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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Frankly, I'm rooting for it. I'm basically suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome.

    When this ends, and holy hell will it be ugly, but when it does it is going to be somewhat difficult to transition back to a normal human being occupying the White House. We can disagree about many things, but I never felt that W or Obama were terrible human beings. I never disliked them. 

  2. On 7/21/2019 at 12:02 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    And her husband who the DNC shielded, and called the women who accused him liars...and she helped.....  The whole Hilary and Bill are yesterdays news while true in the present, but that doesn't cover the fact that a contributing factor of why we're where we are today is because of those two, and the lengths the DNC went to cover for his sexual proclivities, calling it just sex, and her illegal acts right up until election night 2016..  

    Preface my ensuing remarks with I am a member of neither party.

    THE GODDAMNED PRESIDENT WAS OKAY GRABBING WOMEN BY THE PUSSY. If that is not enough the president was PAYING OFF A PORN ACTRESS RIGHT BEFORE THE 2016 ELECTION to keep quiet about him. De-program your brain and stop posting stupid shit. I do not give two fucks about your party. Just stop with your partisan posts while pretending to care about the country you live in. 

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  3. 17 minutes ago, miguelito said:

    I remember in 2002 when Mike Cameron hit 4 HR against the White Sox, in his first 4 AB.  In his 5th AB, hew flew out to the warning track.

    Haven't heard that name in a long time. Pretty good OF'er though. 

  4. I do not think it is a stretch to day that Wilkerson's save is the most improbable occurence so far this season. The speed limit in most of New York is 55 and he didn't even hit that on the radar gun. He now gets to say for the rest of his life that he got a first ballot Hall of Famer out. Stuff like that is why baseball is such a fun sport. 

  5. On 7/23/2019 at 12:02 PM, HenryJames said:

    Real Americans tip at...McDonald’s.

    Let's clear things up for this absolutely, incredibly brain-dead bitch.

    In NYC a McDonald's employee earns 15 an hour. 40 hours a week is 600 before taxes. If that employee never took time off and worked 52 weeks straight for 40 hours a week they would make 31,200 before taxes. The only way that looks like a lot of money is comparing their income to teachers in Oklahoma. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    Someone tell the Red Sox that they only gain 1 game in the standings regardless of if they win by 1 run or 20. 

    Sick rotation you've put together btw, Cashman. 

    I think he knows he has to add a starter and a reliever. I would leave Happ off the post-season roster completely. I think Stroman makes the most sense to acquire. Highly motivated guy who wants to wear the Pinstripes and represent his hometown. The Severino injury has sucked, but it happens. The staff ace has not thrown a single pitch and they are on pace to win 105 games or so. Think about how ludicrous it is that they are still winning games at this rate.

    Winning 2/3 of your games with nothing from Stanton, less than 50 games from Judge and no Andujar is a fairly impressive feat thus far.  

  7. I had a dentist appointment this evening so I missed this game, but holy hell Tanaka's outing was historically bad. His ERA against the Sox this year actually went down apparently. Baseball is a strange sport at times. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    I think you have him confused with Hornius Emeritus, who runs ToT.  He is not a trump 

    Actually nevermind. He had negged me before on here months ago, but it could have been on something unrelated and I just confused it with another topic. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

    Didi is fucking unconscious right now. 

    He has some stretches where he hits like the Babe. He also has stretches where he looks like Walking Dead Chris Davis. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    I'm starting to wonder if I might be wrong about Aaron Hicks.

    I think you are. I work with a guy who was not on the Hicks bandwagon because of injuries. I would guess the next time we talk he will speak differently about him. 

  11. 41 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


    Can someone tell Aaron that he is not in denial. That dumb son of a bitch realizes he will be facing prison time when he loses in 2020. Dotard is trying to shape the message to his base to avoid the consequences of losing the election. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:

    Well, this is the best of the teams we've had over the last few years.  So if it's going to happen, this is the year.  I'm sure we will make a bullpen move, which is really our only weakness, but come October, we'll move a couple of starters to the pen to shore it up.  Baseball is fickle when it comes to the playoffs, but this looks like the year.

    I think the Dodgers and Yanks finally meet again in the World Series this year for the first time in 38 years. The Dodgers are just amazing and I wish I could watch them play more. I want to take a vacation to SoCal during the time they play the Yanks in August, but it does not look good on that right now.

    I fully expect the Yanks to add Stroman to the rotation and maybe a long reliever who is better than Nestor Cortes. They use Cortes in those bullpen games, but he is not someone that I think helps you win in the post-season. The Yanks have the best lineup of hitters in all of baseball when they all are healthy, but they need another starter to solidify being the favorite in the AL. I think Stroman pitching for his hometown team would be tremendous and he has done everything short of saying trade me the hell out of this place and back to New York. 

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  13. 30 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:


    First thing that came to mind for me when reading that was these two traitors.

    Start calling all of these people what they are. If you are supporting Dotard right now you are implicitly saying his storefront window racism is okay and you are also okay with a hostile foreign power helping him be elected. This same hostile foreign power is going to ratchet their help up to 11 for 2020. We have over 60 million citizens of our own country willingly helping the government of a country that despises us by their actions. I say helping a foreign government because I have met plenty of Russians who really like America. I remember one from more than a year ago who said to me "We like your country. It is the politicians who are the problem."

    Trumpkins you are not owning the libs. You are shitting on your fellow countrymen and women with your continued support of a guy who gives zero fucks about you and your family. You are Mongo and are just a pawn to this narcissistic assclown. Wake the fuck up and realize what you are doing. You get one shot at life and holy hell are you wasting it. 

    • Like 2
  14. 44 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Yankees-Twins was a strong game of the year candidate last night. Pretty wild.

    And he may have only played in 45 games so far but Judge is hitting .308/.437/.990 this year. I do miss him selling out for 500 foot bombs though.

    Wish I would've watched it. Had a long day yesterday and went to sleep early. That catch by Hicks was ridiculous. I really enjoy watching him play center.

  15. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    The majority of the American public, including a large percentage on this board, will follow their team off a cliff. They fundamentally disagree with the opposite side on core issues, and most arguments/debates quickly devolve into rehashing historical viewpoints, stereotypes, and vomiting the current days talking points. That’s the strength and inherent weakness of joining a team. You’re either for or against. There is winning and losing. There is no solving the issue. That is why this board is full of the same people arguing the same arguments year after year. People don’t want to understand the issue, the people behind the issue, how it affects them positively or negatively. They want to be right. And if they are right, the other team must be wrong 

    I am neither a Trumpkin (Lol at there being a Republican Party anymore or ever again) nor a Democrat. I am team get this fucking racist, fascist, narcissistic un-American asshole out of the White House ASAP. 

    • Like 2
  16. 12 hours ago, RPM said:

    Barry Goldwater would dickslap every Republican in office today because they fucking deserve it. 

    If he were alive today to see that the evangelicals did what he likely feared they would do, oh boy would he be apoplectic. He called this more than a half century ago and here we are dealing with what they have allowed to happen.

  17. On 7/21/2019 at 6:34 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Look folks, I don’t give a shit about your political ideology.  You can be a moderate/centrist or a libtard commie fuckstick, EVERYONE needs to stand up against this shit.  

    The United States aligned with fucking Stalin to defeat fascism.  Sometimes things go beyond your policy platforms and you just need to do the right thing.  This isn’t about right vs left anymore.  This is about right vs wrong. 

    We can work out our ideological differences after we tar and feather these assholes.

    Metaphorically speaking of course, or not.

    We should be able to do this, but we have 60 million plus people who are gutless cowards who refuse to stand up to this racist, fascist piece of shit. 

    Our country's defining characteristic is its diversity. I was talking to a man this morning from Holland and he said the thing about America, New York City in particular, that impresses him the most is our diversity when it comes to the blending of cultures. He said he sees this back in Amsterdam, but nothing like America. We have a plethora of issues in race relations and how people of color are still treated here so do not think I view us as a model society without any faults. We have plenty.

    The rest of the world though still looks at us as a model of how we can be from different backgrounds, but still find common ground and come together as a society. We are failing in that endeavor right now and it is just sad to see. Again we have millions of our fellow Americans willingly allowing us to attempt to go back in time to the "good old days" when whites ran the country and everyone else did what they were told. We cannot allow that to happen. We just can't. 

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