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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Good to see Moore already push to first team. Burke is pretty stout for a second team DE Taafe must have pictures of pole assassins monkey
  2. this is actually a really great summary. He wouldn’t let you ignore him in the other threads even after we acknowledged his point. Like in the dragons thread, everyone was either saying “ok shoes not perfect we know you don’t like it but can we just discuss” and Derka just goes aggro. also calling out the owner of the site is not the best idea. In doing so he justifies the perma ban imo
  3. Young dudes have had some challenges in international competition. Last Olympics KD was the only one worth a shit. Forgot you’re not a Texas fan. I want to see the old guys one more time
  4. People that are using Caitlin Clark’s rookie salary to point out gender inequality
  5. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1125207531805798?fs=e&mibextid=0VwfS7&fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
  6. Sure thing. Texas has always been the prize. Remember Borens “we are. It wallflowers” comment?
  7. Gilbert is an upper middle class suburb with a decent Mormon presence. Apparently, kids are jumping people at in n outs and the mall. When I was a bored teen I turned to heroin. 🤷‍♂️https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13292811/Arizona-teen-gang-Gilbert-Goons-preston-lord.html
  8. Nah I should’ve consolidated my responses. Derka brings a lot to the board but was an ass to me now that he’s gone, for now, can we call Chris beard “tourney dynamo” again?
  9. He will also tag you if you choose to ignore his posts and will go back and beg random posts. But yes everyone else in the problem
  10. By getting a poster permabanned? Ignore feature is your friend. If your psyche is so weak to where you can’t just scroll past their post then maybe you shouldn’t be on a message board?
  11. Agree or disagree this is immamacs site and I’ve seen Derka state he would put Motown in his suicide note. How is this ok? agree that Derka has a fuck ton of basketball insight but his hard on for Rodney is a distraction
  12. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLPef7YQ/
  13. This feels worse than the Kansas loss
  14. I’d bet Dillon Mitchell was higher rated than every UConn player coming out of high school
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