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Not a Sock

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Everything posted by Not a Sock

  1. Honestly he really doesn't need to be listening to every dumb fuck with a twitter.
  2. Synder is holding the program hostage at this point and they have looked dreadful so far. Any loss to KSU this year is a reflection of Herman and his staff and not of the wizards ability to win.
  3. I can not wait for the Stronghorns to begin to fade away.
  4. Are you gonna make a coffee table book of these? Because I would totally buy it.
  5. Eat a dick lady. The entirety of college football has done nothing but take a complete shit on Texas the last 10 years and we sat there and took it claiming we were above it. Fuck it I love this latest injection of fuck you attitude that has been injected into the program.
  6. LOL hamm is trying to set people up to keep his credibility. This mother fucker is going to fuck with the wrong person soon and the goon gestapo is going to be after him.
  7. Sargin puts a dumb amount weight on SOS and total stats so A&M blowing out scrubs inflates their numbers and tricks the computer into thinking that A&M is playing very good at a high level.
  8. I love him but he is a jag.
  9. The old bat is the perfect bagman, she has no connections to A&M or the state of Texas and she is nuts or is at least putting on a good act that way if she were caught A&M could say they she was simply a mentally unstable rouge fan.
  10. ATM is a bunch of fucking idiots if they bring hamm in on any kinda under table dealings, keeping him in limbo and ranting on face book is about the only safe place to keep him. If they bring him into the fold he will get a huge ego and clash with the powers that be and lash out, if they try and squash him he goes rouge and lashes out at the power players.
  11. No we played the 11-3 USC that got its ass beat by OSU in the cotton bowl and finished ranked 12.
  12. Clemson is much better than the overrated USC team we played.
  13. @RadiologyHorn Keep negging me you little bitch, what happened to aggy getting blown out?
  14. LOL you can kiss the 2020 class good by.
  15. The only way in which aggy winning affects us is in recruiting and they are already winning that battle so firing Herman would only hurt us.
  16. Warehime and Mehringer need to be fired out of a fucking cannon in regards to recruiting, beck however is a solid recruiter.
  17. That player ran down Cook for like 90 yards I would be cramping too after that.
  18. Go and neg all of my post doesn't change the fact that I am right and you are a sunshine pumper full of shit.
  19. Wilt is butt buddies with elko so his picks should all be terrible signs.
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