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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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2624 Surly 10%

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  1. I bought a pair about 2 years ago and I’ve enjoyed mine.
  2. Missed opportunity if they weren’t playing Rad on the screens.
  3. Definite Michael Jackson popcorn gif on that one.
  4. @Harrison Stafford Still in on ALT? I made some decent coin during Rona on this one. Went back in at $4.55 earlier this year for a small position. Lots of Institutional holders at ~62%. Seems as though a buyout from a bigger fish is the hope at this time.
  5. It always appeared to me she had wooden teeth.
  6. Did he commit to the good guys during the one or two days Earley was here?
  7. Tif 419 lawn and I’m getting some spots like this. Plenty of water so what gives?
  8. Solar panels, timers and batteries are the bane of my existence.
  9. Do I need to watch the series to be current with this?
  10. One might question his decision making skills.
  11. Lulz. I’ll ask. He had mentioned a few Sandler movies then asked about that one.
  12. Encino Man. 11 yo son wanted to watch. Does not hold up.
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