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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 31 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

    Fucking ouch. 



    Wow that is a ridiculous way to injure yourself. I would say it's even money he starts on Wednesday anyhow. 

  2. I'm a bit skeptical of putting Stanton on a soaking wet field for his first game back in two and a half months. He should be DH'ing tonight in my opinion with Gardy in the field and Encarnacion or Voit sitting this one out.

  3. On 6/17/2019 at 11:10 AM, thestud said:

    He didn’t shit on anybody and he didn’t come off as an entitled little bitch. If he says it’s all sunshine and rainbows with a shit eating grin everyone knows he’s full of shit.

    Hitting-wise he has done what has been expected and he is a big reason the Yanks have weathered all of the injuries to this point in the season. If he could play right field at just a league average level he would not have been sent down. 

    As has been noted, there's a good chance he winds up being traded in a package for a frontline starter like Bumgarner or Scherzer. Overall he seems like a nice guy who loves the game so it's not hard to feel his frustration right now.

  4. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    For example:

    Related image

    Looking at that fucking shameful picture closely. That asshole on the left with the shit-eating grin on his face. Look at that bullshit. Two men directly behind him were killed by hanging and he is fucking smiling. I can only hope that piece of shit was hit by a bus, survived it and was later killed in a woodchopper. Jesus our history has so many terrifyingly horrific events in it. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

    Ha! Someone is going to get their feelings hurt about this.

    "The failing Nielsen Ratings are putting out fake news to make YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT look bad. They are traitorous and an enemy of the people!"

  6. 16 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    Does this motherfucker know how long a term is? He says he might stay for 10 or 14 years? Planning to resign mid term?

    A lot of people are telling me I can serve as many terms as I want. Now I'm not saying this, but many people are. This giant of a man with arms covered in tattoos, beautiful tattoos, the best tattoos, comes up to me and says what an amazing job I am doing making America great again. He says I should be appointed president for life. I hear this all the time from many people. The fake news won't report it. The failing New York Times won't report it and it's why that awful paper is going out of business.

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  7. 46 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I have less respect for "smart" people who support Trump than the mouth-breathers.  Mouth-breathers are, well, morons.  Smart people should know better.  If you're intelligent and vote/support Trump, you are a true piece of shit, imo.   No fucking excuse. 

    I am not thrilled about it. If they all vote for Dotard again I will probably lose contact with most of them to be honest. 

  8. 12 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I think it's a poor idea to keep dismissing Trump supporters as stupid. Name-calling that is often resorted to is also, in my opinion, counter-productive for a few reasons.

    Trump's band of supporters are not homogenized yokel racists morons. 

    I've met otherwise good and mildly thoughtful people who voted Trump and seem to be gritting their teeth under scorn waiting to vote for him again. I don't get it, but there it is. They're not traitors even if their vote is dangerous to the republic.

    I prefer to stay engage with Trumpists who are clearly sincere and not blind followers or trolls. Maybe I can figure out where the problem is. Some combination of party-fanaticism, self-interest, and belief that the alternative to Trump/GOP (interchangeable terms now) is far more dangerous surely drives them. 

    I'd rather stick to questioning and attacking those pillars of their belief rather than just calling someone an idiot. I mean, yes, there are surely idiots who post here as well as ideologues and trolls who deserve scorn, but that's not everyone.

    So, there's my little soapbox speech of the day. I don't want to automatically transfer the seething fury and scorn I have for Trump, his administration, his elected toadies, and the actual deplorables to everyone who votes Trump.

    Of course, name-calling and interrupted dinners are fair game for those named above. 


    Almost all of my family who cast a vote did so for Dotard. I would say only one of them is a complete moron. Somehow he married a Hispanic woman and had three kids with her yet wants the wall built to the heavens. My mother always votes for the Democrat. She did not especially like Hillary though. She tried to give Dotard a chance, but she is not a supporter of him.

    The rest of them are smart and successful. I talk to one of my cousins, but we do not talk politics. My brother cast a vote for Dotard. I never asked him about his vote, but he told me this week. He is also doing well, but I believe that he will not vote for him again. 

    Dotard has some smart people who have voted for him. The issue is with the mouth-breathing crowd who could not possibly care any less about elections. 

  9. On 6/13/2019 at 7:34 PM, henrygandorf said:

    94 days since a daily briefing.

    8 in the last 300 days.

    leaves to spend more time with her family.


    Fuck her, her worthless ass father and really fuck the guy who married her as well for wanting to marry racist white trash. 

    I'm sure she'll have a weekend show on Fox within a few months.

  10. I work with a guy and we were briefly discussing some things today and he tells me that he was a registered Republican for most of his life. Mind you this is a gay man who most Republicans would just shun.

    He says to me that if just one Republican in Washington would die he hopes it is McConnell. He said Dotard will die sooner than McConnell and he would be willing to ride that out vs more McConnell.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The Norks have the hackers.  Trump would probably hand them South Korea if they could secure his victory.  Norks are going to keep developing nukes until China stops them. 

    But, but I thought Dotard guaranteed they were dismantling their nuclear program. Are you trying to tell me that the ghost of Neville Chamberlain may have found its way across the pond and took control of Dotard?

  12. 6 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Two things. First, his socks love his posts and post a positive laugh if he posts his spaghetti recipe. 

    Two, and much more ingenious, he never goes totally overboard and attempts to maintain a reasonable demeanor. This causes people to not neg him too much so the above number one manages to keep him above board. 

    It’s actually quite ingenious. I give him a solid A minus when it comes to trolling message boards such as this one. Its quality work. 

    I think when he liked a post calling Bama Girl a bitch recently he should've been negged right out of here. Luckily for him the posts were removed, but I wanted to see who liked it and sure enough it was that clown.

    I just don't get how anyone falls for his act. He is a Dotard die-hard to the core. 


  13. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    I promise not to neg Chrispy or Johnny sack unless they post something i really dont like and if they do, I promise that both of us will discuss the issue and if it can’t be resolved, I promise I won’t automatically drop a nuclear missile on their ass as long as they ask me not to nicely. They have promised to try to agree if their mother in law lets them.


    How has Chrispy not been negged right off this board? He is clearly doing a bit and trolling everyone with the stories he tells about his make believe family. 

  14. Bottom line is Dotard won't pay unless a court judgment forces him to. Just have him give his 4th of July speech or whatever he's doing from his shitter. Somehow he'd probably find a way to rack up an 8 figure bill doing that.

  15. 6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    we learned tonight what we already knew - trump would 100% prefer to cozy up to a foreign power - hostile or friendly - if it meant he could beat an american democratic candidate in an election.

    turns out mueller wasted two years.  he could've just walked into the oval office and asked a few questions on camera.

    Dear Democrats,

                             While I endorse patience and process when dealing with Dotard and getting him removed, he crossed a line to where the process of removal should now be imminent. Do the right thing and begin the impeachment proceedings and take a stand for our Republic. Or don't and stay on the sidelines while a traitorous clown burns the last embers of our Democracy. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    I should be appalled but my first reaction is to be shocked at how goddamn dumb he is.

    As mentally addled as he is, he still knows the score right now. He says it because he faces no repercussions for doing so. If any other president had said that they would've been removed before the sentence was finished, Democrat or Republican. Dotard is completely running the Republican party and they do nothing to stop his insanity.

  17. Surprise, surprise he's a damn coward. If Jesus himself walked up to him he'd have ICE have him deported because we all know he thinks the Lord is a fair-skinned man and not the dark-skinned man he actually was who had matted hair and probably not the best hygiene as well. 

    Good on your wife for participating in this though. I would like to participate in stuff like this. Dotard needs to be called to the carpet every single waking moment that he has.

  18. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:



    AOC accepting a $4,500 raise (not even voting on it, just accepting an automatic adjustment) - WHAT A HYPOCRITE!


    Trump the swamp-drainer repeatedly funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to his golf resorts - TOTALLY LEGAL, TOTALLY COOL.


    These guys are a blast to watch. Shooting themselves in the dick repeatedly will never stop being funny.


    This stuff is honestly incredible to watch. Dotard is treating the people's money like his own personal bank. But here we are watching dumbasses get mad about this. What a shitshow of a country we live in right now. 

  19. 7 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I could live with Nixon not going to jail, and I despise Richard Nixon. His crimes were political and related to politics and then about the cover-up. He was brought low.

    Trump is a crook to the soles of his feet. He's a lying thief who happily sells out his country for his personal gain. In the daily crowd of scandals, the money scandals are getting short shrift from the dull-minded television media. Kushner taking Saudi money. His administration funnels money to more than questionable vendors. 

    I will puke if Trump is let off the hook "for the good of the country" or to "end our long national nightmare." Trump walking is a public endorsement of the dirty truth that the rich can get away with anything. Disgrace is not nearly enough for him to pay.

    Trump offers himself up as an excellent example of the price of crime. The Americans will jail even a rich president if he has done wrong. Trump's name will be the go-to warning to children about the law catching up with you.

    Trump is bizarro Lincoln. Dishonest, weak, stupid, and criminal. He should die in jail.

    Amen to all of that.

  20. 2 hours ago, spystud13 said:

    Angel got Cora & Woodward in less than the span of a half-inning. 



    I have no idea how that guy keeps his job. He is universally despised by players, fans and managers. The only time I have ever heard an umpire booed when his name is put on the jumbotron during pre-game is him. Just seeing his name is able to trigger anger and disgust out of fans who mostly don't give a damn about umps. He is absolute trash. 

  21. Just now, theaveragejon said:

    All he cares about is power. 

    Well that is obvious, but he still had a chance to do good with the power he had at his disposal. He chose to be a terrible human being instead. I cannot send anyone to heaven or hell, nor would I want to, but McConnell is not on the fast track to the first choice. 

  22. 5 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I think he was a big influence on his own return but I think it was because of his loyalty to the team and because of the pressure of fans, haters,  and press. Including myself.

    If we had known he had an Achilles injury then no one would have questioned his status. Maybe some gamesmanship is to blame as he was always speculated to return and that could have pressured him to do so. But damn. Terrible for him in any and every way. Kudos to him trying to prove himself when he didn’t have anything to prove. 

    I think it was fairly obvious he had suffered a serious injury and was not playing due to that. I think he played tonight because he wanted to be out there. I would imagine the medical staff signed off because he probably said he was playing no matter what they advised. If the Dubs win the series this was his Willis Reid moment. 

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