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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Here's 10 Quan DaGong XiuyingZeng SuSong LingxinDai ShiFan LiuxianFang MingXu TaiQin FuKong Yang Source
  2. As if we needed any more proof that Trumpy Bear is a fucking infant... https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/06/10/trump-papers-filing-system-635164
  3. A prediction that what? A bunch of right wing blowhard pussies is going to attack Mueller, an actual dangerous target? Trump supporters are such pussies that they won't even recognize the truth because it would hurt their manginas so bad they'd need a cry. The truth is they're pretty much all just like Trump. They call only go after soft targets in place of an actual target to take out their pubescent rage over imagined slights. They proved it so many times over that it's obvious they have a gang mentality. That gang they serve is the "R" gang. And like West Side Story, they're willing to have a dancing knife fight with the "D" gang rather than face the actual truth that their gang leader is only in it for himself. Bunch of fucking pussies
  4. You fucking pussies aren't gonna do a fucking thing outside of shooting up a church or a school. Shut the fuck up
  5. I'm really kinda fucking confused how any of you dumb shits think Obama was anything less than a magical miracle worker compared to the fucking despotic shitshow we're witnessing now
  6. I'm just here for the paystubs
  7. Test two people have gotta be the same person
  8. Just goes to show, never in life say never. I say that because this is the first and only time I've ever been on the side of the cop.
  9. To be fair, you DID just type LMFAO, so I'd say you have the intellect of a 15-yr-old girl. Probably the stones of one as well
  10. He would know it's either Thursday, though
  11. They're all pussies. But none more than our current regime
  12. Every fucking tweet. This fucker just keeps shitting out confession after confession
  13. Spox? Shit like this makes me want to kick a puppy
  14. What makes you think China need anything from us? More to the point, what makes you think that China needs the US in order to bring their vassal to heel? I'm fairly certain that if it looks completely ridiculous and weak, which it would, that would be something China would want to avoid.
  15. Is there a Trump property in Singapore?
  16. To be fair, Trump probably thinks he can just declare bankruptcy and get the deficit erased
  17. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Fucking asshole. I didn't need to know any of that shit
  18. How the fuck does Shep still have a job?
  19. Racism doesn't preclude the rich white man from fucking non-whites...
  20. I think he bows down to her. Especially if she offers to piss on him
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