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Posts posted by sidis

  1. 51 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    But in fairness, what is Oklahoma going to hitch its wagon to?  It's landlocked, and so it has no access to the economic benefits that a port brings.  It was never going to be a great banking or finance hub after Dallas was chosen to be the site for the regional Fed in 1913.  It doesn't have any natural beauty akin to Colorado or California that can be used to attract talented young people.  And yet, if you just dig down a few thousand feet, there's incredible wealth.

    What was their other choice?

    agriculture!  wait...

  2. 5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    If Mueller has probable cause, he can order a raid and deploy the FBI to execute it.  See also, Manafort Paul J. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/us/politics/mueller-russia-investigation.html


    I don't think that makes sense as the rationale for kicking it down to NY. 

    fair enough.  maybe it was a favorable jurisdictional judge or something.  or likely it was what you partially implied...an own goal by cohen and trump's idiotic press statements on daniels that Mueller just wants to keep separate from his investigation but could be used as a pretext to get a look up Cohen's skirt for his own purposes.  either way, i really don't think that Mueller could care less about daniels other than a useful machination tool.

  3. 1 minute ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Not if you share my view that the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 is unconstitutional.

    If that's the case, you'd have President Mnuchin.

    and he would executive produce about a hundred really shitty movies about it.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

    So if the Dems somehow take back the House in November, when all the shit hits the fan, we could end up with President Pelosi, right?

    unless the useful idiot got snared up in this unwittingly, we will get president "boys and girls have to remain in different rooms and the gays will receive shock therapy"

  5. @anastasis, he punts it because a raid ordered by the us attorney and carried out by the fbi is likely to have a more desirable effect than a subpoena issued by the special counsel...particularly when the special counsel recognizes the level of scumbaggery he is dealing with and the lengths they will go to.  also remember, Rosenstein has to approve of this first, otherwise the sdny us attorney is just...


    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    The creep from omg russia to omg porn star payoffs is going to be awesome. I actually hope that Mueller has a play here on cracking privilege to get to something deeper, because the alternative is  going to be underwhelming. And that in itself if quite the statement on where we are.. 

    i think daniels is ancillary to the cohen raid.  cohen was intimately involved with trump's attempted Russia dealings from 2013 - 2016. these guys did a nice job of laying out the timeline.


  7. You said one important thing in your post...that google is highly intertwined with intelligence agencies. That is true and known for most of this decade at this point. Use google at your own risk  

    The exemplar you use, of course, is silly and disingenuous. There’s a reason that screen cap cuts everything off after the top...since the very next thing after what you’ve shown is an a version of the pledge that contains all the 1954 updates to the pledge including “under god.” Why are you needlessly censoring the result page to fit your narrative? Do you. Or want people to be informed? Or do you just wish it was not the case that for most of this country’s history, the pledge did not include “under god.”

    like ive said many times, if American white Christians ever had to face actual discrimination...say the type they have burdened others with...it would truly be something. 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, TxEx99 said:

    I haven't paid attention at all to this stuff in the last 3 years so if someone can throw down a link with a concise overview or explain what the issue is between Yemen and the Saudis I'd appreciate it.  Is Iran backing Yemen as a fuck you to the Saudis?  I'm also going to assume this is part of the reason why the House of Saud is all of a sudden cozying up to Israel?  

    Someone drop some knowledge realizing that I know nothing about the history between these two nations.  Thanks.


    essentially yes on your question.  if you really want as much historic context for this as possible, i suggest you watch this two part frontline episode dealing with exactly this topic.


    watch the whole thing but the yemeni battles are largely discussed in part two.

    • Like 1
  9. On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:19 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    Ahhhh.  Perhaps my problem all along.  I don't really consider myself to be having an allergy attack until I'm leaky in the face.  And, obvs, I don't take benadryl until I am.

    essentially, you can think of the world of allergies in five categories...

    first, you have antihistamines...the majority of which rely on loratadine.  this is Claritin, Zyrtec, etc...  this is intended to prevent congestion.  i take these daily no matter what.  when it is allergy season, i take the "-D" versions which have pseudophedrine.  you have to get this from the pharmacy with dl so you don't make meth.  at this time of the year, anything less won't do shit for me.

    second, you have expectorants...the majority of which rely on guaifenesin.  this is mucinex, etc...  this loosens congestion in your sinuses and chest.  this is good to have when you have mild to intermediate congestion to avoid infections or bronchitis.  

    third, you have oxymetazoline hydrochloride.  this is afrin, etc...  this has the most instant effect but you can't take this too much or you will be in for it bad.  it instantly reduces inflammation through vascoconstriction.  when you are so stopped up you can't breathe, this is the only thing that helps but again, do not take it too much.

    fourth, you have steroids to reduce inflammation in the sinuses and allow the plumbing to engage.  this is Flonase at the weak end and corticosteroid injections at the other end.  when people are at the end of their wits, the corticosteroid shot is a miracle.  can't have it more than once or twice a year though or else say goodbye to your adrenal glands and other issues.

    finally, antibiotics for infections.  amoxicillin, etc... for the people who don't have to deal with it that much, and on up the severity list to some pretty heavy shit i have had to take.

    of course, turbinate reduction, septoplasty, other surgeries for when your pipes are all fucked up but it honestly doesn't help that much.  lot of ent's have bought a lot of vacation homes on that scam...

  10. On 3/30/2018 at 4:15 PM, BurntOrangeCrush said:

    Just finished season 2. I thought it was better than season 1. Lots of twists and turns.

    Loved the second season. Wish they would have gone ten episodes. Outstanding work though the idea that the fat kid could hack the Russian military network was a bit much. Made it interesting though. 

  11. I just do not have a good understanding of soccer management. Conte looked like a fucking genius of all geniuses last year. Took tenth place to top spot by a long shot. Now they are a bit of a scattered mess because they don’t have a legitimate 9 and that is obvious. Is that his fault or the putinesque bitch?

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