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Everything posted by sith_horn

  1. The first 3 have me gruntled,but I'm still not sold on Wisner Barring catastrophe, he'll redshirt. Also, the OL ought to be better next season, although we lose Christian Jones ... can't believe I just said that. He finally is a plus on the OL.
  2. No doubt, but on the other hand ... J. Brooks, Cedric Baxter, Jaydon Blue, Tre Wisner all say hello
  3. Great block by Whittington on that TD play! Put his man in the f-ing turf. Hook'em.
  4. Bijan makes me nervous not wrapping the ball up in traffic more.
  5. Which Shiner are you comparing Yuengling to? ... their premium beer, a.k.a. lager, or something else?
  6. I question how well anyone can taste test that many beers in one sitting though. Sort of like differentiating smells but going partially nose blind after several fragrances. I get that these are veteran craft brew masters, but still.
  7. Smoked brisket, chopped pickled jalapenos, baked potato with butter and cheese, charro beans.
  8. There's always the chance that funny shaped football will bounce goofy like it did.
  9. Jameson has been surprisingly good. Actually has played the ball.
  10. A TE requires more development than a WR. Brennan Thompson was/is getting over Bronchitis. It was bad enough I believe he was tested for pneumonia. There was a tweet from his mother about it.
  11. This board never learns That and all the OU DB muggings will not be called like they've been in this game.
  12. I do the same, but usually for hunting camp or road trips. I use them instead of purchasing bagged ice for my ice chests and normally keep 5 or 6 in my chest freezer. But on that particular occasion, had not replenished the freezer from the previous time I had pulled some out for use.
  13. I save and keep a bunch of 1 gal water bottles for multiple purposes. During that winter freeze a while back when our power went out one night, it occurred to me it could be awhile before it came back on and we didn't have a generator. So I filled up 18 bottles with water and set them on the back porch to freeze overnight, then filled my fridge and chest freezer voids as well as two ice chests with them the next morning. I also filled up several buckets of water in case water service failed. Not long after I did that, water pressure was also lost. Power was out for several days. Didn't lose any food due to the outage and had water for washing, etc. until water pressure returned.
  14. It's not like anyone will be pleased by any answer a coach makes after an indefensible loss. There's nothing a coach can say that won't be criticised. I imagine they just suffer their way through the press conference while looking forward to fixing their problems that week in practice. The press will do what they do, fans will bitch and winning cures all.
  15. The only thing Prevent Defense prevents is Victory. The only time it might make sense is on a final play - long hail mary situation. Never when there's any appreciable time left in the game.
  16. Uh oh, playing prevent defense.
  17. I prefer mustard. Especially the spicy mustard they use to have at Fuddruckers along with some cheese sauce and jalapenos. But just plain mustard is fine. Otherwise I eat my fries plain. Wait ... fries are also great with cream gravy. Honey mustard is nasty.
  18. Don't think so, but not sure. He was sick with really bad bronchitis not long ago. Not sure if he was fully recovered. It can take awhile to get back to 100% from that.
  19. I give him slack because he's forced to weave and cut like that with our OL. Without a doubt, the OL was a massive failure today, and at least as responsible for the loss as poor Defense. They forced the defense to be on the field far too much. I'll be interested to see what Scipio's post-mortems have to say. Don't know if I'll bother to rewatch the game. It's a time consuming process to go back and watch stuff, but replaying play in the trenches is often very revealing.
  20. I think having him come to the game was more about having him see the whole road game process start to finish than it was about trickery. Not just Ewers, but Maalik and Wright as well. Sarkisian alluded to this during his press conference.
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