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Everything posted by crum

  1. pretty insane how oftern Otter is left out to dry with how few quality chances we get
  2. masterclass on how to not start, probably
  3. Harley doing a bit too much of a Klingberg impression today
  4. woldeab, cleeve, and bailly all looking/looked wobbled
  5. Siem down 3-0, Cleeve down 2-1. need at least one to pull it out
  6. just lost #6 6-3, but big point by Cleve to win 6-4
  7. ugh.. felt just like Minnesota. Ice tilted 3rd and OT and a weird goal ends it
  8. this made going to game 1 and having my heart ripped out at 1:15 on a work night all worth it
  9. assuming they see some level of Kearse (who has been really solid imo) in Overshown i like it
  10. just brutal for a guy who was dealing. cant wait to see sborz eat innings!
  11. Get Malik Davis some time. was fantastic in limited time
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