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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I guess I'm lost as to the last part...
  2. Well,@bolverk, I'm in fucking Oklahoma now, so I doubt anyone would come here
  3. SKJ


    Seems like the redneck bocce. All the fat fucks I knew once upon a Time played bocce. Most had courts in their yards
  4. The problem with the work requirement is that if you work, almost at all, you will not qualify for Medicaid in Oklahoma. We moved here and quickly found out the health insurance problems in this state
  5. The problem with those charitable gifts is that government is much better at distribution of those dollars at a national level, rather than a configuration of random churches. Eh, I could go on, but nevermind. Just keep on keeping on myopically
  6. It is known that I've let a sordid life.
  7. I think you're thinking of dingos, Janet
  8. He's never been charged with murder according to that sheet that was posted. Murder charges always show up on a sheet. Even if you were found not guilty it just shows that in the disposition. Trust me
  9. I read 2 topics in that Reddit that was posted. I know zero people like that. I've always thought alpha males were pretty much pussies that were really trying to hard... But if that's what a beta male is, I'm not sure that's accurate either. Maybe Omega males? I hope I'm not an alpha male because they're usually such dbags, mostly pussies. But I'm definitely not Beta male.
  10. So glad tapa is back. Love it But shit... I didn't know I was fucking over this site using tapa, but I love the way tapas lets me view all my participated threads and the like very easily
  11. I gotta say... I've been stabbed 3 times and shot once. The stabbings were not nearly as devastating to me. I will take a knife fight over a gun fight, especially since I'll be unarmed, every time
  12. I think the proper spelling is Katz
  13. I respect the shit out of you, Mac. I respect most all of the shitstains on this board. I usually go into hugostania just to read the new idiocy, which Hugo aggregates for us all. Outside of that, I guess it would be sad to lose that service. But, then again, whoreallyfuckingcares.gif
  14. I guess that's mostly my list. Plus squish Macanudo, brisket, squish, bolverk, LL, longhorn 68, where's fc?... Nmas, zep, Vic, All the funny ones that give very few fucks
  15. Fucking rookie. You never go get anything til after you have gotten the pussy.
  16. So, they're all at lunch still?
  17. This article says it best https://deadspin.com/father-of-future-american-wonderteen-barron-trump-tries-1825584728/amp
  18. I mean, I'm only in this thing to see Trump's eventual collapse. I really don't know how it plays out... Can he actually break down and cry? Or will he be this shouting imbecile getting dragged away? I just want to see this so bad
  19. SKJ

    Sean Hannity

    Can we just all agree hannity is a bitch and a hack?
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