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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Of course, this was all predicted by Bush v Gore
  2. So I'm just about halfway thorough this book... https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31735862224&dest=usa&ref_=ps_ggl_17730880232&cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade_10to20-_-product_id=COM9780593444511USED-_-keyword=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz8GuBhCxARIsAOpzk8yicqBkEd6b2GNbqX8ah4YmSxar6Cz_qfYJVYKGaQYvrxjdHrDcKmMaAv0MEALw_wcB It's eerily fascinating how close this is to our current history
  3. Snopes says false... https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fact-check-rumor-alleges-five-182700175.html
  4. "Guardian Angels" of 80's fame. Sliwa, their boss, a wannabe NYC militia leader
  5. I've been stabbed by a screwdriver before. It's painful, but unless it's pretty sharp, it doesn't go that deep
  6. Cross posting, but okies are going after Lankford for trying to help solve it: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4434317-oklahoma-gop-votes-to-censure-lankford-over-senate-border-talks/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwidwNnT_oKEAxWvlGoFHQsNBugQr_oDKAB6BAgNEAE&usg=AOvVaw3HSnuHnlb1SRsghEx_Mhtt
  7. Lankford getting fucked for actually trying to solve first priority problem https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4434317-oklahoma-gop-votes-to-censure-lankford-over-senate-border-talks/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwidwNnT_oKEAxWvlGoFHQsNBugQr_oDKAB6BAgNEAE&usg=AOvVaw3HSnuHnlb1SRsghEx_Mhtt
  8. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Yeah, I took a bullet to the upper abdomen at close range... just a little guy. Bullet went in, split my vena cava, split my sciatic nerve, hit L4, lodged in between L4 and L5
  9. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Well, I had no pulse and they couldn't get a vein so they had to central line me in the ambulance... I coded three times. Maybe I wasn't dead, dead, but the surgeon said I was DOA
  10. SKJ

    The Supremes

    I have died. I had severe internal bleeding which was really pretty peaceful. I felt little pain, probably due to shock, and I felt like I was just very tired and was comfortably falling asleep... so much so that when my friend kept waking me up it was making me very angry... so there's that
  11. It's almost like Fain is trolling Trump showing him how a normal man can drink water during a speech
  12. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Yeah, but the dems should be hammering their heads in the ground since the R's are running their usual play of voting against comprehensive reform then saying "these dems won't do anything to fix the problem!" Especially since Trump said it all out loud
  13. Don't forget they're going to do everything to expand their power as well... they haven't been setting this all up so that they can't benefit themselves as well, as we've what seen, both monitarily and in sheer power They want to be the arbiters of everything. Just witness the "major questions " doctrine, and pretty much every decision since they got a majority
  14. SKJ

    The Supremes

    In not completely sure that's how this works... I AM pretty sure that the Supreme Court would love a chance to vest more power in the judiciary, however, and 6 of 9 justices are now dreaming of how they're going to lord over the other two branches with this new interpretation they have probably already decided upon. Let's all get ready to welcome our new overlords, the unelected textualists who can't wait to turn back the clock on any government regulation, and our society to a new theocracy. Here's a piece by Robert Reich on the issue: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/whats-the-chevron-doctrine-and-why
  15. Supreme Court to hear case on rioters wise main charge is obstruction: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/18/politics/supreme-court-upending-january-6-rioters-trump/index.html
  16. I wouldn't be too sad if ol Ingraham was one of those post-birth abortions
  17. I tend to think she was maybe murdered for her belief in her white privilege... she was probably, actuality killed for her lack of self awareness of her actions, thinking that they wouldn't shoot her, a white woman who had served her country... Of course, she was wrong
  18. Maybe even those that were at the first barriers?
  19. No, I'm pretty sure they do their own "research "
  20. Holy fuck that is so fucking disturbing and fucking hilarious I can't decide which
  21. SKJ

    The Supremes

    It's like being in the military. You have it when it's time.
  22. SKJ

    Surly wallet check

    This https://secrid.com/en-us/wallets/twinwallet/
  23. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Sheeeeit... just this week during Muldrow Alito's questions were setting up the basis for this, and also being able to end DEI initiatives.... just like Students for Fair Admissions, where they decided that the 14th amendment didn't have anything to do with race textually... and totally ignoring originalism. They don't issue rulings based on anything but vibes
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