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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Fixy, and your last sentence to me should be fixed as well. Being petty is fun. 🙄
  2. Hey, if there's lack of concrete, then there's nothing wrong with it.
  3. It's endangering people by starting fires in front of buildings that people live. I didn't know cement had to be involved though.
  4. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN25T32R#referrer=https://www.google.com&csi=1 Now, if only Reuters would say what was the final nail in the coffin to make him leave. https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1300678248611807233?s=20&t=fOZ9po09LCH_c3dVW4iwYQ
  5. Seriously need a direct link to that thread.
  6. I didn't know you could do that. Thanks for saying something.
  7. Sorry that you suck ass? You should do better with your South Houston Institute of Tech cert.
  8. He said multiple times that he was getting rid of cancer. Don't you follow anything but your ass?
  9. Sounds good, but fuckin saying getting rid of it is fuckin dumb, you doorknob licker.
  10. He said he'd shut it down. He shouldn't act as a god. It's fuckin dumb, and government can't save you from pain.
  11. Well.... She try to make it in the courts.
  12. Black Matter? Any relationship to Darkmatter2525?
  13. You definitely don't have brain worms. I don't know why he wouldn't think of the most recent event going on.
  14. You can draw equivalency. I can draw equivalency with the shooting in Dallas. The billions in damages, and 23 lives killed by the BLM riots, and the grifting by BLM here, if I get to see pictures like this. I get it, you gotta spin it so that your side looks good. Hey, do you happen to work for CNN?
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