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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Well, I did graduate business school, so...
  2. Well, if they've been in prison, they'll most likely be unemployable to a point
  3. Your model is the model that gets us to a nanny state. Don't you see?
  4. It's shameful for the fucking companies that externalize the cost of living to the government in the form of government assistance, rather than paying a living wage.
  5. Oh Lord. Here we fucking go. It's called "externalities" and it's another form of corporate welfare Just shut the fuck up
  6. If you fucking qualify for welfare, you fucking qualify for fucking welfare. I would guess (since I don't have the numbers) that the upper class avoids more in tax revenue than all other classes combined
  7. I have a very small pool. Been using this Clorox test kit and shit. I think it's fucked. The levels are always fucked when I use the app. The alkaline shit is driving me nuts
  8. This shit never happens to me. I can imagine the ads I'd get though
  9. I don't get why one would want to make nothin out of somethin though
  10. Umm... Is that even near an equivalent thought? Wouldn't it be more representative if your tax burden was the percentage of income you make? I mean, if I earned 30% of the total income in America, and you earned 1%, do you think if I paid 30% more of a total tax burden that it would be unfair? I'll tell you right now that paying that much tax wouldn't make me want to change incomes with you
  11. Well, it's not a punishment for being successful... It's a tax
  12. How the living fuck does that sound like word salad? Medicare/Medicaid/MCs= government insurance, which has price caps Free market insurance does not have price caps.
  13. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Well, we could just eat all that fucking corn
  14. Eh... Kinda. It doesn't work as good with government insurance because price caps. Works better to bilk the free market
  15. That's just the bullshit pricing book hospitals use. It's a fucking price scam. They "charge' that upfront to show the insurance companies that they're getting a "discount"rate so that insurance companies can pay only 500 for the aspirin on their books. Meanwhile, the insurance company draws that amount out of their funds in payment, but then recovered the discount in their own books, passing the "savings" onto the premiums the customers pay, since there are "rules" as to how much they can collect. The actual margin doesn't see the light of day. It's a scam called "middling"
  16. Eh... Not really if you include how they pad those numbers They don't really pay a grand for an aspirin
  17. The margins for insurance companies to write down fake savings and steal money have gotten bigger and bigger.
  18. The thing about it is this... Trump is going about it, not like a dick, but like an uninformed, impetuous, child. You know, like how he does everything. He's an ignorant fuck who thinks he knows shit. The problem with that is that he's not being all normal, and saying, you know, to our oldest allies, that hey, what say we all sit down and look at our trade shit and see if there's some changes we could make that benefit all of us. See, a businessman, you know, over who likes to make money, they kinda understand how to bargain. Trump thinks he's a fucking Don and everyone around are either his lieutenants, or his enemies.
  19. You do know about medical pricing, don't you? cash prices vs insurance prices, right? The whole profession is one big fucking price scam
  20. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Subsidized anything is just dad gum well fares
  21. Well, you know, I guess the only thing to do re: prexisting conditions is to just continually charge them to the insurance company I had when they happened.
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