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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. I did not delve very deep into this, but a quick research attempt shows that 14 of Encarnacion's 24 homers this year have come with his team either behind by 2, tied or ahead by 2 runs. To me that does not sound like a guy feasting on Jimmy Bumblefuck who just got promoted from Triple A and is pitching in a blowout. 

    • Like 1
  2. I thought adding Encarnacion was good and still is. It gives them someone else to play first occasionally so Voit can DH or have the day off and he can still crush a baseball. To go from possibly trotting Bird out there had he not been hurt again to having a Voit/Encarnacion combo is pretty good. 

  3. On 6/26/2019 at 8:45 PM, Helobious said:

    And yet the Yankee train keeps rolling along.

    It’s looking more and more like Frazier fucked Cashman’s wife or something. Stanton goes down, and the Yankees call up worthless spare Mike Tauchman to take his spot. So 4 guys from Triple A were called up to join the team on the London trip, & Frazier wasn’t one of them. He’s clearly done as a Yankee & Cashman isn’t keeping it a secret. Definitely hurts the Yankees’ trade talk leverage.

    Stanton's injury was abject stupidity on his part. I was at the game and the hit went deep enough to get 3rd and short to chase it. He should've done what Sanchez would've done and stopped at 2nd. Instead he slides wildly into 3rd for reason. My girlfriend was like "Why did he even attempt that?" and I told her that sometimes when you're playing a mediocre opponent you are more apt to try stuff like that. Stanton is as frail as an 80 year old though when it comes to injuries.

    Frazier is probably done here. He did not help his case to stick with his consistently league worst defense though. Someone will see the bat and be enamored enough by it to want him. Too bad he could not make it here. He will be a 35-40 homer a year player for someone if he can just play passable defense in the OF. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    RBG was so fucking stupid to not retire during the Obama years. Trump has the 2020 election locked up, and she's not gonna make it to 2024. It will be at least a 6-3 conservative court for decades. 

    Look my man, Dotard is not winning in 2020, and outside of him just declaring himself emperor (while the republicans nod in agreement in the senate), he is done destroying the fabric that is left of our country in around 18 months. The problem is his fat ass can do much more damage during that time. 


  5. 3 minutes ago, trauma babe said:
    35 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    I have said this more than once here, but it's a tragedy that Alan Colmes is the one who passed away out of the two. Colmes had morals and a backbone. Whether you agreed with him or not he was a good human being. This guy is a fat ass lump of shit who deserves to be the one six feet under.

    Read more  

    Backbone? Alan Colmes??

    Yes. I am not a Democrat (Fuck the Trumpkins though and the Republican party as a whole), but Colmes was a good human being. He took so much shit on-air fron Hannity, but did it without being negative. I admired his ability to navigate being on that show. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

     i drafted DJ LeMehieu (was supposed to be a utility fill-in guy before all of the NYY injuries) and i dropped him because I have Moose. moral of the story:


    LeMahieu was never going to be a fill-in guy on the roster. He was going to play everyday beca8se there was no Didi and Tulo is a walking injury. I thought before the season started that he was the biggest addition to the roster, by far. He makes the whole thing go batting leadoff.

    The guy can flat out hit (big shocker there) and his defense has been great (again no surprise) wherever they have had to put him. A lot of guys have issues adjusting to playing for the Yanks, but he produced right away and fit in perfectly. He is definitely outplaying his contract and should be an All-Star.

  7. That is a fairly incredible total considering the year total. Had two fans sitting near me tonight decked out in O's gear. No idea why they did that, but God help them and their sad sack franchise. 

  8. 37 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Time stamps check out. 


    I have said this more than once here, but it's a tragedy that Alan Colmes is the one who passed away out of the two. Colmes had morals and a backbone. Whether you agreed with him or not he was a good human being. This guy is a fat ass lump of shit who deserves to be the one six feet under.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    ESL students have a better grasp of the language.




    I mean dear God that was a whole mess of words that made no sense. His brain is gone at this point, but I'll still gawk at his words and remember that this idiot is in charge of the country. What a time to be alive. 

  10. I want to say I realize that most of this country does not see the diversity that I encounter each day here. I get on the subway and I see people from all over the world. I see people from Latin America, South America, Europe, the Far East, Down Under, all parts of Africa and the Caribbean. It is intertwined in the culture here and it is a beautiful thing. 

    The parts of our country who do not embrace the intertwining of ethnicities and having people of color standing equal with their white counterparts is just terrible. We are not a nation of whites only anymore. We have every shade of the rainbow and it's time to embrace our diversity instead of hating it. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, cactusflinthead said:

    If you haven't heard yet the cruelty is the point. They want it to be so undesirable to be here that they stay there. It's not any more complicated than that. Who cares if they die? That's going to send a message. 

    That's what we're up against. Miller gives zero fucks. Reince Priebus and his post mortem report on making inroads into the Latino community were summarily dismissed. They don't fucking care. At all.

    What got Trump momentum way back when there were 12+ candidates?

    A Stupid Fucking Wall. Fear of a brown planet. 

    And so here we are. Taking rosaries away and treating them worse than dogs at the pound. 

    It's a goddamn disgrace. 

    Cruelty being the point is the worst of it. It is showing the entire world that America is no longer a beacon of freedom. We closed that chapter on our history. This is a very dark chapter that historians will be denouncing for centuries to come. 

  12. 6 hours ago, TheFlagship said:


    That is the LOLMETS in a nutshell right there. Good God they are a completely dysfunctional mess and will be as long as those Long Island clownshows own the team. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    The fact is that there is an entire generation of Americans coming of age at a time when we are the bad guys, unequivocally.  We are going to have to look at post WWII Germany to figure out how to move forward.

    This is also something that is tragic. Our youth are seeing us be assholes to our fellow human beings and they are taking this in. Not good at all. 

    I will say this about the Germans. They are still, almost three quarters of a century later, very loathe to speak about that period in German history. I think that is a mistake. We have to own what we have become as a country and denounce it every chance we get and once Dotard is gone we need to educate every generation that follows about how to treat people. We need to use what Dotard did as the reasoning behind what you do not do to your fellow man. We cannot repeat this era again if we survive it.

  14. We are not in a good place as a country. This is absolutely horrific to see the United States being associated in any way, shape, or form with the term concentration camp. 

    Folks we have completely lost our way thanks to this asshole and his racist supporters. We are all human beings and anyone that can't see how awful it is what we are doing does not deserve to live here. If you are still supporting Dotard while seeing what we are doing to refugees just do the rest of us a favor and drive to Hoover Dam and jump. This is not just unAmerican and against all of our values, this is just fucking cruel. Hurts my heart to see what we have become. 

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Jesus. He beclowns himself in epic fashion. Again. And it matters not, because suck it libs!

    He is completely gone mentally. I realize Dotard has never been mentally fit or well, but this stage of his decline is absolutely dangerous. I am glad there are some people in Washington keeping him completely out of the loop on at least some urgent matters.  

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