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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. Yeah, won’t be the primary color https://www.houstonchronicle.com/texas-sports-nation/texans/article/houston-texans-new-uniforms-unveiled-oilers-blue-18588895.php
  2. What if it’s an orange tree?
  3. All those people in the frame trying so hard not to laugh
  4. No, Donald can’t pass the acid test
  5. Johnson: Nice of you to finally make it Biden: I was on pornhub and lost track of time Johnson:
  6. god damn, gotta admire his dedication to the farce and grift
  7. She has all of her toes and doesn't give out handies at the theatre.
  8. Hell yeah, calling them out for punting on the border bill
  9. Swalwell seems awesome, anytime you see a video of him he’s dragging his nuts all over GOP folks in Congress.
  10. Can’t believe I’m thinking this, but we’d be lucky to have Perry right now instead of Abbott
  11. Isn’t he known for feeding hungry college kids using his own money?
  12. Frogs sweep UCLA with a 10 run win today
  13. There should be public executions for people that drive the wrong way down the angled rows. Anytime I see people that do it at HEB I have to drive right down the middle of the lane to shame them into pulling as far to the side as they can.
  14. fraudulent reply to the judge after a guilty verdict for fraud
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