did I say Blue was rated higher than Baxter or I thought he should have been above him on the depth chart? We have people getting paid good money to make those decisions, their career is on the line, not mine. All I said is basically this: if Blue is a malcontent then I havent heard any specifics on that, only what we all assumed about him when he skipped (quit on his team) his senior year. I also assumed he was where he was on the depth chart last year based on field performance, nothing more than that. Quinn also skipped his senior year (you could also call that quitting on his team) the only difference is he graduated early and went to tOSU...but still could have helped his team win a state title but was thinking of himself more than that. Blue was also thinking of only himself, but because he didn't come in and grab a starting spot right away..that's somehow worse? If he really is doing the same to the Longhorns that he did to his HS team, what does that say about Sark/Choice that he's still on the roster today?
    • Fuck You 5
  5. also, he didn't skip his senior year. he quit on his team, then tried to come back, then wasn't allowed back. this shit wasn't created whole cloth out of nothing.
    I'm fully aware of that and thought the same way as everyone else here about that. Guess you missed the part where I watched him being interviewed about it and what he said made sense? That could have been rehearsed bullshit but it sounded sincere. In any case what he did to his HS team doesn't mean anything now, and apparently he hasn't quit on the Longhorns or he would have had the coaching staff helping him pack his bags after announcing he was hitting the portal. Is that an unreasonable assumption?
    • Fuck You 1
  6. This forum isn't a thoughtless mob and I don't pull any puppet strings. The reality is that you made an ass of yourself, as you often do, and you have presence of mind to simply shut the fuck up, take the loss and move on. Thus, numerous people were climbing over each other to mock your bad takes and even worse lack of ethics in the discussion.
    Ethics? Ethics in here? Since when is that a thing. I'm not unaware Blue was 3rd string last year in spite of being rated higher (before skipping his senior year) than JB and true Freshman Baxter named the starter. I thought it was purely on talent eval by Choice/Sark, I missed anything said about his character. Why didn't Sark say bye bye when he announced he was entering the portal? I don't think a RB that wasn't getting the touches he expected threatening to portal was any worse than a starting WR (no names here) doing the same after every season, just maybe a little less publicly?
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. Bellinger (among others) doesn't seem to understand only a few hundred kids of redasses truly care about their precious bonfire, and they're correct in assuming the non-sanctioned ones will still happen since there's no way the aggy admin can allow multiple kegs to be onsite during the building. Not to mention a construction company would need to be heavily involved...so no students putting on overalls, taking a pull from their red cup and climbing up on the thing. Doesn't that kinda ruin the whole turdition?

  8. No one is trying to go into any depth with you because you aren't worth the effort with this kind of bullshit. You're misinformed and blathering voluminously as though what you're spewing has any value for the discussion. It doesn't. You've been pathetically wrong here while first trying to cast aspersions with certitude, and now you're crawfishing with the bitch ass "tell me why I'm wrong" nonsense. 
    I somehow missed any discussion of Blue being some sort of team cancer, guilty as charged.
  9. You said everything was based on him skipping his senior year. That isn’t true. 
    Nobody is saying he shouldn’t have been let back on the team, and it was clearly a good choice by all involved. That doesn’t mean there weren’t a ton of red flags that had him on a short leash. 
    Maybe there were, I wasn't aware of them. In fact I was always surprised by the lack of waves he caused based on what we thought he was going to be like. I watched a podcast interview with him (4th and Longhorn?) a little while back where he explained why he skipped his senior season. Of course that could be complete bullshit but sounded sincere and reasonable the way he explained it.
  10. You are on this board too frequently to not have read the 1000 discussions and updates, many contemporaneously, about Blue's travels to be this fucking ignorant. Holy shit.
    Browsing the board and occasionally posting isn't the same as paying attention. Guess I missed all the Blue controversy. I knew about him entering the portal, but also know he came back out pretty quickly. If the coaching staff didn't want him around he would be somewhere else doing his thing.
  11. He also announced (not sure if he officially entered) that he was going to the transfer portal after his 1st year 
    So everyone who doesn't see a path to starting and enters the portal has attitude issues? Apparently Blue's wasn't too bad since he was either talked into coming back and/or allowed to come back if he decided on his own.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. See for yourself:
    I thought he handled himself well in the interview.  I'm not worried at all about his commitment to the team.  
    Blue never had an attitude problem, it was the media (and us to a degree) projecting that sort of thing onto him because he skipped his senior year. We sort of had the same concerns about Quinn as well if we dig deep in the memory banks..

    These days I'm not sure a 5* skipping their senior year would cause such speculation..but probably would anyway.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. We're not that far from being able to engage "Drunk Mode" in our self-driving electric cars where we click the "Home" button to get a safe ride home and the car will refuse any external input from our drunken hands.  
    I hope it's possible, anyhow.
    If you can't even sleep it off in your car (engine off) then what chance does this have of being allowed by law?
  14. Texas fans are in for a rude awakening w/r/t SEC refs.  
    Maybe so, but there was a stark difference between playing Bama in Austin with Rig12 refs versus Tuscaloosa with SEC zebras. I can't be the only one that noticed the refreshing lack of 10 minute game stoppages for what should be easy to spot on replay in about 10 seconds, and pretty much allowing receivers and DB's to do battle without ticky tacky bullshit.

    Of course that was only one crew, the SEC may be just as bad, but from the few SEC vs SEC games I watched the games seemed to flow much better.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  15. Like it or not, prime time college football is played in The SEC and The Big Ten.  I hate to say it, but The Aggies were right to make the move a decade ago.  The Horns should’ve made the move first.  For as long as I can remember as a long-time season-ticket holder, home foes at DKR have been mostly mediocre at best to downright pathetic playing in a conference where the only headlining opponent was played away from home at a neutral site.  In this aspect, it will be a pleasure getting to know our new conference brethren.  But with that said, f—k em’ all.  Time to take this new bitch over
    I think we should have gone west and saved the Pac, but that's just me. All the Pac leadership had to do is either tolerate LHN for a few years until the contract ran out, or negotiate with ESPN like the SEC did. Instead they chose the "unalive themselves" option, and here we are. There's no way a Pac that included USC, UCLA, Stanford, Oregon, Washington (all the others I can't be bothered to type) PLUS Texas, OU, Tceh and Okie Lite wouldn't be a worthy rival for the B1G and SEC. The 3 super conferences could have added all the worthwhile programs that make geographic sense, leaving all the left behinds to form their own conference..geographic sense be damned. Ahh well, C'est la vie.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  16. You really think this will drop him THREE or more rounds???
    I know in the past NFL teams tolerated much worse than a DUI, but times have changed. I don't know exactly what this will cost him, but it won't go unnoticed.

    I will say I was on the "Byron Murphy will go before Sweat" bandwagon back when that was an unpopular opinion, this just widens the gap further. I'm still a Sweat fan and think he can have a great career if he keeps his weight in check, but if I were a GM I'd take Murphy first.
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