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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. So many of you wouldn't have even survived a month of what a lot of criminals have been through. Some choices look like choices, but aren't. It's always great to have angels like slorch wearing his "history" as a badge of honor, shitting on life experience as some holier-than-thou priest of bootstrapped success, but let's be real here. Slorch would've been a fucking corpse in many, many situations, especially say, being homeless at 15. Granted, this is not an excuse for crimes, but it does explain a lot. Of course, you always have those that were saves by Daddy Warbucks, or some other shit, that act as if they did it all on their own, but they didn't. That's why it's completely disingenuous for someone to act as if they were on their own, but never were completely and fully on their own at such a young age. We all do commend you, slorch, for your unbreakable will and your unshakeable faith in knowing and earning, solely on your own, your full success, but you're not the rule, you're the anointed example for all of us weaker, more pathetic individuals to follow. Maybe some day we'll all be as amazing as you. Having said that, I do realize many people are much lesser creature than he, but what if they haven't committed a crime in 20 years? What if they've put 2 decades worth of education and perfect, crimeless job history behind them? I realize there's no substitute for being a demigod like Slorch, but at what point does it stop? But no, really, I'm done on this subject because I know it's all fantasy that it'll ever change, but really... All of you motherfuckers that have no mercy and will never support giving people a second chance, even if they've murdered a few worthless pieces of shit in their lifetime, you all deserve all the crime that befalls you... You cocksuckers are creating it with these fucked up policies, and therefore, you pieces of shit should suffer it.
  2. I mean it's not like we have any data on what leads to crime in many if not most cases. And it's not like we have any data on recidivism, and could guess how the lingering effects of these policies contributes to it. Or you could just be permanently marked for your life's mistakes for all time because, you know, people never change and are generally perfect. Or you could go fuck yourself because more often than not people without criminal records we either wealthy or lucky...
  3. Fuck that. Only shit that should show up is if it's directly linked to your crime. Pedo/daycare Fraud/bank But I'm even against that. The fucking system is completely retarded that you can do more and more time, then also probation/parole, but then you still can't find a fucking good job or live in an apartment. That shit comes up so much it even becomes a part of an insurance claim. They even use it against you to settle
  4. Sounds like just a hair over an eighth mile to me
  5. Well, I personally know 2 people that had effective life sentences that got out because Obama. That's how crazy it was with the 9:1
  6. What we could use more than anything is post-conviction relief. By this, I am deviating from the standard use of the term by meaning, at some point, records need to go away in some manner. As it stands now, your debt is never paid to society.
  7. So, he wants to bury a dog, or hit it with a shovel? Or he's talking about only a spayed dog? I mean, he seems so smart and all
  8. Eh... He's always been a complete piece of shit. That's like thinking a thief had the chance to be Santa Claus... Sure, it COULD happen...
  9. Can anyone see any of this shit?
  10. I'll definitely not going to sans rodent
  11. I think I'm pretty much past it. It's been 2 1/2 years, and my recovery is pretty complete. The Dr's said I could have some lingering shit, but outside of having the tip of the tongue (TOT) every day, nothing has really stuck. I really think I got lucky as compared to a lot of people with tbi and their emotional struggles.
  12. I'm just spitballing here, but do we think Trump is actually smart enough to have this thought? I get that he's probably not the Mastermind, but in all seriousness, does anyone believe that he could even fathom the whole plan? Mastermind, it puppet, it makes no difference, but outside of his Russian friends, who else in, or behind his administration, could think this far ahead?
  13. Both sides. How bout a revolution?
  14. I am doing a lot better. I think my memory has suffered a bit, and I'm hoping I don't have CTE, but we'll see, I guess. The scariest part about my shit was the loss of executive function. Just the thought that all of my sanity could go away like that... Sorry to hear about that shit, that sounds scary as fuck.
  15. Maybe you'll let me paint your house?
  16. So. You're saying he's regarded?
  17. After all the truly crazy and insane shit I've seen, been through, and been a part of, the most traumatic shit in my life happened from a head injury in a car wreck a couple years ago. I developed post-concussion syndrome very severely, and was ungodly insane, and utterly useless for the better part of a year. It completely devastated my family and I financially, all while I could barely remember why I walked into a room most of the time. It's fucking insane, but none of the other shit stuck with me like that did
  18. Wait... I'm lost. What the fuck were we talking about?
  19. SKJ


    I just saw about 6 different kinds of four roses at a little liquor store down in OKC. Kind of a shitty part of town.
  20. But hedonism has a good side... And most hedonists arrive at ethical hedonism eventually, unless they are just clearly hypocrites. I don't think Trump is even hedonistic, as he can't even be enjoying this... He's not even clearly self-evident enough to understand his own happiness.
  21. Thanks. Episodes is really pretty funny so far. Some really, really big laughs
  22. I guess I'm lost as to the last part...
  23. Well,@bolverk, I'm in fucking Oklahoma now, so I doubt anyone would come here
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