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Posts posted by ousux

  1. Has anyone else been quietly/slightly concerned about Johntay Cook? 
    I didn't follow his recruitment or watch highlights from HS, but I know he was huge commitment and people expect greatness. In his limited time last year, he looked...good? Nothing really jumped off the screen. Now we've added Bond/Golden/Bolden. Wingo is making a huge impression already and even DeAndre Moore seems to be turning a corner. Niblack is gonna get targets and maybe even Wisner along with Baxter/Blue out of the backfield.  That's a lot of options for Quinn, and most of the spring reports I've read/seen so far don't seem to talk about Johntay much. 
    Obviously as a fan this added WR depth is GREAT news. Hope Cook lights it up Just wonder if it's possible if he gets lost in the shuffle. 
    You said it yourself.."limited time". If X saw the same amount of snaps as Cook (and sometimes with mostly second team offense on the field) his Freshman year we might have questioned if he was going to produce as well. Cook will be fine, maybe even lead the team in catches/yards next season? He isn't being talked about as much because we have a lot of high profile Freshmen and transfers this off-season...or at least that's my theory. If game one comes and goes and he still has limited snaps then we'll have something to talk about. I could be wrong, but I think with the embarrassment of riches we now have Sark will be more open to rotating WR's in and out...if that's the case he won't be on the field as often as X, Mitchell and JWhitt last season, but still no cause for alarm in and of itself.
  2. There’s a limited amount of doctorate degrees that allow you make the payments on a 2008 Chrysler 300M.
    Probably has a Hemi so they can keep the ambulance in sight. Don't always know which hospital they're headed to ya know.
  3. If we're being honest and talking long-term health, football is not in anyone's best interest.
    I have a couple things from high school football that still bother me from time to time and will only get worse when I get older. Was it worth it? Absolutely...I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Most things worthwhile have some sort of cost.
  4. Sounds like he wants to prove he can play football so....that's not nothing
    I'm sure he can still play, you get a little rusty, but don't completely lose the ability in a few years, but that's not the question.

    The real question is: should he still try to play? Obviously the Longhorn medical team didn't clear him so not sure seeking out one that will is the best idea.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I want to see how travel affects the West Coast teams moving forward.  I'm going to guess they are going to be logging Hawaii type numbers in the coming years.  Not saying elite players are going to play school, but this would be a negative nonetheless.  Not to mention administrative costs on each school when you log ~8k miles for football alone.
    It seems like a minor thing, but there are definitely recruits out there who hate flying, or worse scared of it...and that will affect the west coast B1G teams in recruiting to some degree. Most players don't mind flights of 2 hours or less, but we're talking a minimum of 5 hours from coast to coast, (if non-stop) not counting bus time to the airport and any possible delays for weather, mechanical issues or crazy ladies seeing motherfuckers who arent real etc.

    The Pac leadership were world class idiots for sticking to their guns instead of aggressively pursuing expansion. Hell, they would still be a conference at the expense of making a few schools temporarily angry by bringing in the Longhorns (complete with LHN) into the Pac along with OU..and tag-alongs Tceh, and Okie Lite.
  6. I think William is excited. He's wearing an adult shirt and looks showered. Still wearing a ball cap all the time, but baby steps.
    He's probably also happy that he doesn't have to publish first hand detailed accounts of their spring workouts. Imagine the nightmare of applying lipstick to that pig. He's excited that all he has to do is republish whatever embellished cliches that beloved Coach Elko bloviates instead of having to bloviate himself.
    I think William is probably liking the press constraints. 
    You sure about the showered part? His mom may have bought him a new shirt, but I'm guessing dry shampoo run through his quickly graying hair and liberal doses of Axe body spray.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I don't see how anyone could be bullish on their portal class. It is comprised of a bunch of sun belt and FCS guys to replace 4 and 5 stars. But it is low hanging fruit at this time of year to be able to point to the portal because nobody has seen them play yet. Member when Nebraska got all lathered up about Casey Thompson because he threw one nice pass in their spring game? I member. There were podcasts and articles ad nauseum about how much of a game changer he was going to be based on literally one play. 
    Also based on the fact he was starting QB at the school that made Corn their bitch back in their Big12 days. Nevermind he was starter by default and got worse as the season progressed.
  8. I've never understood why they sing "sawwwwww R.C.'s arms awf, saww R.C.'s arrrrummms awwwwfff . . ."  It's all weird as shit to anyone normal.
    "varsity's arm off"...what the University of Texas used to be called. Seems back in the day colleges used to have Varsity and JV and Freshman teams just like high school? I could be wrong on that, but in any case aggy is stuck in the leather helmet day mindset.
  9. This is exactly what I mean though. When they are on the field they are seen as gladiators. They are looked up to and told how great they are. When they are done they are forgotten and usually left with a lot less function in their body than other people in their age group. And God forbid they mention that or complain about it or if someone feels sympathy for them. Why should we feel sympathy for dudes that have all that money? As if there is some sort of financial barometer for whom we're allowed to feel sympathy for or relate to. If being an ex NFL player is so great then what's with the high suicide rate?
    Nobody is saying NFL players don't deserve sympathy when their playing days are over and some have various issues from their playing days, but like any other career..they enter it by choice and know the risks very well after playing high level college football. Beyond the money they make in the league, even a very short career can be a springboard to lucrative sports media jobs. (look at the Acho brothers, neither were really superstars in CFB or NFL)

    Just like any other profession, some will wisely take care of their money, some won't. Some will use their NFL player status to make more in "retirement" (even with very few years in the league in some cases) while some superstars with long careers accruing double digit millions will find themselves pretty much broke and destitute just a few short years after the money stops coming in.

    There are very good reasons why even college players that werent starters at any school they attended still try to at least become a UDFA, and those guys would love the chance to be "gladiators" even if that means being cast aside someday.
  10. Agree, let's get back on topic here.
    What does everyone think our safety rotation will look like this season?
    Everyone here has PTSD from Gideons dropped easy pick likely costing us a shot at the NCG in 08, and the Dylan Haines human hurdle experience. Michael Taafe has proven he doesn't drop the easy picks and is somehow more physical than Haines. Taafe will most likely still be in the rotation, but safety will be fine if Mukuba is as advertised and some of our young studs make their expected leaps.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Most players are lucky if they have a career like Vontae Davis. Still, guys like that are but another cog in the big football machine. When their usefulness is up, they are cast aside and forgotten. It's fucking sad to think about.
    I get what you're saying, but there is a reason landing on an NFL roster and playing as long as possible is the goal for many CFB players. What other job can get you over $700k (rookie minimum) to double digit millions (QB's like Mahomes) even if they don't finish their degree? Depending on what position they play, even 4-5 years can set up a player with a good financial base, and retiring at such a young age means they have plenty of time to start their own business, invest or even the luxury of doing a job that doesn't pay what the NFL did but they've always wanted to do..such as coach in HS, CFB or become a trainer for young athletes.

    Obviously for guys like Vontae Davis none of that matters, but too often mental issues for men idek left untreated, and thats sad.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  12. They’re like the people who think they their own jokes are hysterical. It’s why everyone else finds them insufferable. 
    The dude who put the shot cup on his head then turned to his band mates and shook his head represents all of non-aggy America.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Man makes a damn fine hot link too
    Has he upped the quality of his regular smoked sausage? Granted it's been a few years, but I remember it not exactly being top quality, little greasy and bland. His hot links are pretty tasty though.

    No disrespect to one of the goat's of football, just friendly, constructive criticism.
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