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Ricky's one-hitter

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ricky's one-hitter

  1. Combined with quality of life, absolutely. I know I would take pennies on the dollar to push off the slog of the minors, especially for 3rd round+ guys. I'm out of my depth here, so I appreciate your and @MuellerHorn's contributions today.
  2. No wonder aggy loves hobby lobby so much. They must spend a fortune on reframing.
  3. I'm not advocating for replacing Gideon with Lake, but of all the reasons not to hire him, this is the one he shares with every other cfb coach.
  4. First, looooooooooooooooool. "I named people based on what I personally remember reading here. I did not verify my opinions by referencing facts" "I don't remember the offers you're talking about and these facts are making my opinion sound wrong" "Well, two can play at that game. Here's some QBs we offered and didn't actually recruit. They totally prove my point because we offered them and then when we fired the HC, the....wait..." "Additionally, a player's performance elsewhere cannot be correlated to the physical attributes that caused Texas to recruit them in the first place."
  5. Intentionally inflating enrollment at the expense of admissions standards isn't new by any means, but it's getting ridiculous. My brother in law is a consultant that works (usually) with sub 10k enrollment, private universities on aligning their initiatives/priorities with current and future realities of enrollment and resource acquisition. Some of his stories are absolutely wild, but the common thread is that the old guy who has always done things one way and will never adopt anything new is literally every guy in ed admin. They've pushed back so hard, for so long, that compromising academics in the pursuit of tuition is the only option remaining, and the inevitable outcome for most schools in this category. Frankly, it's sad and makes me pretty angry, but the reality is that major universities will close entirely, or be stripped back to unrecognizable, exclusively online diploma machines built more on software than anything else. The "open the flood gates" approach is a short term measure, often used for short term gains that end up re-funding "the way we've always done it". Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Really curious what options my kids will have in 10 years.
  6. I think it's fair to say that a WR who learned how to block may not be as nasty about it as a TE who learned to flex out. As skilled as Whit? Probably not. Nastier? Yeah, I could see that.
  7. Good catch - interesting Headline: 4-star TE Elija Lofton commits to the Miami Hurricanes despite late push from Texas: "Miami felt like a second home to me" https://www.on3.com/teams/miami-hurricanes/news/4-star-te-elija-lofton-commits-to-the-miami-hurricanes/
  8. As long as Kiffen's not your douchebag, he's a douchebag you hate to love.
  9. Because @Sandbagging Steve posted a vague description of a serial killer on a message board and my first thought on this MONDAY MORNING was to scour the internet for mass murderers.
  10. While I hate myself for participating, the serial killer reference is Gerald Stano.
  11. I can understand the idea that Sark isn't the "genius" he's propped up to be as a play caller, but I don't think that's the right criticism. Imo, he's often calling the right plays and scheming mismatches against the right guys, but he's way too agnostic with his own o-line personnel. He didn't give a flying fuck who the RG was on that play - only that whoever it was has a 50lb advantage and should do their job. It's why I think he was most successful at Alabama, and assuming the recruiting parity remains, I don't think we'll see another cfb team like those Alabama powerhouses in a long time. He has to adjust to marry mismatches with our strengths on the line and not just exploit the biggest mismatch
  12. Well, you've got about 4 hours to figure out how to embed it.
  13. Well he didn't also flip his prediction, so I think it's safe to surmise he's trolling for clicks
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