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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Posts posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. 46 minutes ago, boilerhorn said:

    @C-Man - silly question about diminished value claims.  At one point, I believe I read that Texas did not have a path to a diminished value claim. 

    However, I am hearing anecdotes (and found some web references) where it is possible.  Where does it make sense and how successful is it?  I suspect it is more relevant for a classic car or a super car and not for a 2013 Honda Civic.  

    With the baseball sized hail, I suspect an auto shop can repair the vehicle, but the claim against it might diminish the value.  Any insights would be very welcomed.

    Not on first party claims like Comp/Coll, only under UM/UIM coverage.  

    C-man will come along and confirm.  I've been out of the game a bit.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. I have one pair of boots... 30+ year old Red Wings that really need new heels.  Maybe I'll eventually get something else but I'm a monumental tightwad for certain things so probably not and if I do it will be something like a work boot at Cavender's and not the tourist shops on South Congress.

    My Pecos pair are right at 29. I’m going to take them into the Red Wing store just to see the look on their faces when I ask about resoling.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Watching Mom die from Leukemia was difficult.  The worst part was during hospice at home I was reading to her while she was in bed.  She was nearly gone at this point.  I could see she wanted a drink of water and the hospice nurse advised giving her water at that point could cause her to choke.  She was too weak.  I couldn't give it to her.  Her only son that she cared for throughout many years.  I don't wish that moment on anyone. 


    Stressful was when our daughter was being born.  Our Dr thought the cord had somehow wrapped around her neck.  Dr made a fast call and wheeled Mrs. T'Boo into the OR, performed an emergency C-Section and got her out in the span of 5 minutes.  Both were fine, but that was crazy fast.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. Just tried the pimento cheese sandwich at chik fil a.
    I like it. Reminded me concept wise of a fried chicken sandwich JITB did/does with nacho cheese sauce and jalapeños. I'm guessing this chik fil a one doesn't range from inedible to kind of good like the JITB one. 

    I think it would pair better with a spicy filet instead of the honey filet. It wasn’t bad though.
  5. 10 hours ago, troph said:

    No female shit? Divorce, transition, my wife’s divorce and on and on out the window. Heck my son’s most traumatizing event was the “love of his life” breaking up with him in 9th grade. Chick shit makes the world go round, or crazy. 

    I’ll say my massage therapist wins the day. She lost her son a long time ago, I don’t know the circumstances. She has two kids a 18 year old daughter too. Her ex husband (father to her two kids) went to prison, I don’t know those circumstances. That all predates me, but since I’ve known her, her ex killed himself and two weeks ago her daughter was killed in a car wreck. Holy fuck man. Holy fucking shitballs. I see her Friday for the first time. I don’t even know what to say or do. 

    Maybe don't ask for a happy ending this time?  I kid I kid.  

    • Haha 3
  6. I just saw Burton address this on the post game. What the hell was going on with Wyoming getting the ball at the 8 when their qb ran out of bounds at the 12? They stopped the game for awhile but still didn’t move the ball back. The protection of incompetent officials has to be addressed. Someone should at least have to answer for something that egregious.

    I was going crazy about this.
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