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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by sidis

  1. 4 minutes ago, sidis said:


    i am glad that they are so courageous that they are willing to stand up to criticize donald trump's administration including mike pence.  it takes quite a spine and a real dedication to one's values to do so...

    however, that does not alleviate the part he played in injecting stupid steroids into the vapidity of the process.  he should not have had to endure a campaign with sarah palin as a vice presidential nominee to know that facilitating and working hard to ensure she became the vice president was a horrible fucking idea.  sorry. 

    it occurs to me that someone could read the sentence starting with "i am glad" above as sincere and not laced with sarcasm.  to do so would be folly.


    2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And, umm, he admits that.


    no he didn't.  he admitted he made a mistake but he said that he only learned it from going through the process (and, of course, once he found lucrative employment with msnbc).  it should take a sane and virtuous/principled person about 13 seconds with sarah palin to understand that facilitating her meteoric rise into the national conversation was a horrible outcome for this country's well-being.  he did not.  he chose to throw a hail mary and subtly stoke very dark instincts to try and stem an overwhelming cultural wave. 

  2. Just now, Sawbonz said:

    So the Catholic Church’s well known problems and mega church excesses completely discount local giving?  

    about as much as making a retarded statement that one political ideology is has an overwhelmingly greater amount of charitable giving than another.

  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Cool Sarah Palin whataboutism/character assassination.

    I give credit to any conservative voice exploiting a platform to speak out against the overt hypocrisy of the current Republican Party.

    We need more Steve Schmidts and George Wills unabashedly speaking truth to power right now.  I don’t really care for George Will either but he’s making the most of his platform to call out the frauds on his team.

    Without those voices of sanity, the conservative movement is truly lost.


    i am glad that they are so courageous that they are willing to stand up to criticize donald trump's administration including mike pence.  it takes quite a spine and a real dedication to one's values to do so...

    however, that does not alleviate the part he played in injecting stupid steroids into the vapidity of the process.  he should not have had to endure a campaign with sarah palin as a vice presidential nominee to know that facilitating and working hard to ensure she became the vice president was a horrible fucking idea.  sorry.

  4. 11 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Steve Schmidt is my hero.


    Schmidt is your hero? Yeah, let’s idolize the man who foisted Sarah Palin onto the world...just because he found his soundbite niche on msnbc. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    OMG, Rush is stoking civil unrest! Conservatives have all lost their minds. We're fucked. That's a wrap. Republic over!

    Or maybe it's just a lunatic on AM talk radio rambling with a brain damaged fat man and we shouldn't extrapolate that lunacy to the entire right half of the political spectrum.

    I mean, that transcript barely registers compared to some of the right out nonsense on that show during the Obama administration. 



    so you're right about it not registering compared to the histrionics during the obama presidency and i don't disagree that rush's influence could be relatively constrained to self-reinforcing nutters...

    but we as a country did elect donald trump president of the nation with 62,984,828 votes.  that's some extrapolation...

  6. 9 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    From the article, sums up the religious right and the trumpcucks 

    Talk radio’s Rush Limbaugh delighted at the expansive twists and turns of the independent counsel investigation of Bill Clinton, cheering it all the way to impeachment, despite polls suggesting Americans wanted Congress to censure the president and move on. He met Barack Obama’s election by declaring that he wanted him to fail, then allied with men who tried to discredit Obama by falsely stating he was born abroad.

    But now that the nation’s leading birther, Donald Trump, is in the White House, Limbaugh purports to be outraged by what he calls efforts to undermine and unseat a duly elected president 

    that doesn't carry the same quality as straight from the horse's mouth...

    Rush: Rosemary in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I’m glad you called. How are you?

    Caller: Hi. Why don’t the millions of us who voted for President Trump march to Washington in the biggest protest ever to drive a stake through that vampire Mueller and all his bloodsucking bats and then also march on the mainstream press in New York, millions of us?

    Rush: I don’t know. Why don’t you?

    Caller: Well, I think it’s a good idea, don’t you?

    Rush: I’d love to see it.

    Caller: I’d love to see, too.

    Rush: I gotta be very careful here. I gotta be very careful not to be seen organizing or suggesting such a thing. Otherwise, if it happens, it will not appear organic. We don’t want ’em to say, “Yeah, this is all happening ’cause Limbaugh’s got his robots doing what he told them.” We don’t want them to say that, so—

    Caller: No, I don’t think they could accuse you of that. I think lots of us have the idea that we’d like to do that ’cause, I mean, I really love Trump. He’s saving America.

    Rush: You know, you do raise a broader question, and that is as people learn what has been learned since last night with Caputo, Michael Caputo, and essentially confirming what I thought was going on with this thing from the beginning, I wonder how mad Trump voters and others are out there.

    Caller: I think that we’re all furious. I mean, everybody I know is, of the conservatives. I mean, they despise Mueller. And I certainly do. I think he’s an evil man. I believe in a hell, and I think that’s where he’s gonna wind up going. That’s one thing about it, he’s gonna spend eternity there being tortured like what he’s doing to President Trump.

    Rush: Well, that may well be, but if that happens, nobody will ever know it so you will not have the satisfaction of ever knowing that.

    Caller: You’re probably right about that, but it’s nice thinking about it.

    these people are real.

  7. 2-4 against west virginia and kansas state is the most mindblowing shit on earth.

    at least kansas state finally won a third conference game.  their first win against a team not named texas in 20 tries.

    • Haha 1
  8. then why is it he has the bizarre mental health breakdowns like clockwork when he is about to release a new album?

    every single time.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Imma say this expecting flack. Real Madrid get away with more shit than any team I've ever seen. Also, they cry foul more than any team I've ever seen.

    it is known.  but no one can beat them in champions league.  period.

  10. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    There are apartments full of kids  that are routed to the same school as my neighborhood. Same teachers. Same bus. Same textbooks.  The fact one rides to school in a luxury car and the other can’t, doesn’t have an affect on the education they receive, or are offered.   

    Your statistic may be right, but I’d wage it has to to with many factors.  People have lazy parents, too. But, even with no drive or want to establish a household, all they have to do is move near a nice school, and the primary education of their children is taken care of. I pay more in fucking school taxes than my nanny pays for her years rent - her kid sits alongside mine at a highly regarded school  

    Now if they are too lazy or stupid to do that, just bad luck I guess. All it takes is a modicum of give a shit.  NO ONE is forcing anyone into drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, or laziness. 

    no one can possibly be this much of a simpleton.  no one.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 15 hours ago, bad motherfucker said:

    Amazing!  Beautifully spoken.


    17 hours ago, George Morgan said:

    You have the tight to express your views, as I do.  But, I must disagree with your statement that "Christianity has always been an oppressive religion."  This remark is blatantly false.  The anti-slavery movement began in England by Christians, and spread to the United States and other nations.  William Wiberforce  led the movement.  He was a great Christian.  John Newton was a slave trader.  He became a Christian on board a ship carrying slaves, and completely changed his life.  He wrote the great Hymn,  "Amazing Grace."  Many Christians lost their lives in the Civil War to end the practice of slavery.  The early Christians were hunted down like dogs and killed.  They didn't fight back against their enemies.   All the disciples were martyred for their faith except John, who was boiled in oil and still lived to write the gospel of John.  Millions of Christians were murdered for their faith in Europe in the Middle Ages.  Many more are being killed today.

    Jesus Christ was the greatest liberator in history.  He set the captives free from the penalty of sin and hell.  There is an agenda that exists to attack Christianity, and to mislead people.  For example,  If you study the life of Robert E. Lee after the war ended, you will find out that he help integrate the first church in Virginia  He saved Washington University from bankruptcy, and admitted students of all races who could not afford an education.  He helped young men into the ministry, and helped to quell the resentment the South felt toward the North after the war.  He was given a banquet in his honor in New York City because of his efforts to unite the nation.   Later, he established the first schools of Commerce and Journalism in the United States.  By the way, he freed his slaves before the war.  He inherited them from his wife's estate.  He was a hero in the Mexican War,  the Superintendent of West Point, and the according to General Winfield Scott, the Supreme Military Commander before the war said,  "Lee was the finest officer in the entire nation".  Lee's father, Lighthorse Harry Lee, was the commander of the calvary during the Revolutionary War, and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Lee was an exemplary Christian., and to this day, is held in the highest esteem by people around the nation.   But, people are like sheep.  They jump to conclusions with little knowledge, and blaspheme God and Christians because they are ignorant of the truth.




  12. 1 hour ago, Chrispy said:

    Naw, it’s estimated that a woman only has around 4 or 5 hundred eggs that fully mature in her lifetime. Simply put, I beat millions of eggs. I’m a winner, it’s what I do. 

    your efforts to make this whole theme your shtick on here is amusing.  how insecure can one person be?

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