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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 4 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Lol. I was actually thinking the prices weren't so bad for an exclusive club. About the same as a middling Manhattan lounge. 

    Yeah those prices are equivalent to your average Manhattan bar. Still fuck him for taking taxpayer money to pay for it.

  2. 1 hour ago, spystud13 said:



    Not shocking, but it sucks for him. Looked like he was swinging a lead pipe when he tried to come back. Seems like a good guy. Passan is right and he'll probably wind up at 1st next year. 

  3. If Torres and Sanchez had 162 games against the Sally League Orioles they'd both hit a 100 homers. Then again a big chunk of players could pull that off as well. 

    Domingo German has been a completely different starter this year as well. Did not see this level of improvement coming. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    Assuming an honorable discharge and completion of the full contract (active and reserve), I agree 100%.  I will call my congressman and senators about this.  I suggest everyone who agrees do the same.

    I like this and I am going to do this as well. The line has to be drawn somewhere with this mentally incompetent shitheel.

  5. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Actually, studies show that immigrants and their progeny end up doing better off than Dotard's dream voter -- white, "poorly educated," etc.

    Tell you what.  Give me the next 100 Central Americans to cross the border.  I'll give you 100 "poorly educated" MAGA voters.  In a generation, which group (and their progeny) will be doing better?

    He lived in Mexico so he knows that Central Americans are nothing when compared to the maga hat wearing assclowns we currently have to fill all these open cooking and dishwasher jobs as well as all those construction jobs. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, retread said:

    and if you're just gonna flush the C. American countries, then at least recognize that these people will be contributing citizens here in America. Many/most will be hard working and good citizens. A majority of them would return for their court hearings before, but now we lock them in cages. MAGA.

    They work harder than almost all Americans in my own experiences and we'd be lucky as a country to take in more of them. It's humorous that Dotard demonizes them while illegally employing them at his golf clubs and hotels. He has done it because they will work harder for less and do so because it benefits their kids to be here. They sacrifice everything to better the lives of their children. I can think of few things as honorable and noble as that. 

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  7. 15 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Fuck you. I never said that, and the kids don’t deserve any of it. But the adult made a decision, and that decision put his kids at risk.  He should feel bad. Maybe you would drag your kids across Central America to get here, I wouldn’t. 

    Let's send you to Central America with your kids (I really hope you have not reproduced, but let's assume you have) and see how long it us before your ass is doing the exact same thing. You have complete and utter ignorance of just how horrific it is there. I worked with a guy from El Salvador who related a story to me about the farm his brother runs back there. He refused to make his monthly payment to the gang that controlled where he lived. He came to the farm the following day to find several field hands murdered because of his lack of payment.

    When you deal with that as your fucking reality let the rest of us know. Until then shut the fuck up about anyone bringing their family here to escape the horrors they dealt with there.

  8. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    You get it.  We're being served a cocktail of failed neocon ideas and evangelical eschatological insanity.  It smells faintly of cyanide.  Drink up!

    When I think of what the Evangelicals have done to this country over the last 50-60 years it saddens me, but reminds me of what Goldwater warned about. I am a Christian, but I cannot relate to anything these clowns are saying. Using God's name to further a goal which will include the killing of tens of thousands of people is several bridges too far for me. 

    I will never trust anyone in office with an R next to their name who talks about Christianity. They are complete and utter frauds and deserve the worst that hell has to offer them. 

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  9. 9 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I mean...what. the. actual. fuck. 

    Constant chaos. It sustains him and he cannot fathom a reality that is not like the one he has created. Dotard loves making threats and angering people. If he did not have the ability to inflict constant disruption upon millions of people I think the fat fuck might keel over and die from boredom. He loves attention and he doesn't care whether it is positive or negative.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Our political system has been so corrupted that the guy that ran a subliminal campaign of “please don’t elect me president, I’m an obvious liar and racist fraud” ended up winning. 

    You forgot to throw in "Up to his eyeballs in debt". 

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  11. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    AOC is good because AOC is great

    owns owns owns

    owns owns owns

    I'm glad she is my representative in the People's House. I have said before I am not a card carrying Democrat, but I like that she is out there pursuing an aggressive agenda that can help change the lives for the better of so many folks who need it. 

    She will always have a legion of detractors thanks to Fox News, but she seems to take it in stride and stays focused. I wish more Democrats would take such aggressive stances for causes they believe in.

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  12. 2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    Worked on the Bernie campaign in 2016 then felt compelled to run for congress and won at the age of 29. Characterizing as some sort of whiney person who isn't using her degree is almost impressive in its stupidity.

    It's a bigly display of stupidity. Many people are saying that. 

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  13. 59 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Presidents of the United States are usually smart people so I can see why some people might be fooled.

    Another common misconception is that “billionaires” are in inherently smart people...Some are but being a billionaire does not make you smart... Just look at Betsy DeVos and Howard Schultz.  

    A lot of this "Billionaire" bullshit goes back to that campaign rally where he sa9d he would completely fund everything. It was when he gave one of his fake numbers about his wealth. He said he was worth 8 billion and a specific number after that. Those of us who don't have our head in a continual flush of the commode know his liquidity is no more than seven figures on a good day. 

    I think that moment was a big one for the Trumpkins though. It was for them when he said screw the elites I will do this on my own. He reeled in millions with that propaganda and they have never left his side. If someone can find the video from that propaganda rally that'd be cool. He may have said it in Iowa in June or July of 2015 possibly.

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  14. 6 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Also, he was never even one of the top 5 real estate owners in nyc.  He put his name on shit.  When he built Trump in Chicago he literally tried to just claim the 25000 sq foot penthouse.  I know bc I sat on the board.  We had a good laugh.  He’s a buffoon. 

    Edit:  read what his own architect Alan Lapidus says.  

    This is awesome right here. You have documented evidence of his assholery from your own life, but the Trumpkins will still ignore this. Everything he touches turns to shit. I really do not understand anyone who thinks Dotard is a genius. 

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  15. 23 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Eat a dick. Seriously. Fucking enabler.

    It's incredible in a very odd way to see how they think. Trumpkins really believe this stuff as being the truth. I did not ever think I would see a day where millions of Americans could get brainwashed in such a way as to support someone like this no matter what he does or says, but here we are. 

  16. 1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:


    Trump only fights for himself you dumb motherfucker.  You still don’t see that?  

    Dotard's voters live in a world where Donald the Brave is mounted on his lily white steed and is fighting for them 24/7/365. He won't stop until the mission to help every downtrodden and disenfranchised white man and woman live like it's 1959 again is complete.

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  17. It has been a good while since I have watched such a feast or famine offense. Last night they look like the '27 Yankees and tonight almost nothing. Sucks that the fans aren't given a better product.

    I know the M's front office doesn't care about winning this year though so it doesn't matter I would guess. Looks like a team that'll deal some vets at the deadline and wind up with 70 wins or so. Haniger is really good. Vogelbach is built like a guard. Kind of fun watching him take his hacks.

  18. King Felix tossing some BP in the first two innings. Jesus he's brutal to watch now. Just gave up Estrada's first major league homer. Given up three so far with no outs in the 2nd. Almost gave up a 4th on a ground rule double.

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  19. I'm okay with Pelosi exercising caution. I do fully believe Dotard has committed several impeachable offenses, but we all know that right now impeachment is solely a symbolic gesture. While it would indeed put every Republican on record as being on the wrong side of history by standing by Dotard, I do not see the time as being right yet to move forward with this.

    Let the People's House commence and continue their current investigations into him. Put all of the evidence on the table about everything he has done. I think Pelosi is on the right track here. She is going to slow burn this asshole and his sycophants and I find that strategy to be a good one.

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