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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Sucks that we then said the unvaccinated nurses and doctors had to leave, and the vaccinated ones got to stay and work even if they had COVID.
  2. Yeah, whites are over served. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-crack-pipes-racial-equity/
  3. I mean New York is doing this. https://news.yahoo.com/york-legislature-oks-gerrymander-could-222520005.html
  4. This is what we've been saying for a long time. I'm glad you've finally caught up.
  5. I'll be praying for your boy. He's gone from bentos to Dutch girls in such a short time.
  6. I was told to never ask how many guys your SO has seen, so this is my take.
  7. Is this dude actually a Trumper? I never even heard of him till a couple days ago when this broke. There's a few clubs just for swinging, he probably got caught there. Ray Wylie Hubbard has a song for this man if that's the case. Wood.
  8. Sure, but we're also never going to zero.
  9. Cause cancel culture exists. Wah, why didn't you just go in?
  10. I've been called antivax for not going into a place that asked for my vaccine status. I don't really give a shit what you call antivax.
  11. You deserve all the condescension. Case in point.
  12. I don't understand how it's a fucked up view point.
  13. He's saying the reasoning is awful, because it makes total sense to me.
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