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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RPM

  1. It's on my dvr list. The cast and writing are solid.

    Oswald always brings it. (watching them take dead baby pigs out of the box) Can I get a tenderloin?

  2. 12 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    It's been said before, and I'll say it again, hitch stays in.  People keep back and don't tailgate as much, keeps people from walking right next to the truck, and makes sure if some dumb ass bumps me while parking, he's getting the damage, not me.  Sorry if you're not smart enough to see a truck and look down at where you're walking.  Situational awareness, why do so many people these days lack it?

    But what about when aggy backs into you? #teamnohitch

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