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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. What's Austin's vaccination percentage for those over 18?
  2. Why did you get a third? And are you planning on a fourth anytime soon? Maybe mix it up and throw in a Moderna? Edit:. I did read you're going on a trip and six months post 2nd shot.... But I don't think a third will prevent a breakthrough infection. If you get it, you get it. You just won't have a bad time like all the other unwashed.
  3. smoky

    Austin FC

    Is parking at pickle research center an option? Their website says $6 parking, but I can't tell if you need a UT sponsor for the lots
  4. I think he means that if he hangs out in a room full of vaccinated people, his chances of getting it are slim.
  5. Because they've got awesome chicken, I was at the Rundberg HEB last week and I'd guess 75% of the shoppers were still wearing masks. I guess it's because none of them are vaccinated, which would follow the trend for that zip code.
  6. We're like two months removed from Ohio's lottery, right? How's their uptake? I'm all for incentivizing people. I mean, the real incentive with a vaccination is not dying if you catch the virus, but some people feel like true winners if you give them a $100 walmart gift card.
  7. We went to a Sky Viewing/ Star Party a few weeks ago. They were still in Covid protocols so we didnt actually get to look into the telescope, they just projected the telescope views onto a screen out on the patio. So call first to make sure you will get to look into an actual telescope lens. The Sky Viewing alone was totally worth it. But the Star Party was basically watching what amounted to a powerpoint presentation of what the telescope was viewing was pretty lame. We had also climbed Guadalupe Peak that morning so I was balls tired. That might've added to my grumpiness about it.
  8. Having trouble finding it on Youtube, but Sturgill performed "House of the Rising Sun" with the National Symphony Orchestra for Joan Baez's Kennedy Center Honors a few weeks back. It's phenomenal. Best I can do is share the link to the whole broadcast from CBS and tell you to fast forward to timestamp 26:40. Do the work to watch it. It's worth it. Watch Kennedy Center Honors Season 2021: The 43rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors - Full show on CBS
  9. I think it depends on what're the next steps for NC State's covid situation. Also depends on whether we want to be SEC Champs or not.
  10. Is Tim Crowder irradiating athletes? Seems more harmful than vaccinations...
  11. Thought this was going to be the clip of Andrew Knowlton working 24 hours straight at a waffle house.
  12. That's an awesome book. Glad it finally got made
  13. Agree, but I think I lot of people think an ambulance ride, plus a 5 night hospital stay with surgery and two weeks at a rehab facility should be a $5 co-pay.
  14. Seems like a pretty hefty salary for a Mayor
  15. End the war on drugs and give parents the option where to send their kids for school? I'm in.
  16. I've found myself agreeing with economist Emily Oster throughout most of the pandemic when it comes to children and covid. She interviewed the CEO of Moderna. One sided for sure, but a good read nonetheless regarding children and the vaccine. https://emilyoster.substack.com/p/interview-with-stephane-bancal-ceo
  17. One of two books on my son's 8th grade summer reading list at Kealing includes "Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You. A Remix" written by notable CRT theorist, ibram kendi. I got the book on tape and plan on listening to it with him when he and I are on a road trip this summer. I'll listen to it with him. There'll be things I agree with, there'll be things I disagree with and we'll discuss them both. It's much better to debate things you disagree with openly vs trying to ban or cancel it We read To Kill A Mockingbird when I was in 8th grade which I think allows for similar conversations.
  18. Teacher's Unions have done fuck all the past year to get kids back in the classroom. "When you're being run out of town, get out in front and call it a parade"
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